I am aware that flat earthers believe that space travel is a vast conspiracy put on by NASA and other agencies and governments, but there is too much that supports the idea. There are satellites and the ISS that can be seen from Earth, there are livestreams and videos and pictures, and of course there are the people. There are astronauts and cosmonauts and even ordinary people, from space tourists to those taken by aliens, who continually profess and swear to the fact that they were in space. Many of these people are not aligned, and particularly the latter group are wholly independent of the government so what reason would they have to lie? The simple existence of UFOs which many people can attest to and have personal, zetetic experience of makes it clear that space travel does in fact exist because how else could they make it to our world from other planets? The evidence for space travel is simply too vast and overwhelming, and the evidence for a conspiracy far too thin and lacking. Nothing could ever persuade all these people to lie so often and for so long and never let anything slip. The government agencies are not the only ones who have been to space, and many countries with terrible relationships nevertheless agree that they have achieved some degree of space travel. Mankind must have been to space, and because of this the images we have from space, universally a round earth, must be accurate.