Ok, as you FEers claim to be over 1,000 strong, and as I can see you are diverse enough in terms of countries, here's a simple experiment to prove the Earth is round. Now, you claim satellites are actually "stratellites", which means they are really just advanced airplanes and as such must refuel? And so you say further that this happens when they are not visible to you. Try this:
Step 1: Gather enough of you members to encircle the globe and keep watch on the "stratellites".
Step 2: Make sure you have communications equipment that can't be tampered with easily and will reach you all.
Step 3: As you each confirm the satellite passes, check in on the radio, and record your answer.
Step 4: When the satellite gets back to being visible for the first member, end the experiment.
Step 5: Shoot yourselves for just proving your own crackpot theory wrong.
Another thing to try:
Step 1: Complete the same steps of the previous experiment but this time watch the Sun.
Step 2: This will be much easier to do because you don't actually need to see the sun itself, only its light. Also, you can see the bullets as you load them into your gun.
Now, there is no way to refute the answer this will show, and you yourselves must do it. This is because you are crazily paranid and only rely on personal experience. FOCUS ON THIS TOPIC NO GAY POSTS BISHOP OR MIDGARD!