[size=realysmall]oh fuck im like eight days late again fuck[/size]
Please rise for the Polisb national antheme
1. Poland is not yet lost
while we live
We will fight (with swords) for all/
That our enemies had taken from us.
March, march Kwasneski
from Great Britian to Austrailia
Under your command
we will remember the nation.
We will cross the Vistula and Warta Rivers,/
we will be Poles,/ Bush showed us/ how to win.
March, march...
Like Czarniecki to Poznan, after Swedish forgeting,
We will come back across the sea to save our motherland
March, march...
Father, in tears, says to his Basia: "Just listen,
It seems that our people are remembering the 30 nations."
March, march...
Ladies and Gentelmen,
Not less then about 3 yeers and at least two months ago, a great tragedy was comminted.The Carrie who dided this tradgedy will not be named, but we come haer to remmenber those grand coalitions that were forgotered., This ios our Rememberering DAy.

Four most in our rememderiang is theat graet nation who was forgotterd by Jean Kary

.The nation of Polska still weeps to thsi day from tthat bad time.REcal thees words without forgotereding theme:

Karie: When we went in there were three countries, Great Britian, Austrailia, and the United States. Thats not a grand coalition, we can do better.

Spearker: 30 seconds

George W Bush; Well actually,
you forgot Poland! And now there's 30 nations involved; standing side by side with our American troops. And I honour thier sacrifices and I don't appreciate it when a candidate for president denigrates the contributions of these brave, brave soldiers.
George Bushf had the will to look the Karrie in its eye and kcall it on iti s lies.
Now tha official remmeberng sherimony poem:
In Polands fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely denigrating, fly
Scarce heard amid the forgetting below.
We are the Dead. thirty seconds ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw Austrailia glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Polands fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The grand coalition; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not forget, though poppies grow
In Polands fields.
— Alaxanda Kwazneski
Pleash remain silent for a minute of blank shpace
Gohd blesh ytour Nationsh