I wonder if these debunkers spend as much time debunking the media when they reported on that same abstract? (no, I won't go look at their channels ) Also, he claims "getting views" is the motivation for Campbell covering the abstract, when at the beginning of Campbell's video he mentions the media coverage of the same abstract, which is probably how he learned about it, and then his followers would be asking him about it.
I don't know why the anti covid vaxxers would be so influenced by him, when he says all the time that the vaccine is the best protection from serious disease and death. I'm not saying they are logical, but it is weird to me. But maybe it is because Campbell doesn't treat them like idiots for wondering about all these different things.
All these super righteous debunkers lose me when they ascribe malice to his errors. He's doing it for the views! Yeah, okay why are you doing it then? Why do they want to turn everything into tribal warfare? Outrage drives clicks.
Well why doesn't John correct anything when what he has pushed has found to be wrong? (eg ivermectin), and I'm sure John is aware of his legion of fans that are conspiracy theorists and anti vaxxers. He devoted 1 episode to saying that covid (no underlying cause) killed only 17K people or something and 'why isn't this a big story?'. Honestly where did he think his fans would go with that?
Another episode devoted to aspirating before injecting the vaccine - to a trained nurse, this isn't required and if Australias ATAGI is to be trusted, does not cause issues like TTS or myocarditis
https://www.health.gov.au/is-it-true-does-injecting-into-the-bloodstream-instead-of-muscle-cause-tts-or-myocarditisBut it suggests to his audience that the nurses are incompetent if they dont and if they dont then somehow you are in danger. If your vaccine is deposited directly into your blood - it runs the risk of being destroyed before it can 'train' your immune system and that is why we dont inject vaccines there.
From experience (at least in lab animals such as pigs) I can tell you that aspirating for intramuscular injections is just 'for show'. I never once stuck a needle in their muscle and drew blood.
Also imagine trying to do that aspiration BS to a kid who might be jumpy with needles or not tolerate the needle in their arm for very long. Just stick it in the muscle and get it over with.
I'm not saying all his videos are complete bullshit. His recent one showing a study on Vitamin D was enough to give some degree of confidence to what I was certainly telling my family/friends all along. At least the first half was good when he went through the study. Later on he then started to give his opinions on the government not recommending vitamin D supplementation. Looking at his comments it's sad legions of them were like (paraphrasing) 'See! You dont need a vaccine!' or claiming the absence of the Vitamin D recommendation was a government conspiracy. But Vitamin D supplementation for the winter time and for people with darker skin colours has been general advice for many generations (back in the day our grandparents had a teaspoon of cod liver oil every day in winter). It doesn't need to be government policy
And the study he showed had people who were critically low in Vitamin D to start with so obviously outcomes related to health in the midst of a serious disease in a naive immune system were going to be bad. It's easy to say that had they had fantastic levels of Vitamin D they would have had a better outcome. Supplement to get your level to normal. The jury would still be out on whether having 2x or 3x normal entails having even better covid protection or sars infection risk
Dr John would be well aware that his videos are driving conspiracy and anti vaxxer sentiment. And he keeps putting out videos which harness that fan base. It's okay to make mistakes, or your videos become out of date when new information comes to light - but to not update his older videos or make a new one that corrects his previous claims when the information he put out is clearly wrong, really what is his game here? He even ended one video with 'natural immunity - that's the way to go'
It may very well be how this ends eventually but you would hope everyone is pre vaccinated to reduce their risk of ending up in hospital / serious disease or death. Not chase a natural immunity with a naive immune system. Does 'Dr'(not that kind of Dr) John think 'natural immunity' should be part of a national public health service policy or something?