It would soon be dawn again. A lot of people had trouble sleeping. Especially after what happened with Thork. Some people tried to sleep it off but others clearly were disturbed. He was going to die anyway. No one liked him. We showed mercy to end his pain.
Were these noble justifications?
Crouton got straight to work on Thorks skinning.
"Damn it! there is no way this will be enough!! Maybe if he wasn't circumcised.... Ah who am I kidding. We are going to need a lot more bodies worth of skin to fashion a sail large enough. Space Cowgirl, you can fish out his meat and organs. We are soon going to need breakfast"
Bom Tishop still nursing a concussion missed the whole killing of Thork but was recovering nicely enough to makeshift a flame thrower. It may come in handy to BBQ whats left of Thork. It's cannibalism or starvation at this point.
Colonel Gaydafi, mortified by where we had come to excuses her self and went into one of the planes toilets to collect her thoughts. She sits there for some time.
As the sun cracked open the sky and it was time to prepare a BBQ people noticed her absence.
"Where is Colonel Gaydafi? Did she already go for a wander?"
NSS recalled he last saw her go to the toilet and would go knock on the door and check. As he knocks on the door the door inches open. Inside, there is blood in the toilet. Blood on the toilet. Blood on the walls.
"Geez Gayer, I guess it was that time of month? Nasty! Hey where are you anyway?" He feels a drip hit his head. He touches his hair and when he looks at his hand, there is now blood on his hand. Rubbing it between his fingers he feels the oily texture. "What is this?". He licks his finger and tastes a distinct iron flavor. "What the...." He looks up at the ceiling and there is Colonel Gaydafi. Or, what's left of her, on the ceiling. Held in place with her intestines fashioning a kind of web. Whatever happened, happened very quickly and very violently
wise comes running in first and sees NSS with blood on his hands and hair and the remains of Gayer above him
The rest of the gang now very awake from the commotion come running to the scene of the crime. It was clear now. There was a penguin among them after all and they were all in danger
Space Cowgirl tells everyone to remain calm as baseless accusations were not going to make anyone safer, except for maybe the penguin.
"In addition to hunting for more food today and finding a way off this island, we should investigate who is the most likely perpetrator of this horrible crime and put them to death. We vote by sunset
Everyone is in a mild state of shock and panic. Who could do this? Still, it's been a while since anyone had anything nourishing to eat and Thork wasn't going to cook himself.
Will wise's tetranitrinseolid and dicarbontetratin solution work? Or good old fashioned accusations and voting nab the culprit?
Colonel Gaydafi, a flat earther is killed