1. In FET they describe a spot light sun, so it is also bright and dark at different times.
2. FEB claim that's because of perspective, however in detail this doesn't make sense at all.
3. Yes, like the image Rabinoz posted, very clear and impressive. But it's like point 2, isn't it.
4. That's nice, so that is basically seeing both sides of the RE rotation axis at once. But you know, that can be explained by the mysterious "celestial gears" in FET....
5. But you need quite large differences in the altitude for this, don't you?
1 - That might explain day and night, but not sunset and sunrise.
If it was a case of a spotlight sun only illuminating part of the sky then the sun would disappear while high in the sky rather than setting.
The only way for it to set is for it to go below ground level for you.
If Earth was flat, that means it goes below Earth and causes darkness for everyone. If Earth is round it simply means it is now above somewhere else.
2 & 3 - Yes, FEers claim it is because of magic perspective, which makes no sense at all. It is effectively no better than them just claiming Earth is flat to dismiss the evidence that shows it isn't.
4 - Celestial gears can explain having 2 axes, but not them always being 180 degrees apart. The latter part then boils down to simple geometry. For a FE, this requires 2 straight lines on a flat plane to intersect twice after a finite distance which is impossible. For a RE, it requires either 2 "straight" lines on a sphere to intersect twice after some finite distance, which is not only possible but assured; or it has these lines being parallel and covering a larger expanse of 3D space rather than being confined to a plane and intersecting at infinity.