One year after evil Dave and the penguins were temporarily defeated, the villagers finally locked the door to their temporary underground bunker. It was a modern marvel...
bio scanning, full AI systems control, sustainable food/ air replication, plasma weapons and rail guns for defense, even a room with hologram entertainment. It was literally the future underground with the brightest villagers inside. The other villagers were asked to leave for one year as those remaining built this underground marvel to hide in before they control detonate nuclear arms above ground monitored from the inside to end the penguin threat and evil dave for once and all.
Once sealed, it can not be opened for one year from in or out. Sitting under 100 feet of soil and behind 50 feet of lead, iron and steel walls, it was a Haven of safety never seen before.
As the last door was slowly closed by a mechanical arm, wise inspected it and gave it his final seal of approval.
"Ok, all is good, lock her up... Confirm, lock" he said on his communication interface
The 100s of huge locks all came together shaking wise to the core.
He walked away mumbling to himself as he began thinking of the coming attacks at the surface, muttering numbers and places as he began his walk back to the control room.
About half way there he heard an ominous hum that sounded strangely familiar coming from one of the living quarters close by. He drew his plasma gun and walked cautiously towards the hum..
As soon as his foot crossed the threshold the humming stopped and he heard a terrible Australian accent...wise walked into the room to see a tablet sitting on the shelf, that was of odd size and looked sticky and quite frankly very dirty.
"Hi buddy, this is your friendly Australian rabinoz... Good aye mate!"
"What the fuck?!?" wise jumped "You aren't Australian, you aren't even human! By the way that is the worst accent I have ever heard!" He said as he walked to look at the screen...
Terrible, profane, disgusting things were running across the screen...he even thought he saw parts of lonegranger, a disgraced villager that was tared and feathered out of town years ago...
He aimed his gun to destroy the tablet when a force so strong wise had no control of even his eye movements grabbed his arm and set him down while removing his gun.
"Evil Da.." is all wise could muster before falling to the ground.
"Let's not get jumpy my dear friend" evil Dave said. "Do you think I wasn't preparing while y'all built this place? Come on.... I have built a hybrid penguin beast never seen before. It's power is something that cannot be measured....and guess what it is in your precious bunker among y'all... Someone you have had dinner with, shared memories with...oh, and also helped design your bio scanning system"
Evil Dave said with a laugh...
"Don't worry I "
"You call that a knife? This is a knife" Rabinoz said interrupting Evil Dave
"Shut up rab" Evil Dave barked "Anyways, I am not going to hurt you wise, don't worry, you have my word!" evil Dave said with a grin as another figure walked in the room.
Wise looked upon the figure with a smile and closed his eyes waiting for the person to blast evil Dave... silence passed... wise opened his eyes and realized the plasma cannon was faced towards him...a look of complete betrayal and sadness crossed his eyes as he realized his good friend was the super penguin the whole time right before his head was completely exploded by the plasma fire.
The AI picking up the discharge sounded the alarms and location...once villagers arrived all that was left was wise brain dust and his headless body.
"What the hell!?! Oh my God, wise!?!" The villagers exclaimed in fear and shock....
"Wait, there is something clinched in his hand...."
The rest of the story will be revealed with the posting of the rules and roles. Everyone will get a PM no matter your role, so if you don't get one let me know privately. Killing the narrator is open, it will either mean the villagers get screwed or the penguins, this will be a coin toss. There will also be a mini game that will equal a prize for the villagers if figured out (clues will be given on where the rabinoz tablet is and how to delete the terrible program once and for all. I will release all the different rooms of the bunker with the rules and roles so you know what to explore).
The players:
crouton We all have a little crouton in us
Jane Killed by duck by decision of group
Wise Brain exploded by penguin
Mag Villager turned to plant food
Space cowgirl
Junker imploded then exploded by penguin
Duck Killed by Jane out for revenge
Lord Dave incubated to flames by penguin
Game will start July 8th at 6 pm central time
super penguin- This little bastard has it all... It can camouflage itself from the system bio scanners and even from one scan of the prophet. If scanned again it will show an accurate read. It can kill at night, however, after the first night it has one day kill it can use whenever it wishes on top of it's usual nightly kills. Even if Lynched or killed by a vigilante, it can use it's telepathy and imprint itself on the false prophet (if alive) to continue it's killing at night (the false prophet can only kill at night even if there are day kills the penguin hasn't used). The only way to kill this evil thing the first time is the chosen one, or if the false prophet has already been killed.
false prophet- This has penguin blood, but is a hybrid with a human so it will only read as a villager. The false prophet can scan people just like the prophet can (one per night), however, it is in alliance with the penguin. As said above, if alive and the penguin is killed by a vigilante or hung, it can take over for killing and will still read as a human. It also has a hidden gun with one bullet that can be used at any point day or night. However, there is a 50/50 chance of the AI picking it up and killing that person (will be flipped at random).
vigilante- This is a trigger happy villager that wants to bag a penguin so badly it could use it's hidden, one shot gun at any point on any whim. If it kills a penguin or the false prophet it will be celebrated... however, if it kills a villager, the remaining villagers will become enraged and kill the vigilante. If the vigilante does kill a baddie, it's name will not be revealed and they will become a regular villager.
The prophet- This person can scan villagers at night to see their role and alignment.
chosen one- Having found wises special made gun, this person can kill the penguin at anytime with a single shot... however, there is only one bullet. Also, if the shot hits a villager the curse of the bullet will turn on the chosen one and kill them 24 hours after the attempted shot.
scientist- This person is working with the bio scanning system to try and track the werepenguin down... If it can make it to the third night, it will get the system to give them one scan of who they choose.
bodyguard- This person can guard whoever they wish. They can take one penguin attack...if they do take such an attack, their identity will not be told and they will become a regular villager at that point.