Good for japan
Actual support for vax injuries
I have a friend who's pretty switched on, very bright. But the governments obsession with vaccine mandates pushed him down the rabbit hole to full on anti vaxxer status and
no one tells me what to do! attitude.
I've always believed that a government who communicates well and treats its people as intelligent and with respect would be far better to get the populous vaccinated as they listen to proper experts in the matter rather than believe they are succumbing to the government (which are the least liked and trusted entity on the planet)
I don't feel sorry for his anguish at being told what to do though and if gets downed by covid, I won't feel any sympathy for him either. He's made his choice. He's like me, doesn't listen to MSM, has no social media and doesn't listen to the government. Unfortunately, wherever he got his information, was from some muppet who clearly
did go down the rabbit hole. Now he's down there with them
His choice. I won't deride him for it. I said what I believed and deferred him to listen to career experts and read peer reviewed articles by people who have credentials and know what they are talking about.
If after that he still chooses to believe his healthy diet is 'his vaccine' then that's up to him. It's only a matter of time before he comes into contact with the corone. Hell, despite 99% of my city vaxxed, some kid in my kids classroom building had covid. Imagine no one vaxxed and no mitigating efforts to control the spread. Even if our government talks a lot of shit, they still ended up saving many thousands of people from getting infected in my city alone