Jerry Williams (AKA Greater Sapien) flies non-stop from Sydney to Johannesburg.

  • 61 Replies
Talk about the flat earth needing magic to support it!

No magic required.

Just turtles.

All the way down.

OK, magic turtles.

And magic elephants.

Oh gawd, this is getting complicated again.
The Universal Accelerator is a constant farce.

Flattery will get you nowhere.

From the FAQ - "In general, we at the Flat Earth Society do not lend much credibility to photographic evidence."



  • 928
  • Physical Comedian
Wow. That's just so hilariously awful. Lol. Somehow, the Sun on the Summer Solstice when it's lighting Japan, China, Southeast Asia and New Zealand despite leaving the South Pole and Tierra Del Fuego in darkness?

Uh, FYI, the South Pole is in perpetual darkness for much of the year when the Sun is in the North during Summer Solstice. The far southern lands which do get daylight also get short days.

I would suggest looking into the matters of the midnight sun and perpetual night in the North and South.

Yes, but New Zealand DOES get sun during the Summer Solstice when the South Pole doesn't despite the South Pole being closer to where the Sun would be.
Nullius in Verba