The virtue signalling is what drives me bananas!
I think anyone who wants to wear a mask should be left alone. Wear the mask, sometimes I wear one, sometimes I don't, depends on where I'm going. But whether I wear a mask or not does not indicate which political ideology I support.
It's all so weird.
You should wear a mask because that's what the science and the CDC says you should do. Not do what a talk show host says.
The science is quite settled, wearing masks helps prevent the spread. No politics needed to know what you should do.
While I agree with wearing a mask, at this stage in the pandemic which is largely turning to just an endemic, I wouldn't impose my standards on others. Frankly, if they choose to accept the greater risk, it's theirs to take, and I know that helps continue the spread. However, I continue to mitigate risk as best I can, not just for my sake and that's all I can do.
Reality is, if the sars virus exists anywhere in the world - it'll spread. It isn't going away - ever. All anyone can do at this point is manage their own personal risk. We have the tools and those that wish to take them up can do so.
My kid just started karate - it isn't something you can do with a mask. So, mask comes off. Life and socialisation goes on. Given he is vaccinated, I believe the increased risk is worth the rewards