This bitch here is probably one of the most detestable people in Australia. Has been since she entered politics 20 odd years ago. Highly racist, xenophobic, bigoted and clueless as hell, she has recently announced among her most recent tirade on national TV, she will not get the 'killer' vaccine (yes she is an antivaxxer to boot). She encourages everyone that would listen to not get vaccinated and not adhere to wearing masks and social distance
One of the most uncouth and uneducated Muppets in Australian politics, she still manages to attract a following that keeps her there
Personally I am pleased she won't get the vaccine. A more worthy person can take her place
She's at a high risk age group too. I'll celebrate if Darwin can take out this repugnant bitch once and for all. She's too dumb to learn anything. If she survived, even barely, costing the health care system hundreds of thousands of dollars for her care and taking a hospital bed for someone who may have genuinely needed it, she would claim that as a victory against not taking the vaccine. Fuck her. Maybe her death could be the greatest gift to her followers.
To get the fucking vaccineSo catch covid and die Pauline. Slowly and painfully would be a nice icing on the cake

Normally I'd say just suffer a lot and hopelly learn something from the experience but you're incapable of learning. Also Australia will be much better off without you.... You have a deleterious effect on our prosperity so it's time for you to POQ!