The temperature is flat
Another claim with no evidence. Storms cells like those from tornadoes are driven by temperature differences.
even if there are different temperatures, the result will not be a spinning force, not to mention multiple spinning forces.
Yes, the temperature difference is not enough, the difference, causing air to move, combined with the rotation of Earth however does result in spinning forces.
Why not launch a drone to investigate the machine.
Why don't you?
You are the one claiming all this fantasy.
Why do you expect others to go down your delusional rabbit hole?
There is absolutely no reason to think any such machine is there.
There is no evidence indicating it is there and it neither solves nor helps with anything.
The belief of angels or 'nature operators' have existed since ancient times
So what?
In ancient times people had no idea how the world worked and they liked to personify things. So they invented pure BS to pretend they had an explanation for things rather than just admitting they had no idea.
Ancient, ignorant people believing garbage is not a reason to think that garbage is true.
By experiment, tornado needs
No. Not needs.
That experiment just shows that you can produce a small scale spinning vortex by using fans.
It doesn't show that it is the only way.
That is like saying that because of you tripped over your shoelace once, it is the only way for you to fall over and thus no one can push you over
Also note that these blades are outside the vortex, not inside like you claim.