Game will begin at 6pm today central time. It will be daytime.
The usual roles apply for lynching, only during the day, all directions for the narrator must be [enclosed], people can vote or use their vote to cancel another's vote. Suicide is also available for all players but the penguin.
There will be two wild cards, they will not know each other's identity. Neither wins unless either it is one of them and a penguin (or hybrid as one), or just one wildcard left. So they either need to be the last man/woman standing or be standing with a penguin.
There will be one penguin (Paula Dean), though this is a very over powered and angry penguin. It can kill at night, though it has knowledge of both wildcards and their identity. It also knows what roles are in play, though it does not know who has the roles. The penguin also, if either shot or lynched can transfer it's power into a wildcard it chooses. The penguin can still send in it's nightly kills and the wildcard will be willed to kill. It is up to the penguin if it informs the wildcard what is happening.If there are no wildcards left then the penguin is dead by shot or lynch. If the hybrid wildcard is killed then both infected wildcard and penguin is dead.
There will also be the ability to lynch the narrator. If the village takes this option, 1 of 4 possibilities already written will happen. 2 is great for the villagers, 2 is horrible. They have numerical value and I will choose at random with a number generator. Then evil Dave will make it happen.
Then penguin will receive fake PMs for roles. The wildcards and villagers all share roles. The only guarantee is one psychic. Any others can either be repeated or not used.
Psychic The typical psychic role, one question may be asked per night on rather a player is a penguin or not. The psychic will get roles as well, though a wildcard will not show up UNLESS it is haunted by a penguin. At that point the player will show up as a hybrid.
Jailer- This player can lock away another player for the night in their creepy will prevent that locked away player from using their special abilities, though will also stop a penguin from being able to kill as well. A player will be informed they have been jailed. They can still talk to the other players via phone. If a penguin is locked in (rather a penguin or hybrid penguin/wildcard) the jailer can only contain it for one night before it breaks out and kills the jailer. So better let it go and let the village take care of it.
Bodyguard This player is able to protect a player from a direct penguin or vigilante attack, and able to choose a different person, or stay with the same person day/night. However, beware, the player can only survive one attack, so if that happens, he is a normal player at that point. Also, the player cannot protected themselves.
Vigilante This player is a lose cannon wanting justice at all costs. This player has a crossbow with one arrow and can kill anyone at anytime, day or night... however, if the player shoots someone that isn't a penguin, the village will lynch the player instantly (this will not count towards the usual village vote lynchings during the day) So I wouldn't be too trigger happy.
Werewolf This player has werewolf blood boiling in it's veins... if this player is killed by a penguin it will morph into a werewolf and kill the penguin that killed it. However, if this player is lynched after the second night, it will morph into a werewolf and kill a villager. If the voodoo penguin chooses to block this player the night it kills it, then the penguin will survive.
Voodoo priest This is a voodoo priest that is building a concoction that will be able to bring back from the dead one villager. However, the spell will only be ready and effective on the second day..this spell can be used on anyone for any death (including lynchings) except on the player itself. All powers will be restored with the revival.
The Poltergeist This player, if killed by a penguin at any point of the game, the player will be able to ask one question about a player if he/she is a wildcard or penguin. However, if this player is lynched no question can be asked.
All roles will be sent out from now until 6 and a separate thread will be open
Oh, and evil Dave will kill any inactive player at will.
Update in the rules I forgot for the vigilante.
A vigilante can kill anything BUT a villager..that includes wildcards.
If the vigilante kills a villager, that villager will be dead, but the village will kill the vigilante.
Same for a wildcard, they can only kill another wildcard or penguin without signing their own death warrant.
Gayer Melted by Paula Deangayer revived by crouton-voodoo
Boydster Paula Dean stabbed in the face with Jane's arrow. Moved to wildcard host
Stash Wildcard hybrid ripped in half by junker beast
Jane Betrayed by her own people and by man in pigeon suit
Battery staple Axed by NSS
Benjamin Franklin Head removed by Paula Dean and used as nick nack from evil dave
Junker impaled by Paula Dean