Alright, this is the back story...posting it here so the rules and deaths can sit alone in the OP.
5 years from the defeat of the penguin infestation and evil Dave leaving the village he sits alone as usual running the events through his head like it was yesterday. Every time they pass his rage grows exponentially towards the villagers who lynched him, Jane's face imprinted in his brain has she lead the charge to his death when he was good Dave, turning evil has he was forced to find refuge in the pieced together bastard body shifter tried to put together...
Finally he yelled "Enough, they are dead!! Every last one of them!! It's time to release my vengeance!"
Evil Dave walks to a dark hole covered with a rotted piece of plywood, removing the wood and revealing the most fowl, disgusting penguin anyone's mind could imagine.
"Go my friend, you have been grown, raised and fueled by my rage and power. You have abilities never seen before.. Destroy them all, every last single one, stay in the shadows, take your time and enjoy every kill like it was your first"
Paula Dean sprints towards the village at speeds almost blurring it's form.
At the village a storm begins to form, though strangely, not a single drop of rain, just wind, lightning and clouds that almost blacked out the sky.
"This isn't right" said an old man in the village "The lightning isn't a normal color and the wind is coming from all directions at once"
All digital clocks, meters and anything else with numerical values flashed 13, 13 times then went blank.
One wild card at the edge of town stood up, knowing exactly what this meant. A left over villager still angry about the lynching of good Dave realized this was his chance to finally watch the villagers fall. The wild card started his walk towards towns square.
The other wild card, working as a black smith, stopped hammering when he felt the necklace he always kept hidden under his shirt get warm. A penguin tooth he took from the dead carcass of a penguin from the last invasion. He made friends with the penguins when they came last, he felt sympathy for their cause and as a being. He always hated the villagers for killing them, and he knew this was the time to seek his revenge.