Uhhm, that's not hating on his grammar at all. That 'you suck' was referring back to his terrible spelling of government.
Actually, it is.
So, you've basically learned all of your spelling and grammar in the USA, and you blame it on the school system that you suck?
This implies that he "sucks" because his spelling and grammar are poor.
You should be aware by now I'm pretty bad with wording. I just explained what the 'you suck' refers to. So, no.
So you agree he should have been fine with English years ago, then? Good to know that whole 'it's my second language' defense is gone.
Because we ALL know that someone with 10 years of English experience has spelling and grammatical skills equivalent to a 16 year old native speaker. Especially when his only exposure to English is at school, in a school system that fails miserably.
You, sir, fail.
EDIT: There is no way for you to win this. Just drop it and leave the kid alone. I won't stand by while people tear someone to shreds over such a stupid issue as grammar and spelling on the web.
But your references said 4-6 and 5-7 years (that's only a max of age 12 omg!). And, only exposure to English is at school? Are these immigrants all friendless, now?
1) If you're THAT bad at using words to convey what you mean, why would you pick on someone with a different natuve language? It seems that you are the one more easily ridiculed.

2) Most people who don't know English don't get high-paying jobs. Think McDonalds or Taco Bell. $6.75/hour. These people don't live in the suburbs. When a large percentage of the population is Hispanic, and a large number of them don't speak English (or have very poor English skills), inevitably they will start to gather in low-cost housing.
Why is this significant? Two reasons:
- When you go to ESL classes (remember that the kid wouldn't be streamlined until at least 10) with someone who lives next door, it's easier to befriend that person than the white kid hanging out with his English-speaking friends.
- Kids are cruel. And mean. And vicious. If they pick on kids for having red hair, being fat or being freckled, why would they spare the Hispanic kid with the funny accent? Teasing doesn't usually make people good friends.