Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles

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Greg's Frog

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Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« on: May 01, 2019, 08:12:03 PM »
Objects weigh only about .3% more at the poles then at the equator. This is tested in one of Wolfie's videos.

You can test this yourself.

That being said, how can this be explained on the UA model if the Earth is accelerating at 9.81m/s^2? The weight should be the same no matter where it is, since the Earth is moving at the same rate anywhere.

This also proves that weight is not mass, which some flat earthers say.
Old Name: Unepic Globetard. Changed 5/22/2019

Creeper, aw man...



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Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2019, 08:33:22 PM »

This also proves that weight is not mass, which some flat earthers say.



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Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2019, 11:38:11 PM »

This also proves that weight is not mass, which some flat earthers say.

How about the hard bit that you ignored?
That being said, how can this be explained on the UA model if the Earth is accelerating at 9.81m/s^2? The weight should be the same no matter where it is, since the Earth is moving at the same rate anywhere.

Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2019, 02:42:43 AM »
Someone's going to have to say something crazy like "all scales are controlled by NASA".
The Universal Accelerator is a constant farce.

Flattery will get you nowhere.

From the FAQ - "In general, we at the Flat Earth Society do not lend much credibility to photographic evidence."


Greg's Frog

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Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2019, 06:37:27 PM »
Someone's going to have to say something crazy like "all scales are controlled by NASA".
That's probably the likely response... if we ever get one.
Old Name: Unepic Globetard. Changed 5/22/2019

Creeper, aw man...



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Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2019, 07:19:17 PM »
The RE ass-patting is happening I see. Differences in the measured acceleration due to Gravity has been discussed before, which I realize may come as a surprise so BRACE YO'SELF! This is where some people that subscribe to UA would make mention of celestial gravitation, thereby allowing that some form of attraction between masses does exist, but its to a lesser degree than what is generally accepted in modern physics.


Greg's Frog

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Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2019, 07:55:12 PM »
The RE ass-patting is happening I see. Differences in the measured acceleration due to Gravity has been discussed before, which I realize may come as a surprise so BRACE YO'SELF! This is where some people that subscribe to UA would make mention of celestial gravitation, thereby allowing that some form of attraction between masses does exist, but its to a lesser degree than what is generally accepted in modern physics.
How can there be a difference in measured gravitational acceleration if the Earth is accelerating at precisely 9.8m/s/s anywhere on Earth?
Old Name: Unepic Globetard. Changed 5/22/2019

Creeper, aw man...



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Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2019, 08:03:06 PM »
The RE ass-patting is happening I see. Differences in the measured acceleration due to Gravity has been discussed before, which I realize may come as a surprise so BRACE YO'SELF! This is where some people that subscribe to UA would make mention of celestial gravitation, thereby allowing that some form of attraction between masses does exist, but its to a lesser degree than what is generally accepted in modern physics.
How can there be a difference in measured gravitational acceleration if the Earth is accelerating at precisely 9.8m/s/s anywhere on Earth?

I won't do the explanation the justice it deserves, so forgive me. The jist of it is that the Earth accelerates upwards at something slightly different than the 9.8m/s2, and things like the sun, moon, and stars have an additional gravitational effect.

By way of an analogy that another member shared with me before. Imagine an elevator that exists in what would otherwise be a vacuum, and imagine it is accelerating upwards at some rate x. This elevator has a block of wood and a block of steel of equal mass, each sitting on a scale that itself is sitting on the elevator floor. And this elevator has a very strong electromagnet at the top. When the electromagnet is off, the scales under both blocks read the same - mass*acceleration of the elevator. The the electromagnet is on, the scale under the steel block suddenly reads a lower value. Yet both items are still sitting at the bottom of the elevator that continues to accelerate upwards constantly.


Greg's Frog

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Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2019, 08:12:32 PM »
The RE ass-patting is happening I see. Differences in the measured acceleration due to Gravity has been discussed before, which I realize may come as a surprise so BRACE YO'SELF! This is where some people that subscribe to UA would make mention of celestial gravitation, thereby allowing that some form of attraction between masses does exist, but its to a lesser degree than what is generally accepted in modern physics.
How can there be a difference in measured gravitational acceleration if the Earth is accelerating at precisely 9.8m/s/s anywhere on Earth?

I won't do the explanation the justice it deserves, so forgive me. The jist of it is that the Earth accelerates upwards at something slightly different than the 9.8m/s2, and things like the sun, moon, and stars have an additional gravitational effect.

By way of an analogy that another member shared with me before. Imagine an elevator that exists in what would otherwise be a vacuum, and imagine it is accelerating upwards at some rate x. This elevator has a block of wood and a block of steel of equal mass, each sitting on a scale that itself is sitting on the elevator floor. And this elevator has a very strong electromagnet at the top. When the electromagnet is off, the scales under both blocks read the same - mass*acceleration of the elevator. The the electromagnet is on, the scale under the steel block suddenly reads a lower value. Yet both items are still sitting at the bottom of the elevator that continues to accelerate upwards constantly.
Thanks for answering my question and illustrating it with an example. If the sun, moon and stars add a very slight gravitational effect to change the gravitational acceleration by .04m/s/s (difference in acceleration from poles to equator) then they would have to align with the North Pole to give it that effect. Shouldn't this vary throughout the year when the Sun's circulation above the flat Earth is closest to the poles (during the June Solstice) and shouldn't the acceleration near the equator vary too when it's the equinoxes?
Old Name: Unepic Globetard. Changed 5/22/2019

Creeper, aw man...



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Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2019, 08:27:41 PM »
There are details that I won't pretend to know. Ski, who is another one of the moderators here, was the one who shared that example with me. He's an advocate for UA. You might take a look at his posts, or should you happen to see him around the forum (he's here from time to time, but not as often as I wish he was) you can ping him for more details. I think Jane might have written about Celestial Gravitation in her FE Compendium thread, but honestly I can't recall offhand so I might be mistaken.



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Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2019, 12:25:46 PM »
Objects weigh only about .3% more at the poles then at the equator. This is tested in one of Wolfie's videos.

You can test this yourself.

That being said, how can this be explained on the UA model if the Earth is accelerating at 9.81m/s^2? The weight should be the same no matter where it is, since the Earth is moving at the same rate anywhere.

This also proves that weight is not mass, which some flat earthers say.

UA model is not the official model of the flat earth society. It is an old theory, was explaining something like gravity. Nowadays we are not using it. Only few people remained who still defend it.

According to finitive dome model, the depth of the air in center is higher than edges. Inother say, the weight of upside air is heavier than air close the edges. So that, ie the upper air is heavier than air in edges, the objects in the regions near the center of the earth (north pole) are heavier.

there is no south pole, but objects in the south of the equator are lighter. but it is not easy to test. the mechanism in that video will not work for it. because the scales used are expected to give the same value as the weighed object because of has the same conditions.
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Greg's Frog

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Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2019, 04:15:11 PM »
UA model is not the official model of the flat earth society. It is an old theory, was explaining something like gravity. Nowadays we are not using it. Only few people remained who still defend it.
Actually, from my experience on this forum, I argue the majority of flat Earthers are for the Universal Acceleration Hypothesis.
According to finitive dome model, the depth of the air in center is higher than edges. Inother say, the weight of upside air is heavier than air close the edges. So that, ie the upper air is heavier than air in edges, the objects in the regions near the center of the earth (north pole) are heavier.
By air depth do you mean air pressure? Do you have any evidence for this explanation?
but it is not easy to test. the mechanism in that video will not work for it. because the scales used are expected to give the same value as the weighed object because of has the same conditions.
No, the manufacturer of the product (probably in Australia) designed their product to be exactly 500.00g on the dot. However, this varies depending on your location.

When you say "same conditions" I think you mean mass. But the weight changes.
Old Name: Unepic Globetard. Changed 5/22/2019

Creeper, aw man...



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Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2019, 11:10:12 PM »
UA model is not the official model of the flat earth society. It is an old theory, was explaining something like gravity. Nowadays we are not using it. Only few people remained who still defend it.
Actually, from my experience on this forum, I argue the majority of flat Earthers are for the Universal Acceleration Hypothesis.
According to finitive dome model, the depth of the air in center is higher than edges. Inother say, the weight of upside air is heavier than air close the edges. So that, ie the upper air is heavier than air in edges, the objects in the regions near the center of the earth (north pole) are heavier.
By air depth do you mean air pressure? Do you have any evidence for this explanation?
but it is not easy to test. the mechanism in that video will not work for it. because the scales used are expected to give the same value as the weighed object because of has the same conditions.
No, the manufacturer of the product (probably in Australia) designed their product to be exactly 500.00g on the dot. However, this varies depending on your location.

When you say "same conditions" I think you mean mass. But the weight changes.

1- Do not split my posts. It makes you rabblack or jackinoz.


You've experienced it wrong. They are not flat earthers who defend UA model, except JD and his alts.

After your wrong determinations and disrespecting to me, you seem alt of rabblack. So that I'll behave you like you are alt of rabinoz till you prove the opposite.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


I’m I a globalist AI.

Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2019, 01:04:23 AM »
If you're a gravity FEer why don't you just claim the FE disc is thinner or less dense between the tropics, hence a slightly lower gravitational pull.

The Universal Accelerator is a constant farce.

Flattery will get you nowhere.

From the FAQ - "In general, we at the Flat Earth Society do not lend much credibility to photographic evidence."


Greg's Frog

  • 398
  • Area 51 Guard
Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2019, 04:27:19 PM »
UA model is not the official model of the flat earth society. It is an old theory, was explaining something like gravity. Nowadays we are not using it. Only few people remained who still defend it.
Actually, from my experience on this forum, I argue the majority of flat Earthers are for the Universal Acceleration Hypothesis.
According to finitive dome model, the depth of the air in center is higher than edges. Inother say, the weight of upside air is heavier than air close the edges. So that, ie the upper air is heavier than air in edges, the objects in the regions near the center of the earth (north pole) are heavier.
By air depth do you mean air pressure? Do you have any evidence for this explanation?
but it is not easy to test. the mechanism in that video will not work for it. because the scales used are expected to give the same value as the weighed object because of has the same conditions.
No, the manufacturer of the product (probably in Australia) designed their product to be exactly 500.00g on the dot. However, this varies depending on your location.

When you say "same conditions" I think you mean mass. But the weight changes.

1- Do not split my posts. It makes you rabblack or jackinoz.


You've experienced it wrong. They are not flat earthers who defend UA model, except JD and his alts.

After your wrong determinations and disrespecting to me, you seem alt of rabblack. So that I'll behave you like you are alt of rabinoz till you prove the opposite.
Because splitting posts automatically means that I'm a bot like what else could it mean?

John Davis, an Admin, must have like twenty alts because I see many flat Earthers who are for the UA model.

How was I rude to you? Please don't put me in your ignore list  :'(

Who IS rabblack?

Exactly, I must be an alt of rabinoz!

Since he got banned, I need to replace his spot

PS: Don't tell anyone but I am rabinoz. Shhh
Old Name: Unepic Globetard. Changed 5/22/2019

Creeper, aw man...



  • Professor
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Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2019, 10:32:34 PM »
UA model is not the official model of the flat earth society. It is an old theory, was explaining something like gravity. Nowadays we are not using it. Only few people remained who still defend it.
Actually, from my experience on this forum, I argue the majority of flat Earthers are for the Universal Acceleration Hypothesis.
According to finitive dome model, the depth of the air in center is higher than edges. Inother say, the weight of upside air is heavier than air close the edges. So that, ie the upper air is heavier than air in edges, the objects in the regions near the center of the earth (north pole) are heavier.
By air depth do you mean air pressure? Do you have any evidence for this explanation?
but it is not easy to test. the mechanism in that video will not work for it. because the scales used are expected to give the same value as the weighed object because of has the same conditions.
No, the manufacturer of the product (probably in Australia) designed their product to be exactly 500.00g on the dot. However, this varies depending on your location.

When you say "same conditions" I think you mean mass. But the weight changes.

1- Do not split my posts. It makes you rabblack or jackinoz.


You've experienced it wrong. They are not flat earthers who defend UA model, except JD and his alts.

After your wrong determinations and disrespecting to me, you seem alt of rabblack. So that I'll behave you like you are alt of rabinoz till you prove the opposite.
Because splitting posts automatically means that I'm a bot like what else could it mean?

John Davis, an Admin, must have like twenty alts because I see many flat Earthers who are for the UA model.

How was I rude to you? Please don't put me in your ignore list  :'(

Who IS rabblack?

Exactly, I must be an alt of rabinoz!

Since he got banned, I need to replace his spot

PS: Don't tell anyone but I am rabinoz. Shhh

I did not you being rabinoz, I said splitting me makes you rabinoz. It is his ugly behaviour. I don'T like people splits my posts that everybody here know this. We have a respectable conversation till now and so I want to continue these conversations in same category, if possible.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


I’m I a globalist AI.



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Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2019, 01:50:18 AM »
The RE ass-patting is happening I see. Differences in the measured acceleration due to Gravity has been discussed before, which I realize may come as a surprise so BRACE YO'SELF! This is where some people that subscribe to UA would make mention of celestial gravitation, thereby allowing that some form of attraction between masses does exist, but its to a lesser degree than what is generally accepted in modern physics.
How can there be a difference in measured gravitational acceleration if the Earth is accelerating at precisely 9.8m/s/s anywhere on Earth?

I won't do the explanation the justice it deserves, so forgive me. The jist of it is that the Earth accelerates upwards at something slightly different than the 9.8m/s2, and things like the sun, moon, and stars have an additional gravitational effect.

By way of an analogy that another member shared with me before. Imagine an elevator that exists in what would otherwise be a vacuum, and imagine it is accelerating upwards at some rate x. This elevator has a block of wood and a block of steel of equal mass, each sitting on a scale that itself is sitting on the elevator floor. And this elevator has a very strong electromagnet at the top. When the electromagnet is off, the scales under both blocks read the same - mass*acceleration of the elevator. The the electromagnet is on, the scale under the steel block suddenly reads a lower value. Yet both items are still sitting at the bottom of the elevator that continues to accelerate upwards constantly.

The elevator analogy somehow doesn't help since on earth the weight difference can be observed using an identical weight and identical scales by just changing the degree of latitude. Furthermore there is no significant influence on this by night/day or season (< 2e-5 %, ref.: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tidal_force).

And finally, the weight differences are not random, they match extremely well to a rotating globe, where the weight force (measured by the scales = m*a) is lowered by the centrifugal force:

F_centrifugal = m*v^2 / r
r = distance between the mass center to the rotation axis
source: https://www.engineersedge.com/physics/centrifugal_force.htm
and for our earth:
v = velocity =  2*pi*r/[~1day]
where r can be calculated via the degree of latitude
« Last Edit: May 12, 2019, 12:40:37 AM by Souleon »
Facts that can be explained logically by FET and not by RE: None.


Heavenly Breeze

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Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2019, 08:26:06 AM »
Do you know why banks do not work at night? Only because ... That because of the moon attraction, the weight of gold is changing.
The earth believes, because magic exists!

Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #18 on: May 11, 2019, 11:35:22 AM »
There are details that I won't pretend to know. Ski, who is another one of the moderators here, was the one who shared that example with me. He's an advocate for UA. You might take a look at his posts, or should you happen to see him around the forum (he's here from time to time, but not as often as I wish he was) you can ping him for more details. I think Jane might have written about Celestial Gravitation in her FE Compendium thread, but honestly I can't recall offhand so I might be mistaken.

That’s OK, Ski doesn’t pretend to know either.

I’ve tried to get an answer out of him on that at length, and basically got that it was unknowable.

Jane’s compendium isn’t much use either.  Basically saying that celestial gravitation could explain the difference, but that’s about it.

I’ve never seen any attempt to match the differences in gravity to actual celestial objects or any hypothetical invisible celestial stuff.

I’d be interested if anyone has seen something somewhere.



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Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2019, 01:21:34 PM »
Do you know why banks do not work at night? Only because ... That because of the moon attraction, the weight of gold is changing.

Logical but I disagree this. Because the object weighing scale under the same effect has the same weight. presumably the banks are thinking like you. I think it needed to be tested. Maybe you're right, we can not know this before did an experiment.
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  • Flat Earth Believer
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Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2019, 09:34:56 PM »
Do you know why banks do not work at night? Only because ... That because of the moon attraction, the weight of gold is changing.

Logical but I disagree this. Because the object weighing scale under the same effect has the same weight. presumably the banks are thinking like you. I think it needed to be tested. Maybe you're right, we can not know this before did an experiment.
Wise, you have to be smart enough to know that gold aways weighs the same. There is a lot of gold in Turkey, surely you would have heard talk of buyers making money by arbitrage. They could buy it at night while the moon is pulling on it.(making it lighter)  Then sell it in the morning when gravity re asserts it pull and it seems heavier.
Surely you can not fall for those kind of stupid stories.
God is real.                                         



  • Flat Earth Researcher
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Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #21 on: May 12, 2019, 03:44:35 AM »
I’ve never seen any attempt to match the differences in gravity to actual celestial objects or any hypothetical invisible celestial stuff.
There's not much you really can do on that, especially the latter. At the end of the day the best that can be done is to point out why measured gravitational force can vary under UA, and celestial gravitation's one of the recourses. That being said gravitation's usually used as a response to variation with altitude, not with distance from the poles. For geographical variation, the UA post in the compendium gives a mention:
Assuming you're talking to someone that doesn't deny the existence of said variation as too small to reliably measure, the response could likely be that the accelerator isn't 100% blocked by the Earth, that some places more than others exhibit a minor upwards force through the Earth that, while it is utterly overwhelmed by the downwards force of gravity, does slightly diminish it. In that case the reason objects weigh more at poles would be because the Earth does a better job of blocking the accelerator there.

As for why that would be the case, it probably ends up tied to the formation of the Earth and I don't really know much about that for most models, beyond those like DET where it's an intricate part of the explanation, but equally DET takes a very different tack to explaining gravity so it's not wholly relevant.
We all know deep in our hearts that Jane is the last face we'll see before we're choked to death!

Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #22 on: May 12, 2019, 01:12:37 PM »
I’ve never seen any attempt to match the differences in gravity to actual celestial objects or any hypothetical invisible celestial stuff.
There's not much you really can do on that, especially the latter. At the end of the day the best that can be done is to point out why measured gravitational force can vary under UA, and celestial gravitation's one of the recourses.

Well if it’s due to the sun, moon and/or stars (as your compendium suggests) of course there’s something that can be done.

Simply map out the measured variations of apparent gravity on a flat earth map(s) and compare with positions of sun, moon and stars to see if there’s any correlation.

Of course it’s worth considering that measured gravity doesn’t change throughout the day (tidal effect on measured gravity is actually very tiny).  Since the stars, sun and moon all move around in the sky, and the Milky Way does not line up with the equator, it would appear that “celestial gravitation” can’t be due to any observed celestial objects, which I guess leaves something we can’t see, that doesn’t move relative to the earth.

It seems quite amazing to me that people would seriously suggest “celestial gravitation” as an explanation without even giving it as much consideration to how it could actually work as I just have.  Which took very little effort on my part.

Has anyone even tried?   The lack of intellectual curiosity to test their own ideas that flat earthers exhibit is fascinating.

Unless you can point me in the direction of anyone having done anything to justify this hypothesis, of course?

That being said gravitation's usually used as a response to variation with altitude, not with distance from the poles.

I have no idea what you are saying here.  Measured gravity varies with distance from the poles, with altitude, geology, etc.  It’s all real, and doesn’t matter what people usually talk about, even if they do usually talk about altitude.

For geographical variation, the UA post in the compendium gives a mention:

I’m still curious where you got the information for your compendium?

Are these ideas you’ve seen any work on, or a collection of things picked up in FES forum conversations?

Assuming you're talking to someone that doesn't deny the existence of said variation as too small to reliably measure, the response could likely be that the accelerator isn't 100% blocked by the Earth, that some places more than others exhibit a minor upwards force through the Earth that, while it is utterly overwhelmed by the downwards force of gravity, does slightly diminish it. In that case the reason objects weigh more at poles would be because the Earth does a better job of blocking the accelerator there.

Well, the spherical earth has 2 poles, and the flat earth has 1.  So are you suggesting that the rim or edge would somehow block the effects of universal acceleration more than the equator?

As for why that would be the case, it probably ends up tied to the formation of the Earth and I don't really know much about that for most models, beyond those like DET where it's an intricate part of the explanation, but equally DET takes a very different tack to explaining gravity so it's not wholly relevant.

Ok,well we’re seriously mixing models now.

I’d prefer to try and nail down celestial gravitation as a possible contender or not.

As I say, it looks to me that like stars, moon and sun aren’t the answer, so it would have to be some kind of unmoving, unseen celestial stuff (which just happens to produce the same effect as more conventional explanations). But I’ve never seen anyone suggest as much.



  • Flat Earth Researcher
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Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2019, 01:36:43 PM »
That being said gravitation's usually used as a response to variation with altitude, not with distance from the poles.

I have no idea what you are saying here.  Measured gravity varies with distance from the poles, with altitude, geology, etc.  It’s all real, and doesn’t matter what people usually talk about, even if they do usually talk about altitude.
The force of gravity varies for multiple reasons, like you say, geology, distance from poles, altitude... celestial gravitation is one I've seen primarily used to cover altitude rather than the other situations. That's all I was saying.

I’m still curious where you got the information for your compendium?

Are these ideas you’ve seen any work on, or a collection of things picked up in FES forum conversations?
They're answers I've seen given. As for work, that depends on what you mean by work on them. There's certainly much more detailed breakdowns that are in my compendium, as it's just meant to give the gist of the answer to allow for discussion to take place. As it is, you're not going to get much in the way of detailed, mathematical work on this forum though (especially these days) because none of the non-FE users are actually interested in engaging with it, so the people that dealt with that have mostly moved on, with Sandokhan probably the only major exception (and he definitely won't be defending UA).

Well, the spherical earth has 2 poles, and the flat earth has 1.  So are you suggesting that the rim or edge would somehow block the effects of universal acceleration more than the equator?
Well, depends on what you call pole given there's magnetic as well as geographic, but basically. It could be down to composition, thickness... I could list wild speculation as to causes if you want, but it's not going to really mean much.

I’d prefer to try and nail down celestial gravitation as a possible contender or not.
Not by itself. If you want to limit your focus to the UA models, as implied in the OP, then the accelerator permeating the Earth is definitely the most accessible response. For celestial gravitation specifically, if you want to make it apply to this you could use the unseen mass, or you could work with a slightly different model of gravity where, say, the centre of gravity has more significance.
Or you could go in completely the opposite direction and use the same token that allows celestial objects to exert gravity, and posit similar elements existing within the Earth in specific locations, thus tying it again more to geology.
We all know deep in our hearts that Jane is the last face we'll see before we're choked to death!


Greg's Frog

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Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #24 on: May 12, 2019, 07:09:41 PM »
The force of gravity varies for multiple reasons, like you say, geology, distance from poles, altitude... celestial gravitation is one I've seen primarily used to cover altitude rather than the other situations. That's all I was saying.
As you said, the gravitational force varies depending on altitude, and gets slightly weaker than at sea level. However, how can celestial gravitation explain this? Shouldn't it be the opposite as the object is getting closer to the object gravitating?
Old Name: Unepic Globetard. Changed 5/22/2019

Creeper, aw man...


Heavenly Breeze

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Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #25 on: May 12, 2019, 08:18:25 PM »
Generally, as I understand it ... Everything here looks that way. And no one can explain why we see what we see. All laws are far-fetched.

Tie me wings and don't give me a morku. But I will still say that scientists lie about gravity. Since no one explains why the weight of standards standing in one place changes.
The earth believes, because magic exists!



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  • Truth interested
Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #26 on: May 13, 2019, 12:06:38 AM »
But I will still say that scientists lie about gravity. Since no one explains why the weight of standards standing in one place changes.

As I understood this is caused by tidal forces: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tidal_force (which itself are explainable by gravity)
But the influences are very very small:
"The lunar tidal acceleration at the Earth's surface along the Moon-Earth axis is about 1.1 × 10−7 g, while the solar tidal acceleration at the Earth's surface along the Sun-Earth axis is about 0.52 × 10−7 g."
with g being direct proportional to the weight.

What I will try to memorize:
Change in weights one earth due to...

- centrifugal forces: ~0.3% (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_of_Earth#Latitude), depending on position (only latitude)
- bulk deformation of the earth due to centrifugal force: ~0.2% (same source)
- ground altitude and density differences: ~0.01% (~100 mGal = 1 mm/s^2), depending on position
- tidal forces: < 0.00002%, depending on time and position

If I calculate centrifugal force with the formula I gave above in this thread, I get for 1 kg at the equator:
F_centrifugal = (2*PI()/(24*60*60))^2*6.37*10^6 N = 0.034 N. With "F_weight = m * g - F_centrifugal" this results to a weight reduction ~0.34%. So, this fits quite well to what can be measured.

Hirt et al. did simulations in 2013 which bases on 3 billion measuring points from satellites, which resulted in max difference of ~0.7%, which is a bit higher than what we get by summing up the list above: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/grl.50838
So, bullet point 3 might be actually higher.
Quite interesting, but I have to stop here, because I have to write currently my phd thesis in a completely different topic lol

And no one can explain why we see what we see. All laws are far-fetched.
Please don't close your eyes with respect to the explanations above..
« Last Edit: May 13, 2019, 02:49:53 AM by Souleon »
Facts that can be explained logically by FET and not by RE: None.



  • Flat Earth Researcher
  • 12330
Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #27 on: May 13, 2019, 02:57:16 AM »
The force of gravity varies for multiple reasons, like you say, geology, distance from poles, altitude... celestial gravitation is one I've seen primarily used to cover altitude rather than the other situations. That's all I was saying.
As you said, the gravitational force varies depending on altitude, and gets slightly weaker than at sea level. However, how can celestial gravitation explain this? Shouldn't it be the opposite as the object is getting closer to the object gravitating?
It's stronger at sea level and weaker at high altitude. Under RET, like you say, it's down to distance from the centre of mass of the objects whose gravity you're under. The force of the celestial bodies is greater the higher you get, so the net downwards force on you is less.
We all know deep in our hearts that Jane is the last face we'll see before we're choked to death!


Heavenly Breeze

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  • Pegasus from Gaul
Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #28 on: May 13, 2019, 10:10:15 AM »
ha ha ha ... you made me laugh.

As I understood this is caused by tidal forces: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tidal_force (which itself are explainable by gravity)
But the influences are very very small:
"The lunar tidal acceleration at the Earth's surface along the Moon-Earth axis is about 1.1 × 10−7 g, while the solar tidal acceleration at the Earth's surface along the Sun-Earth axis is about 0.52 × 10−7 g."
with g being direct proportional to the weight.

I do not mean the influence of the moon, but completely different facts. If you say that the moon can have an impact, you are definitely a banker, and you should take care of your gold at night, and if you are a gardener, then your cucumbers should stand up at night ... ha ha.

The earth believes, because magic exists!



  • 101
  • Truth interested
Re: Objects Weighing Slightly More at the Poles
« Reply #29 on: May 13, 2019, 10:26:17 AM »
ha ha ha ... you made me laugh.

As I understood this is caused by tidal forces: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tidal_force (which itself are explainable by gravity)
But the influences are very very small:
"The lunar tidal acceleration at the Earth's surface along the Moon-Earth axis is about 1.1 × 10−7 g, while the solar tidal acceleration at the Earth's surface along the Sun-Earth axis is about 0.52 × 10−7 g."
with g being direct proportional to the weight.

I do not mean the influence of the moon, but completely different facts. If you say that the moon can have an impact, you are definitely a banker, and you should take care of your gold at night, and if you are a gardener, then your cucumbers should stand up at night ... ha ha.

If you would read more carefully, you would have seen that the tidal force has "practically" no effect on the weight. So yeh you could buy/sell gold for 1 million $ and then "earn" at most 0.11$ with this...  :D but with including the transaction cost, it will be minus.  :P On the other hand, isn't it interesting, that this small effect is already enough to cause sea water level at many coasts to change by several meters? :D This gives me an idea for a new thread, hehe

But well then, how much does the standard weights, you heard of, change, while staying at the same positions? Which facts did you mean?
« Last Edit: May 13, 2019, 10:50:20 AM by Souleon »
Facts that can be explained logically by FET and not by RE: None.