Some aussies worship the maga hat.
Indeed, stupid exists everywhere. Including Oz. Just seems a disproportionately large number of next level stupids are located in the US of A
But also dont mistake large with proportional.
340M gives rise to a large number by volume.
Judging by the number of people who think Trump is the 2nd coming of Jesus, believe the election was stolen and chugging down aquarium cleaner or horse paste, then yeah, it's still a massive percentage of the population
In Oz, 'far right' parties attract single digit percentages of votes no matter where in Australia you look. In America, it's half the voting public. Yes, the Trump party is a far right party. Then they have a woefully dreadful education system where people simply aren't even taught to think critically leading to a very stupid and gullible populous easily swayed by propaganda and talking greasy heads like Cucker Tarlson
America is also a religious extremist country - maybe not as bad as the Middle East but it's getting there. In Oz, people are mostly just 'meh' on religion. Even the religious people who go to church. But just look at some of the repug politicians who refuse to get behind the idea of 'separation of church and state'. Americans even had a fight for teaching 'Intelligent Design' in schools - wait until enough repug hard liners in powerful positions get to have their say and influence on that debate again. 'Alternate facts' is synonymous with America and it's played up as the TRUTH lol
Geez they even had a coup attempt to destroy the very fabric of democracy and the kicker is they thought they were working towards democracy. How stupid can you get? 50K people are dropping dead a month from covid and many still believe it's not a big deal or a hoax. If America was filled with intelligent people with critical thinking skills there is no reason why they couldn't be at 90+% double dosed vaccinated by now. Why has my quaint little city of Canberra already had 99% of eligible people already been given a dose of the vaccine and by Novembers end that will be double dosed. Given how late and bungled our rollout was how is America still flailing and arguing about whether or not it even works?
Simple answer is collectively, Americans are stupid
The next flash point for a world conflict is not China/Taiwan or India/Pakistan or Israel/Iran or even North Korea. America is the one to watch and if any countries really cared about their future, they would pivot away from their dependence or reliance on them. It's very unstable. America is teetering on the brink of being authoritarian/dictatorship. Cronyism, nepotism etc - This is how Trump ran the country - and if just a few people were as demented as Trump in key positions then that coup attempt could have been semi successful instead of a laughable failure.
But I could be wrong....
A disproportionate amount of the 50K dying each month are probably repugnican voters - and in some key states where the state is won by less than 1%, that could be the difference in securing a Democrat victory in previous repug states. So in refusing to take the vaccine to 'own the libs' they are gifting the libs with an easier to obtain victory by culling themselves