You heard about an ice wall.
You invented that it was thousands of km high based on nothing other than casual thought.
You stated "It is several thousand km high in order to keep the air in." (Notwithstanding that keeping air "in" would require 200-ish km. Certainly not more than 600 km.)
Nope, you may well be able to orbit in the rarified gases at 200km, 600km, or more and a wall that height would keep 99% of the atmosphere in, but you let that last 1% leak over the top and the 99% that's left will expand and then the top 1% of that will leak away until you've got nothing less. Not 1% you think? Only 0.0001%? Fine, it'll just take longer, the Earth has been here long enough already.
Oh, is that now your invented process with invented values for how things work? (At 600 km, it's about 5 x 10^-12. That's 0.0001% of your 0.0001%). But by your unassailable logic, the same thing happens on a spherical Earth. Atmospheric molecules randomly collide and statistically a small percentage of them acquire sufficient kinetic energy to achieve escape velocity and are ejected into space (i.e., they "leak over the edge" of the gravity well). It's a small fraction, but the rest of the atmosphere will expand and the process continues until there's nothing left. It takes longer, but the Earth has been here long enough. By your reasoning, the Earth therefore has no atmosphere.
So, if you want to shoot this theory down, tell me, what's keeping the air in?
Off-topic. Pointing out your poor logic and rhetorical fallacies does not compel me to solve the problem for you.
You asked why we can't see this wall.
Yes, why can't we?
No one else believes in a wall thousands of km high.
Hardly anyone believes in the FE either, if belief is based on numbers you're on shaky ground too.
Positing a non-existent thing just to argue against it is a straw man.
Right, so now you're saying the whole of Flat Earth is a straw man?
The rest of your post about what I think and how I constructed my reply is rubbish -- another one of your inventions that is not true.
What, you think that what you think isn't important? I think it is, tell me what you think keeps the air in. You do have an opinion don't you?
Your logical conclusion is that the only possible thing that keeps air in is your invented ice wall. You have shown no "logical conclusion" other than "Well, *I* can't think of anything, therefore it excludes all other explanations." That is why I think you don't understand what a logical conclusion is. Either that, or you do understand, and are intentionally trying to hoodwink readers.
We're never going to progress without a discussion. If you think logic leads in a different direction then tell me. Maybe you're a dome believer in which case you don't need a tall wall in your universe?
I already told you why you can't see the wall ... you invented it and it doesn't exist. Let's not play that game.
Belief isn't based on numbers (another of your inventions). But if no one has presented an explanation except you, and you use that to then argue why that explanation should not be used by your opponents, that's a fallacious argument. (E.g. Dragons at the edge keep the air in. The dragons need to fly around in the air to blow the air back. Why can't we see these dragons that you keep talking about?)
"The whole of Flat Earth is a straw man?" You really either don't understand or are being intentionally thick.
And then more off-topic nonsense.
Who says I have any interest in progressing? Your inability to understand simple logic and common rhetorical fallacies makes discussions like this wearisome and unproductive.