Where can I find some actual proof of a Flat Earth? Thanks in advance.
I should stop posting.
Quote from: "hefdaddy42"Where can I find some actual proof of a Flat Earth? Thanks in advance.no-where
same as the fact that you cant find any proof of a round earth.
Quote from: "hefdaddy42"Where can I find some actual proof of a Flat Earth? Thanks in advance.Erm, have you looked outside recently? How about the FAQ?
Quote from: "joshd"Quote from: "hefdaddy42"Where can I find some actual proof of a Flat Earth? Thanks in advance.no-whereThat's what I was afraid of, although I was hoping for something more substantial.Quote from: "joshd" same as the fact that you cant find any proof of a round earth. Ah, well, there are hundreds of years of science to refute that statement.
Quote from: "BOGWarrior89"Quote from: "hefdaddy42"Where can I find some actual proof of a Flat Earth? Thanks in advance.Erm, have you looked outside recently? How about the FAQ?Yes, I look outside a lot, and I see nothing to indicate a flat Earth.Also, that FAQ is horrible and just silly. If that's all you have on which to base your theories, then I will pray for you.
For the original work by the man who created the Flat Earth Society over a hundred and fifty years ago, please see Samuel Rowbotham's Earth: Not a Globe.
So, when you look outside, you don't see a flat horizon? Odd ... maybe you should schedule an appointment with your opthamalagist.
Really? Because I found this in it:Quote from: "The FAQ nobody reads"For the original work by the man who created the Flat Earth Society over a hundred and fifty years ago, please see Samuel Rowbotham's Earth: Not a Globe.
That is just ridiculous. The link even admits the guy never used the scientific method. Please tell me you have more than this.
Quote from: "BOGWarrior89"So, when you look outside, you don't see a flat horizon? Odd ... maybe you should schedule an appointment with your opthamalagist.I've been to the tops of mountains, as well as tall structures such as the St. Louis Arch and the Empire State Building. No flat horizons from those altitudes. Perhaps you just need a little perspective.
The eyes can play tricks on the mind.
However, since you trust your observations so much, have you ever gone looking for the gold at the end of a rainbow?
Quote from: "BOGWarrior89"Really? Because I found this in it:Quote from: "The FAQ nobody reads"For the original work by the man who created the Flat Earth Society over a hundred and fifty years ago, please see Samuel Rowbotham's Earth: Not a Globe.That is just ridiculous. The link even admits the guy never used the scientific method. Please tell me you have more than this.
Step 5. Read "Flatland" by Edwin A. Abbott
Quote from: "Tom Bishop"Step 5. Read "Flatland" by Edwin A. Abbottthat isnt going to get you anywhere... that is a book about a two-dimensional world.
Maybe you should read more than the first page that is presented to you, like a good debater would.
Yes, I look outside a lot, and I see nothing to indicate a flat Earth.
Please tell me why I should continue past the first page
And I'm not debating. I'm asking for proof.
Quote from: "BOGWarrior89"Maybe you should read more than the first page that is presented to you, like a good debater would.Please tell me why I should continue past the first page, when the first page tells me how ridiculous the rest of it is.
And I'm not debating. I'm asking for proof. I'm assuming that you Flat-Earthers aren't all raving conspiracy nuts, and that you have some concrete reasons for believing the way that you do. If you rely on non-scientific proofs, then I will revise my assumption.
de·bate [di-beyt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -bat·ed, -bat·ing.–noun1. a discussion, as of a public question in an assembly, involving opposing viewpoints.3. deliberation; consideration.–verb (used without object)5. to engage in argument or discussion, as in a legislative or public assembly.6. to participate in a formal debate.7. to deliberate; consider.–verb (used with object)9. to argue or discuss (a question, issue, or the like), as in a legislative or public assembly.10. to dispute or disagree about.11. to engage in formal argumentation or disputation with (another person, group, etc.).12. to deliberate upon; consider.
So, you are saying that you have no proof, and that your only evidence, for lack of a better word, relies on information that admittedly eschews the scientific method.
To make his system work he had to throw out a great deal of science, including the scientific method itself, using instead what he calls a 'Zetetic' method.
To make his CRACKPOT DRIVEL work he had to throw out a great deal of science, including the scientific method itself, using instead THE BULLSHIT method.
Words to the effect of "I think the Zetetic method is worthless".
Read the book.