Jura sighed, it was just turning into one of those nights, she stuck her sword into the ground and desecrated yet another grave, digging down whilst whistling a happy tune.
It takes a great deal of time and work to shift the dirt, but eventually you find a heavy, sturdy-looking wooden coffin. It is thick, too much to pull out of the ground, and certainly not one that it's possible to open. It was very much designed to avoid that, it seems, though for the life of you, you're not sure whether it was meant to keep people out or keep the body of Samuel Michaelson in.
I explore the graveyard.
There are rows upon rows of graves, too many to memorise. There are also a couple of people digging up corpses. You move on rather quickly.
I'm headed over to the church. I'd like to investigate it.
You bump into SCG who appears to be frozen in place. You follow her gaze; there are several rows of pews, tapestries depicting various biblical scenes, and at the far end an altar in a state of disrepair, with the crucifix that had once been atop it lying in broken pieces over scratched floor.