are you some kind of idiot or smth?
Probably, but that's not relevant to the argument at hand which is about the motives of the conspiracy.
I supplied you with a motive that you still haven't countered. Instead you try and argue for the FAQ speculation that the governments are not only aware of the conspiracy but also part of it:
How can there be a GLOBAL CONSPIRACY that covers up SOMETHING THAT BIG AND IMPORTANT, but still the governments themselves ( who make the plans to cover up the wall, who PAY the people guarding your huge ice wall, who pay for your helipads and snowmobiles and other stuff you know/ assume about) have no clue about it
In fact you even mention the fact that I don't agree with the FAQ's speculation:
btw, nice job on contradicting the precious FAQ:
Q: "If you're not sure about the motive, why do you say there is a conspiracy?"
A: Well it's quite simple really; if the earth is in fact flat, then the governments must be lying when they say it isn't.[/b]
Q: "The government could not pull off the conspiracy successfully"
A: Actually, they(the governments) could. [/b]
Q: "How are the world governments organized enough to carry out this conspiracy?"
A: They(the governmants) only appear to be disorganized to make the conspiracy seem implausible.
To get you back on track you have to realise that I can disagree totally with what the FAQ says - it's purely speculation. As Round Earther's point out there is no solid proof for the speculation but only reason. I'm sure you agree with this and that should make you realise that
I am not limited by the FAQs speculation, I am free to make my own speculations.Next you claim that for the conspiracy to exist the governments would have to know about it and be a part of it (arguing for the FAQ's speculations of the conspiracy).
This has no basis. Global private enterprises (aka multinational corporations) exist without government aid. There is no reason why the government would have to pay for any of the conspiracy's activities.
Think of the conspiracy as a large, secretive multinational corporation. Now of course you will argue about the costs involved in the conspiracy for things like the ice wall guards and such. Unfortunately for you this still remains in the realm of speculation. When I went to the Ice Wall I never saw any guards or helicopters or snow mobiles, I'm not saying there aren't any but I definitely didn't see them.
There's no point arguing about the costs until we can first agree on them, as this won't happen it remains a pointless argument. The next thing you may feel inclined to raise is government organisations such as NASA. These are government organisations but they have been taken over by the conspiracy without the government's knowledge. The method of how they do this probably varies from organisation to organisation but they've had a lot of practice (probably thousands of years) and as you can see they're very effective.
In this way the conspiracy is involved in governments but does not get money directly from them (but do get it indirectly from things like NASA). The government isn't involved in the conspiracy and has been deceived along with the rest of the world. The conspiracy has its own resources to fund its endeavours.The conspiracy as you see it and as the FAQ sees it doesn't work as well as this one... that's why you don't like it as much. You hope to tie it to the governments because it makes the conspiracy even harder to imagine than it already is.
Whether or not you want to use my speculation or the FAQ's speculation is irrelevant. In either case I would still continue to speculate that
the motive involved is to keep what's on the underside of the earth hidden. Something you haven't countered yet.