How does and NFT "secure" anything? It's just an entry on a public ledger.
Its a record of ownership. But NFT's can include contractual information of ownership. Your buying shares in property, so this contract includes information on the contract. The fact that its a NFT is not special. But this is the part where legal rights are a bit iffy.
It's not any different and adds nothing at all. What problem are you solving?
Well, im not solving this problem anymore, I have real work to do. But it would allow someone like you, to buy property thats currently generating income in South Africa in a few minutes. You cant do this right now.
You can already buy into property shares for rental yield - it's a deal as old as the property market. I don't see how it makes investment easier - you just added another layer of technology, monetary and contractual complexity.
Direct control. Can you chose what property your investing in, in Uganda?
If I want to invest in a property in Uganda then I will do what everyone already does. Buy a share with a consortium and get paid out my share of rent by the management company. The whole thing can be done in in the local currency, US dollars or whatever. Nobody needs to be converting everything backwards and forwards through a highly volatile cryptocurrency.
You also buy that consortiums bad properties, lowering total yield. You have no control over what is bought or not.
Blockchains are inherently bad for this sort of thing. What happens if someone steals my property NFT from my wallet? Do they get the ownership property? Code is law? If I go to court and they rule in my favour (which they presumably do) then the NFT now isn't a record of who owns what, because no matter what the court says the transaction can't be reversed. The 14 year old in Shanghai posses the NFT that is meant to represent ownership of the property, but I legally own the property. Now the blockchain, as a record, as broken - it's useless and would only get worse over time.
There is a record of ownership. Unless a transaction was made, its still yours. An NFT is just a receipt. To be honest, there where a lot of legal issues still to be resolved. We where no where close to finishing them off, and for some reason, everyone looked at me to solve those. Considering I know little about the law for this kind of job, I realised that this group of people dont know what they are doing.
Is it though? It's nifty in a computer science sort of way, but so are lots of useless things.
A candle used as a walking stick is pretty stupid, it does not make candles useless. NFT's where just one route, you can also generate smart contracts other ways. We where certainly not set on them. No idea where its going now though.