categoricall all flight times proves that the earth is flat. opposite arguments are the so-called south-south flights, which you can never prove.
We have been over this countless times.
For starters, you are outright rejecting flights which show categorically that Earth cannot be flat.
What you are doing is no better than someone starting in the southern hemisphere and then rejecting a bunch of flights in the north because it shows Earth can't be flat.
So no, categorically all flight times prove that Earth is round.
But even if you ignore that, you haven't proven Earth is flat.
Your map has massive errors and is still consistent with a RE.
Every flight time you have is consistent with a RE.
That means you haven't proven Earth is flat.
At best you end up with not being able to tell if Earth is flat or round.
That is not proving Earth is flat.
You can't just say "this is consistent with a FE so Earth is flat" while ignoring that it is also consistent with a RE.
In order to prove Earth is flat or round you need to find something that will distinguish them.
This can be done in a number of ways.
If you want to use flight times, then given all the flight times you already have, what you need is flight times in the south.
These flights, which you repeatedly reject are the only hope you have of an approach purely using flight times to try and show if Earth is flat or round.
If Earth is round, the times should be relatively short. If Earth is flat, they should be much longer.
For example, the distance between Sydney and Santiago is roughly 11 340 km for a RE. That means it should take roughly 12 hours or so for a flight between these locations. Exact winds and other factors may effect that to push it from 12 hours, but it should be in that ballpark.
However, if Earth is flat, even being nice and using your map, the distance is roughly 19 700 km. That means it should be a roughly 20 hour flight.
Looking it up it is 12 hours 30 minutes one way, 14 hours 20 minutes the other. That likely includes taxiing and so on, and thus the real times would be shorter. That is consistent with a RE.
If you are willing to use other data, so not just flight times then there are other options as well.
For example, you can use a longitude difference. You can use that to determine how far a location is from the centre.
Doing that with Perth and Sydney, as already done, shows that they must be closer to the centre of Earth than the equator.
Again this shows your map to be wrong and shows (using your data as well) that Earth isn't flat, and instead is round.
So no, you haven't proven Earth is flat.
You have been able to find a collection of data that shows Earth could be flat or round, and reject the data which shows Earth is round.