Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread

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Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« on: January 04, 2020, 03:09:36 AM »
It is the day Flat Earthers finally get to prove to the world that the Earth is flat. However, the flight from Sydney to Santiago on the Qantas plane surely seems like a trap? There is chatter whether the flight will be conveniently cancelled.

“Surely they aren’t going to down a half billion dollar plane! They will obviously cancel!” Bom Tishop thinks aloud

”They will not cancel and the plane will not be downed! Everything will be fine!”

The group turns to the voice. Wise steps up

”Fuck out of here!! We don’t need your retarded globe earth shilling!”

The old man turns back with a chuckle

"Now now, is that any way to treat the man who has funded all your trips?"

Everyone is astonished. Why would this man pay for this all? There must be some ulterior motive

”Why would you do such a thing!! Who are you!? Speak!!”

”You know me as rabinoz! Surprise! I am going to prove to all of you that the Globe Earth is real and that Qantas doesn’t down its planes!”

There is now an uneasy feeling among the group. No one likes rabinoz and taking a gift from him feels dirty. But this could also be an opportunity to see his own plan backfire as he sees for himself the truth of the Flat Earth

”HA! The joke will be on you jokinoz! You will see in front of all of us the truth of the Flat Earth!

”I’m on this trip just to see the look on all your faces when it’s proven the Earth is a globe! Haha!” NSS beams proudly to the others giving him what can only be described as death stares. ”Oh it’s going to be like that huh?”

DuckDodgers was next to arrive. ”Hey folks, its DD here, looks like we have most of the gang here. Looking forward to an all expenses paid trip to South America.”

Colonel Gaydafi has just appeared through customs of what seems like a very long wait for her. She had just spent the last few hours being interrogated. Her name was apparently red flag in the system

”Australia is stupid! Can we get out of this ash tray already”.

Australia, suffering the worst fires the world has ever seen had the look and smell of an ashtray.

Jura comments that Australia’s PM, Scott Morrison is an even bigger loser than Boris Johnson, ”I thought England was going to be a terrible place thanks to that muppet Boris Johnson now calling the shots but Australia burns like it’s hell on Earth”

An announcement is heard over the intercom “Boarding call for Qantas flight QF27. All first class passengers, please proceed to the gate”

As you approach the gate you see that the tight arse rab only afforded you the lowest class ticket. However the first class passengers all look disturbingly familiar…

”Hey look who it is. It’s the Flat Earth Society run by John Davis!! Don’t think we will let you take glory on this trip! We will be the ones to write the history because our forum is better! Junker, last chance to go with the winning team. Don’t hang out with those losers anymore, OK? First class buddy!!!! YEAH! And Jura! Wine!!! Don’t miss out! ”

Now it clicks. Upon hearing about our expedition the “other” flat earth forum decided to beat us to the punch. Parsifal, Pete Svarrior, Particle Person, Tom Bishop, Rushy and even Thork. All booked the same flight and all got first class seats

boydster shouts across, ”How did you guys score first class seats!?”

”We aren’t losers! We’re better than you!” Parsifal shouted back

boydster then pondered aloud, ”How did they know about our trip? Junker??”

Junker protests his innocence ”It wasn’t me, I swear!”

Bom Tishop confessed that he had placed a post on the other forum inviting them to come and join us but obviously they decided to do their own thing instead. Everyone in the group agreed. The other forum members were a bunch of arsehats

”Boarding call for Qantas flight QF27, all remaining passengers please proceed to the gate”

2 late comers come to join the party. Mundi and jdaniel0319. ”Wait for us!!! We have our tickets and wish to fly. Don’t leave us in this hell hole called Australia!!

The enthusiasm has sunk a little after learning the identity of the benefactor and that the other forum has come to spoil the party. It feels like a walk of shame shuffling past the others in first class as you make your way to the cattle class. The plane takes off without incident

”See. Told you we’d be OK.” rabinoz turns back to the group smugly

”rab we have only been in the air for like, 5 minutes. Just wait until we are in the middle of the Pacific!” Space Cowgirl talks back.

The Flight Attendant wheels her cart and offers people some dinner.

”On today’s menu we have fish”

Bom Tishop takes one and opens it. The fish is whole, still raw and smells like it was caught last week. ”Any other choices? Any bread at least?” He enquires

NO! JUST FISH” was the blunt reply

Crouton turns to rab. ”Doesn’t this seem sort of ‘fishy’ to you rab?”

rabinoz, clearly thinking it is indeed odd, tries to save face. “Not at all! I’ll have some fish please!”

rabinoz clearly looks queasy at the sight and smell of his rotting fish but manages to stomach it so as to avoid embarrassment. No one wants to piss of the flight attendant so everyone takes the food but most don’t even dare smell let alone taste it.

”Anyone see a curve of the Earth? No? Score 1 for Flat Earth. 0 for shillinoz!" wise boasts. ”Hey where is rab anyway?”

rabinoz emerges from the toilet with a green tinge. It appears the fish did not agree with him.

About 2 hours pass and there is a commotion heard at the front of the plane

”FISH! FISH! YOU MUST EAT!” the flight attendant yells.

"Hopefully she doesn’t try and force that awful meal on us! Everyone hide your fish to pretend we ate it!” Colonel Gaydafi says with worry

DuckDodgers peeks through the curtain to the first class section for a better view

Parsifal, in a rage yells back ”NO FUCK YOUR STINKY FISH!! WE PAID FOR FIRST CLASS! WE WANT A FIRST CLASS MEAL!!”. Looks like there is about to be a mid-air riot!!

The rest of the “other” Flat Earth gang push the flight attendants trolley from her and yell obscenities at her. She's not one to take that kind of abuse lying down. With a squawk she morphs into a giant penguin and grabs Parsifal with her almighty flippers.

HOLY SHIT! WHAT IS THIS! UNHAND ME YOU DAMN DIRTY PENGUIN!!. Those would be the last words Parsifal ever spoke as he was flayed and splayed alive. His entrails covering the rest of his gang and his blood giving the planes interior a fresh coat of paint. The rest of them scream and cower in terror as she makes short work of them, laughing gleefully as she does so. Not an inch of first class was spared a splatter of blood or entrail

”Holy shit, she’s a penguin and she just killed the lot of them! Everyone hide!!" DuckDodgers panics

You all cram up against the tail of the plane

Mundi offers to sacrifice boydster in the hope of appeasing the penguin overlord but the rest of the group starts to accuse him of working in tandem with the penguin for such a despicable idea

”Don’t worry guys. The back of the plane is the safest in the event of a crash!” Bullwinkle says with confidence.

rabinoz, being his usual stubborn self, clearly not buying any of it tells you all that you’re being silly and he would talk with the flight attendant. Some of you think to speak up to stop his suicidal action but no one cares enough to stop him and the only person who probably would have, NSS, had fainted from the stunning new revelation. Penguins. Flat Earth. Qantas downing its Sydney-Santiago planes. All true. Not really a surprise to the Flat Earthers though

As rab walks to the curtain a rolling sound can be heard. Getting louder and louder. Then stops.

rabinoz turns back to the group. White as a sheet. The head of Pete Svarrior had rolled across to his feet. The sheer look of terror in the heads face indicate his last moments must have been absolutely excruciating

"wise was right! wise was right!!! OMG OMG!" rabinoz blubbers as he makes a beeline for the back with the rest of the group but is pulled back by the flight attendant. His pants now turning a brown hue. Standing next to her is the pilot and co pilot.

”You dared to try out our fish so we will not kill you right now! BUT we will not save you either!! Save yourselves! We will be leaving and our mission of another successful plane downed will be complete. Enjoy what’s left of the flight! HAHAHA!”

A loud bang can be heard. An explosion just blew apart the front emergency exit door. The penguins are sucked out of the gaping hole and parachute their way down below. The plane now with a gaping hole in the side has destabilised and is careening down to the ocean below. It looks like this is the end….

”Can anyone fly this plane? We have to land somewhere!” Crouton yells.

”I might be able to do it!” Bom Tishop yells back. ”At least, that is if the explosion hasn’t blown the cockpit to hell!”

wise speaks up, "Everyone else activate your emergency eggs I brought on board. If Bom Tishop cant land the plane we may yet survive"

The project of the emergency egg that wise got on board looks solid. It is a wonder they aren’t standard issue on every plane. Survival seems assured

The pressure of the plane is now stabilised and is flying low enough to breathe the air. Bom Tishop makes his way to the cockpit which is thankfully still intact. The penguins that bailed watch as the plane, while struggling rights itself enough to make a rough crash landing on Berkner Island, bordering Antarctica

After the partially mangled plane comes to a rest Bom Tishop gets up and checks on the others packed safe in their eggs. ”Everyone OK? Don’t worry boydster, I wasn’t texting anyone while I was flying”

Remarkably, the only injuries sustained were cuts and bruises. The plane however is a write off.

Amazingly the head of Pete Svarrior is still on board. boydster looks at it and lets out a small chuckle "And we're the losers huh??". Yelling ”HEADS!” to people below to watch out, kicks the head out of the plane before climbing out.

Jura watches the callous indifference to human life with disgust ”Surely boydster, as the person kicking the decapitated head so candidly from a murdered innocent that really does make you the ultimate loser”

boydster shrugs as he climbs out of the plane ”Well we won’t be getting home in that!” boydster scoffs

”I did my best! You think you could have done better!?” Bom Tishop retorts

”Guys! Guys! Calm down. We can use this plane for shelter. Let’s check for any supplies. Maybe fish wasn’t the only thing on the menu! Maybe they got candy corn!!” Space Cowgirl goes to check the galley of the plane to see if there was anything other than stinky fish on the menu

One of the turbines of the plane is still whirring. Sometimes on, sometimes off. It is clearly still dangerous to hang around and must be given a wide berth

rabinoz stumbles onto the island. There is no denying it now. The world is flat and Qantas downs its planes. Just as wise had said.

He says to wise, ”I’m sorry wise. I really thought the Earth was round. We are in this together now. We’ve got to put aside our differences and find a way to…..”

Wise responds furiously


rabinoz, knowing wise’s words were indeed true put a hand on his shoulder but before he could speak, wise turns around, blood boiling

DON’T YOU FUCKING TOUCH ME!! He gives rabinoz an almighty shove.

FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!Just as he does so the turbines whir back into life. rabinoz, staggering back from the push is now too close. He gets sucked into the turbines and and a massive explosion finishes it off. The turbine is utterly destroyed and rabinoz is essentially atomized.

The entire group comes running to wise yelling and demanding he be executed for murder

wise killed rab! He killed him! He must die! NSS cried

C'mon Guys! Settle down!! wise is right that it's rabs fault we're here. We can’t act out in revenge like penguin savages! We need to stay civilised here OK? Let’s make some rules and we can all get off this God forsaken island!

Gaydafi speaks up in defense of wise "It was harsh but honestly rab had it coming. NSS, here is a tissue." Colonel Gaydafi offers NSS a tissue to wipe his tears. He seems quite distraught at seeing not only his friend rab die but realise too that the Flat Earthers were correct this whole time.

The group decides on some rules to maintain order. Among them is that no one can vigilante another. And that if a death penalty were to be applied, it would come down to a group vote with a simple majority ruling in favour.

”Look you guys. There are feathers all over that charred turbine. PENGUIN feathers! Since when was rabinoz a penguin?” Bullwinkle queried

”It’s a good think wise did what he did otherwise we’d never get off this island. Nice going wise.” Junker remarked.

”I don’t think he was always like that…” Crouton remarked ”Maybe it had something to do with the fish the penguins were serving us. It could be why they didn’t kill us when they had the chance. They must think we all ate it and are now just like them. But as far as I know, rabinoz was the only one who actually ingested any….

”Well, let’s try and find a way off this island. Good thing no one else had any of that fish.” Bom Tishop says gathering essentials off the plane

The group nods in agreement yet a few of them feel a little uneasy inside.

Everyone took a plate, yet maybe rabinoz was not the only one to have tried any….

Your current objective is to find a way off the island.

Do you wander off to look for shelter or another means of escape or do you stay with the plane to gather supplies and shelter for a night? You decide
« Last Edit: January 04, 2020, 03:18:44 AM by Shifter »

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place



  • 25833
Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2020, 03:11:04 AM »

So this game is going to run a little differently. There will be penguins but the number will be unknown (from the villager players perspective)

There will be NPCs (Non Player Characters). And you can interact with them and you can vote to kill them if you desire.

An NPC may also have a penguin role. Or may not. If an NPC is a penguin it is controlled by me through a random number generator when its turn is due. You will not know if the death was caused by an actual player or an NPC. You can of course vote to kill an NPC but keep in mind that there will be definite penguins among the real players. If there is an NPC penguin, its choice of kill is random and may include other NPCs you encounter. Therefore more NPCs currently alive means a little less chance of a real innocent player getting killed.

If you suspect an NPC is a penguin anyone can step up and choose to murder them. However if a vigilante action is taken against an NPC (that is the kill was not democratically voted for) and the NPC was innocent – your death by the others will be swift. If you got lucky, congrats – you live and look great among your peers for your 15 minutes of fame. This kind of action can only be done once. To do this, in the game play thread you ‘narrate’ your kill (be creative! Don’t just say ‘I choose to kill ‘x’ because that won’t work. You must go through the motions as to why you suspect and how you killed the NPC in all its bloody glory). . When I see your post confirming the murder of one of the NPCs I will further narrate whether or not the dead body morphed into a penguin in which case you stay alive or whether it is confirmed an innocent was murdered in which case, I get to narrate your death! The death of the murdered penguin won’t stop the ritual of the villagers voting to kill a suspect however, even if that suspect is you if you are alive from a successful penguin kill. Also keep in mind an NPC having a penguin role is not guaranteed! It may depend on the choices I offer you all to take along the way and who you encounter/collect). Keep that in mind when you take this action

Voting to kill each other only begins aftera penguin makes its first kill. Because from the villagers perspective there is no reason to suspect a murderer is among them until a murder actually happens. The first day, do your own thing and get to know each other. Then sleep tight 

I’m a fan of ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’. At various points in the game I can offer multiple paths to take that you can vote on to advance the story. (eg do you choose to rescue someone in distress or ignore them or do you choose to spend the night out in the open or wander off and look for shelter). Some choices may have consequences and some just to advance the story your way. We don’t have to wait for a day/night cycle to enact it. A simple majority as soon as it’s posted will trigger it. If no one posts and I want to continue then the choice that involves the least action will be chosen (in the examples above it would mean not rescue or not look for shelter).

NPCs may be killed by my narration at any time. Some may only exist for that purpose. Some may die as soon as you meet them. It's a werepenguin game. Expect a lot of death! 

Generally villager roles have no powers. Except for your votes! (and the 1 time vigilante option against an NPC) So no need to worry about penguins being robbed of powers, people having the secret ability to put in extra votes, raising the dead, or psychic abilities to confirm or deny a role of someone else. However,

1 stalker whose normally voyeuristic tendencies would be looked down on may come in handy. Each night he/she can choose who to ‘watch’. If they watch a penguin commit a murder or watch someone be murdered by a penguin, they will get the identity of that penguin.

They will need to watch someone for 2 nights if they wish to have absolute confirmation of their status. Because if they watch a penguin who did not happen to do anything that night, it will appear as normal. Upon this stalkers death however, everything he has seen/written down will be revealed so it may be useful to determine who is safe and who is not from that. (it may also mean the penguins have new targets!)

The stalker is obviously a high value target. So pretending to someone else you are that stalker is only going to mark you for death should the wrong people find out. (get 2 readings on someone before you negotiate an alliance). Everything the stalker learns will be out upon their death anyway so it’s probably better to keep your identity secret. There’s nothing stopping a penguin from pretending to be someone they are not!

If the role of a penguin is being played by someone who is seemingly absent or doesn’t give me their vote in time then I will run a random number generator and that will decide who gets killed.

Penguins take turns with their kill. If a penguin is killed, the remaining penguin(s) step up. Every night, someone must die.

Villagers wont know how many penguins there are (from their perspective, how would they know?) You will of course finally know you have killed them all if a night passes and no one is killed. If there are 3 players left for example and 2 of them are penguins, the show still goes on until the last player meets his/her gruesome end

If there are NPCs remaining when the last actual player is killed it will still be game over

When the game begins if you do not have a PM from me, you are a ‘villager’ role. This will help to avoid people trying to break the game demanding screenshots of PMs of other players. If you are a penguin, you will get a group PM stating as such so you will know your team.

When communicating in the game play thread, spice it up and be your own narrators in the things you say and do. (Jura is good at that!) Please no petty insulting or taking personal grievances from elsewhere in the forum to the game play thread. You are all friends and in this predicament together!! Take it to an Angry Ranting board if you absolutely have to vent in public. That said, let’s try to take everything in good nature. Some people are going to say stupid things. Some people may choose to not say much at all. It has no bearing on guilt because the penguins are chosen at random.
The introduction story was written before the penguin roles were chosen! There is no hidden meaning or hints/clues as to the identity of who may be penguins from it

If you are killed you can only come post at night. It would be good (however unenforceable) that you also format your text to be in a different colour (you choose and stick to that one). This makes it easy for readers to sort out who is alive and who is dead. Also adds some flare

The players:

Space Cowgirl Lynched, crucified, scorched, salt scrubbed, dragged, chomped by leopard seal, hog tied on a spit, roasted, combusted then eaten by the leopard seal on day 5 - PENGUIN
wise Lynched and hanged on day 2- FLAT EARTHER
Bullwinkle Turned into molten blood on night 2 - FLAT EARTHER
Bom Tishop Lynched, beaten, whipped, stoned, burnt, stung and then BBQ'ed on day 6 - FLAT EARTHER
boydster Decapitated, brains replaced with a jellyfish on night 4 - FLAT EARTHER / STALKER
NotSoSkeptical Gutted, splayed and skinned on day 6 - FLAT EATHER
Colonel Gaydafi Murdered by a penguin in the airplanes toilet on night 1 - FLAT EARTHER
Jura-Glenlivet II Lynched, hog tied, beaten, stoned, stripped, stung then buried alive on day 4 - PENGUIN
DuckDodgers Knee shattered, dismembered, stabbed stomach, thrown in the ocean, stung, suffocated by boydsters foreskin then decapitated on night 5 - FLAT EARTHER
Junker Dissolved into a puddle from penguins crop milk on night 3 - FLAT EARTHER
Mundi Strangled with NSS's intenstines, flayed and skinned on day 6 - FLAT EARTHER
jdaniel0319 Lynched, stabbed, hanged, decapitated and then torched on day 3 - FLAT EARTHER

PMs to the 1 stalker and the group of penguins will be incoming shortly  :)

Day/Night cycles 24 hours each. Begins/ends at 10PM AEDT which is 6AM America EDT and 11AM, London time

The day has begun, all PMs sent. If you did not get a PM you are a regular 'villager'

Good luck  8)
« Last Edit: January 16, 2020, 08:38:08 AM by Shifter »

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place


Colonel Gaydafi

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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2020, 04:23:36 AM »
I love choose your own adventure. I'm going to search the plane for supplies, carefully avoiding any leftover fish.
Quote from: WardoggKC130FE
If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
Quote from: Raa
there is a difference between touching a muff and putting your hand into it isn't there?



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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2020, 05:12:19 AM »
I'm already in trouble with English. and this story is more difficult than the others.

Anyway. I love choose your own adventure too. We need to find out what everyone does their fish. I'm smarter than the others, and I knew we had to kill the rabinoz. Becaue he would been a penguin after a while. I showed it as an accident as much as possible. but these idiots still blame me. there must be some agents inside us working for the penguins.

There is a lady here. I can start from that. at least she has to prove where she put the fish. Or an easier way by touching her belly I would say she is whether full or hungry. Oh, I can repeat this test to all of them. in fact, if there was a laboratory here, I would be able to blame those with high blood values ​​by performing an omega3 test. err, no are nothing here other than we and molecules of rabinoz.

"Hey lady! Can I search you?"

Gaydafi answered me: "Me? What you mean?"

"I want you to undress. Then I can tell if you're eating or not eating, depending on whether you're hungry or full. I need just touch you and feel your belly"

Gayer: "Ah, you men, many men everytime want me undress. This is a dream of most of you have. I hope you don't expect me to undress in front of all these people."

"Hmm. Actually. I have just tried". in this case what others think is important. This may be a method we can use. (That's all from me for now)
1+2+3+...+∞= 1

Jura II (until 2027)
Bulma (Until 2026)
Jackblack (Until 2028)

I’m I a globalist AI.



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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2020, 05:31:00 AM »
Rabinoz RIP

That would put you in the same category as pedophile perverts like John Davis, NSS, robots like Stash, Shifter, and victimized kids like Alexey.



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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2020, 05:42:57 AM »
No. Our lives are at stake here. You have to undress too. Do you have a better idea?
1+2+3+...+∞= 1

Jura II (until 2027)
Bulma (Until 2026)
Jackblack (Until 2028)

I’m I a globalist AI.


Colonel Gaydafi

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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2020, 06:04:41 AM »
Everyone get nekkid
Quote from: WardoggKC130FE
If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
Quote from: Raa
there is a difference between touching a muff and putting your hand into it isn't there?



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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2020, 06:34:31 AM »
boydster strips down to his birthday suit, finds a suitable leaf to use for modesty, and begins wandering around the island looking for a nice place to make camp.



  • 8547
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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2020, 07:17:58 AM »
Well I'm not getting nekkid, nor am I having wise determine if I ate food or not.  How can we be sure he didn't kill Rab to remove suspicion from himself?

He could have had a hand in bringing down the plane to get people to buy into theories and trust him.  I trust no one, let alone the guy wanting everyone to strip nekkid for him so he can touch them.
Rabinoz RIP

That would put you in the same category as pedophile perverts like John Davis, NSS, robots like Stash, Shifter, and victimized kids like Alexey.



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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2020, 08:21:42 AM »
I shall attempt to repair this aircraft with the corpses of our fallen comrades.
Intelligentia et magnanimitas vincvnt violentiam et desperationem.
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Space Cowgirl

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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2020, 09:49:23 AM »
Did I find candy corn?
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.



  • Flat Earth Inspector General of High Fashion Crimes and Misdemeanors
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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2020, 10:09:11 AM »
This new craft shall be even better than before!  I have devised a method to fashion skin into a sail which converts denspressure into propulsion.
Intelligentia et magnanimitas vincvnt violentiam et desperationem.
The truth behind NASA's budget


Space Cowgirl

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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2020, 10:26:55 AM »
Do we have internet here? There are probably several 5 minute craft videos that will show us how to repair the plane with ramen noodles and glue.
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.



  • Professor
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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2020, 11:01:23 AM »
We can't solve this by this way. It's good we have somebody here who have knowledge of aircraft mechanics between us. I still have to gather laboratory equipment and set up a primitive laboratory. As in the previous case, if there is a penguin between us, there will be problems again.

If I can find a way to find the ratio of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid from omega-3 fatty acids forming erythrocyte cell membrane to the remaining fatty acids in body of everybody, so I can find the penguin.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1

Jura II (until 2027)
Bulma (Until 2026)
Jackblack (Until 2028)

I’m I a globalist AI.



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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2020, 12:16:06 PM »
Im going to join boydster searching for shelter and keeping an eye out dor aourcea of clean water and food.  I keep my clothes on. 


Jura-Glenlivet II

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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2020, 12:37:06 PM »

A dead plane, a dead penguin, a Deviant scientist who wanted everyone naked, the only things that wanted to be naked somewhere this cold were penguins, or, deviants, 50/50 on that then.

Jura would try to fashion some skis from the twisted wreckage and take a look outside. 
Life is meaningless and everything dies.

Every man makes a god of his own desire


Jura-Glenlivet II

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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2020, 12:47:57 PM »

Jura politely pointed out to Mundi that they were standing on 200 metres of ice, water wasn't a problem, perhaps he should see if there was enough fuel in the tanks to provide warmth to melt some, she would check her bags in the hold, she had a months supply of Assam tea, a must for any expedition, she would rustle up a pot.
Life is meaningless and everything dies.

Every man makes a god of his own desire


Colonel Gaydafi

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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2020, 01:23:05 PM »
Make me a cuppa please Jura
Quote from: WardoggKC130FE
If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
Quote from: Raa
there is a difference between touching a muff and putting your hand into it isn't there?


Colonel Gaydafi

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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2020, 01:23:30 PM »
I packed a deck of cards, anyone want to play cribbage?
Quote from: WardoggKC130FE
If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
Quote from: Raa
there is a difference between touching a muff and putting your hand into it isn't there?


Jura-Glenlivet II

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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2020, 01:37:49 PM »

Tea and crib' a most wonderful idea, done.
Life is meaningless and everything dies.

Every man makes a god of his own desire



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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #20 on: January 04, 2020, 01:53:29 PM »
The nudity project was wrong. the omega3 project is also wrong. shitinoz vomited and his stomach was empty. my new project is: to find out who will vomit first. anyway. There is a good deal here I can spend my time.

I packed a deck of cards, anyone want to play cribbage?

I'm in. I like card games.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1

Jura II (until 2027)
Bulma (Until 2026)
Jackblack (Until 2028)

I’m I a globalist AI.


Jura-Glenlivet II

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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #21 on: January 04, 2020, 02:02:15 PM »

That's three, one more for a game of four handed.
Life is meaningless and everything dies.

Every man makes a god of his own desire


Jura-Glenlivet II

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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #22 on: January 04, 2020, 02:04:56 PM »
The nudity project was wrong.

Does that mean Boydsta will put his clothes on before his pecker freezes off?
Jura hoped so.
Life is meaningless and everything dies.

Every man makes a god of his own desire



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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #23 on: January 04, 2020, 02:42:25 PM »
It's so cold! I will play cribbage and have some tea to warm back up please.

boydster gets dressed again. He remains ready to disrobe at a moment's notice though.



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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #24 on: January 04, 2020, 07:01:12 PM »
Since boydster is staying put I'll stay here as well.  No sense wondering off alone.  I'm going to check around to see what we can salvage.  Fuel, electronics, and food. 



  • Assistant to the Regional Manager
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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #25 on: January 04, 2020, 08:40:51 PM »
boydster grunts angrily and goes to sleep after having a fever-dream about his favorite handegg team losing the tournament of champions



  • 25833
Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #26 on: January 05, 2020, 02:42:21 AM »
It has certainly been a strange day for our group of flat earthers. rabinoz, arch enemy of the flat earth society and volunteer shill for NASA was killed. But not before coming to the realization that everything the flat earthers had been saying was correct all along and his life was a lie

There are murmours in the group that rabinoz may not have been the only one to eat or try the fish. wise had a novel idea which involved people to strip naked to see whether their bellies looked full or hungry, however only boydster was keen to prance about on the ice in his birthday suit.

NSS was still pretty sore about the past events. Trying to deflect his loss of face after being proven wrong about the globe earth, tries to assert the most ridiculous conspiracy theory that this entire tragedy was orchestrated by wise! No one was buying into it though.

A few of the gang pass the time playing cribbage set up by Colonel Gaydafi. Space Cowgirl raids the galley of the plane to look for anything but fish but alas there is nothing. At least no one else will succumb to the horrors of turning into a penguin. If the team is to survive they must hunt for food. Which means leaving the safety of the fuselage and facing the predominant wildlife of Antarctica. Penguins!

Crouton rummages through the entrails of of the bodies left behind after the penguin attack on board to try and fashion a new, better craft capable of getting everyone off the island using denspressure. Which is obviously a thing given recent events. The science is sound but is there enough skin left on board? Alas most of the skin left is too damaged. He tries to fashion a skin made of Tom Bishops intestines and Parsifals lower colon but the intestines are too mangled and it looks like Parsifal had a nasty case of ulcerative colitis rendering it useless.

He goes back in to see if there was anything to salvage when he hears a faint moan coming from under what was left of Rushy

"What the hell?" Crouton asks for backup "Guys get in here! I think there's someone still alive in here!"

The rest of the gang rush on board. Crouton wades what seems knee deep digging out bits and pieces of the other flat earth gang, when he comes across the body of Thork!

"Help me!"

Thork looks mortally wounded. He did not have the protection of wises egg capsule when the plane crash landed. Thork explains that he managed to survive by hiding under the seat when the attack began and when Rushies insides sprayed all over the cabin, more than enough of it was able to keep him hidden.

"Guys what do we do? I dont think he can survive this, I mean look how fucked up he looks. Do we end his suffering now or do we wait it out?"

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place


Colonel Gaydafi

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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #27 on: January 05, 2020, 03:28:51 AM »
End his suffering, someone should have ended Thork's suffering long ago.
Quote from: WardoggKC130FE
If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
Quote from: Raa
there is a difference between touching a muff and putting your hand into it isn't there?



  • 25833
Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #28 on: January 05, 2020, 04:36:47 AM »
Night has now fallen and it has gotten dark. With no artificial lights of a city most are used to, darkness has taken a new meaning.

The group have a choice to ponder about Thork during the night. He could linger on for days in excruciating and unbearable agony. His constant moans and fart like grunting with every laboured breath is also difficult to bear. The fuselage acting like a kind of echo chamber ensures no place is free from the noise. The toilets could offer respite for a few however.

As a group for the night, you can vote on what to do with Thork.

Penguins, send me your kill

Stalker, tell me who you want to watch tonight

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place


Jura-Glenlivet II

  • Flat Earth Inquisitor
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Re: Werepenguin XIX - The Qantas Conspiracy - Game Thread
« Reply #29 on: January 05, 2020, 12:28:46 PM »

It was the abiding thought of all who had ever had dealings with Thork that he should have been put out of his misery long long ago, but seeing him in such pain was kind of cathartic, Jura would sit with him awhile, talk to him, see if he had gleaned anything during the massacre or indeed after when the penguins had thought all were dead, and should the decision of the others be that his wretched state be ended then she had one of Parsivals arms and she would beat him to death with the wet end, it is what they both would have wanted. 
Life is meaningless and everything dies.

Every man makes a god of his own desire