WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread

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Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #60 on: February 17, 2019, 10:32:20 PM »

I hacked Stash's Facebook, and this is what I found.

That's some neat detective work there SCG.

Stash....what say you to this insinuation?

It's true, I was once a penguin trainer. Mostly for the uniform. The ladies dig the cuffed-pegged khakis over white rubber boots look. 


Colonel Gaydafi

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Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #61 on: February 17, 2019, 11:05:02 PM »
Maybe someone should volunteer to be leader of the ghost council and we lynch them? Or then lynch no one because we haven't got a clue yet.
Quote from: WardoggKC130FE
If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
Quote from: Raa
there is a difference between touching a muff and putting your hand into it isn't there?



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Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #62 on: February 17, 2019, 11:42:17 PM »
Maybe someone should volunteer to be leader of the ghost council and we lynch them? Or then lynch no one because we haven't got a clue yet.

If there is a spirit magician in game, the problem is solved. Spirit magician has to be volunteer to be lynched. He has a right to brought back the important roles. So that, a spirit magician when dead is stronger than its alive. And then he becomes the leader of ghost counsil.

My plan is spirit magician volunteers to be lynched. If there is an empath, so checks him, whether wim already dead. Since he has an extra life, it gives us an opportunity spend empath's one right to verify him. Because we have to trust the leader of counsil. After that, there is two possiblity:

a) Nobody talks about spirit magician. It means he is sure spirit magician and dead. So everybody can trust him. This way goes to about an ensure villager victory.
b) If anybody talks about him not being spirit magician, so one of them has to be an evil. We can learn it by an easy way. because only psichic or empath can say this. So who has blamed him has to be either a psichic empath, or an evil try to deceive us. Even so I believe evils can not try this way because it is easy to control its being empath or psichic.

I believe this deserves to try.

If there is a spirit magician, so please read the define of your role, agree to be lynched in first day, and ensure a villager victory.
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Jura II (until 2031)
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Jura-Glenlivet II

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Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #63 on: February 18, 2019, 12:50:55 AM »
Jura wanders over to barman Jim.
“Hi Jim, the other guy got a bit pissy cos’ I didn’t like his cocktail and gave me a kids drink, do you have any decent beer, failing that, for some reason I get the feeling that a pink champagne on ice might be good.”

Jura put $50 on the bar.

“And Jim, If you hear anything you think might be of interest just send me a note or something, cheers.”

The weaselly guy called Dave was trying to pick fight, too much sun, Jura thought that it was way too early for this, let the medicine men/women do their stuff, get some consensus but hey she would meet him outside if he insisted just to draw a line.

[Jura votes to lynch LordDave]

Jura 1 vote
Lorddave 1 vote
« Last Edit: February 18, 2019, 01:03:46 AM by Jura-Glenlivet II »
Life is meaningless and everything dies.

Every man makes a god of his own desire



  • 25833
Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #64 on: February 18, 2019, 12:55:32 AM »

Jura wanders over to barman Jim.
“Hi Jim, the other guy got a bit pissy cos’ I didn’t like his cocktail and gave me a kids drink, do you have any decent beer, failing that, for some reason I get the feeling that a pink champagne on ice might be good.”

Jura put $50 on the bar.

“And Jim, If you hear anything you think might be of interest just send me a note or something, cheers.”

The weaselly guy called Dave was trying to pick fight, too much sun, Jura thought that it was way too early for this, let the medicine men/women do their stuff, get some consensus but hey she would meet him outside if he insisted just to draw a line.

[Jura votes to lynch Dave]

You're talking about murdering someone. And for what? I think this heat is getting to you Jura. I've got my eye on you....  :-[

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place



  • Ethical Stash
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Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #65 on: February 18, 2019, 12:59:19 AM »
I'm a little light on the lingo, the game mechanics, as it were. Am I supposed to be doing something? When do I write  [I vote to lynch ___] ?

Dave, I think voted to lynch Jura, Wise got upset, a seeming hysteria. I'm not frightened, bolstered by whiskey, just, well, uneasy, aces back to back and facing the door.

I've tried looking at previous game threads to understand, but they read like Kerouac after a few bottles of mad dog 20/20 and a microdot of mescalin.

Apologies for the noob questions.



  • 8547
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Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #66 on: February 18, 2019, 01:11:16 AM »
I'm a little light on the lingo, the game mechanics, as it were. Am I supposed to be doing something? When do I write  [I vote to lynch ___] ?

Dave, I think voted to lynch Jura, Wise got upset, a seeming hysteria. I'm not frightened, bolstered by whiskey, just, well, uneasy, aces back to back and facing the door.

I've tried looking at previous game threads to understand, but they read like Kerouac after a few bottles of mad dog 20/20 and a microdot of mescalin.

Apologies for the noob questions.

Unless dave put his vote in brackets its just rebel rousing.  It doesn't count as a vote.

Jura is the only vote.

Considering how stacked the villagers are compared to team evil, it would be foolish to lynch on day 1.  The risk is high that we would lynch a villager.
Rabinoz RIP

That would put you in the same category as pedophile perverts like John Davis, NSS, robots like Stash, Shifter, and victimized kids like Alexey.



  • 18592
Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #67 on: February 18, 2019, 01:14:37 AM »
I vote to lynch Jura.

Jura - 1

Why did you do that? You know everybody has equal chance on day 1. And there was already a suspicious person took suspect of 4 people in day one. I think you've done something wrong here. However, this may be taken into consideration because you are new in the game. I don't know, I think junker didn't do you an evil role because you were new to the game, but you got into the suspect list with this behavior.And you're right, there's a chance that you're an evil since there's a random lottery. sad. it would better if you as a new player waited the others. why so hurry?

I don't think it's right for lynching jura. What happens if she were an important person for villagers? We can not know this. There is no sense here. maybe new players may be banned from voting on the first day in future games. Or maybe you have a personel problem with her. Because you said same thing before the game too. But this is not true place for solving your personel problems.

I am not new.  Do a search for me and werewolf.  I've ran many games. 

As for why I chose Jura: her name was first on thr player list.  As you said, everyone has an equal chance so I chose based on something I had no control over. 

However, your very strong defense makes me think you and her are on a team, a nasa or werepenguin team.  Otherwise you would not protest so much, yes?
You have been ignored for common interest of mankind.

I am a terrible person and I am a typical Blowhard Liberal for being wrong about Bom.



  • 18592
Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #68 on: February 18, 2019, 01:15:37 AM »
I'm a little light on the lingo, the game mechanics, as it were. Am I supposed to be doing something? When do I write  [I vote to lynch ___] ?

Dave, I think voted to lynch Jura, Wise got upset, a seeming hysteria. I'm not frightened, bolstered by whiskey, just, well, uneasy, aces back to back and facing the door.

I've tried looking at previous game threads to understand, but they read like Kerouac after a few bottles of mad dog 20/20 and a microdot of mescalin.

Apologies for the noob questions.

Unless dave put his vote in brackets its just rebel rousing.  It doesn't count as a vote.

Jura is the only vote.

Considering how stacked the villagers are compared to team evil, it would be foolish to lynch on day 1.  The risk is high that we would lynch a villager.


Mother fucker!

WAIT.... you don't lynch every day?

You have been ignored for common interest of mankind.

I am a terrible person and I am a typical Blowhard Liberal for being wrong about Bom.



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Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #69 on: February 18, 2019, 01:17:07 AM »
I think Dave wrote this because he didn't know the rules. and jura said his vote is valid by counting his vote. I think Dave can fix it. I believe both are villagers. also the first day we always lynch the villager. this is almost every game. so I don't intend to vote for the moment. Dave and jura knew themselves in advance and the jura voted him reactive. These are reasonable things I think. I still think none of them are evils.

I think a friend who has doubts about jura's reactive vote has been included in the suspect list.  ::)  ::)  ::)
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

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  • 25833
Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #70 on: February 18, 2019, 01:18:01 AM »
I'm a little light on the lingo, the game mechanics, as it were. Am I supposed to be doing something? When do I write  [I vote to lynch ___] ?

Dave, I think voted to lynch Jura, Wise got upset, a seeming hysteria. I'm not frightened, bolstered by whiskey, just, well, uneasy, aces back to back and facing the door.

I've tried looking at previous game threads to understand, but they read like Kerouac after a few bottles of mad dog 20/20 and a microdot of mescalin.

Apologies for the noob questions.

Unless dave put his vote in brackets its just rebel rousing.  It doesn't count as a vote.

Jura is the only vote.

Considering how stacked the villagers are compared to team evil, it would be foolish to lynch on day 1.  The risk is high that we would lynch a villager.


Mother fucker!

WAIT.... you don't lynch every day?

He just waits until the penguins/NASA thin us down first.

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place



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Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #71 on: February 18, 2019, 01:20:53 AM »
I vote to lynch Jura.

Jura - 1

Why did you do that? You know everybody has equal chance on day 1. And there was already a suspicious person took suspect of 4 people in day one. I think you've done something wrong here. However, this may be taken into consideration because you are new in the game. I don't know, I think junker didn't do you an evil role because you were new to the game, but you got into the suspect list with this behavior.And you're right, there's a chance that you're an evil since there's a random lottery. sad. it would better if you as a new player waited the others. why so hurry?

I don't think it's right for lynching jura. What happens if she were an important person for villagers? We can not know this. There is no sense here. maybe new players may be banned from voting on the first day in future games. Or maybe you have a personel problem with her. Because you said same thing before the game too. But this is not true place for solving your personel problems.

I am not new.  Do a search for me and werewolf.  I've ran many games. 

As for why I chose Jura: her name was first on thr player list.  As you said, everyone has an equal chance so I chose based on something I had no control over. 

However, your very strong defense makes me think you and her are on a team, a nasa or werepenguin team.  Otherwise you would not protest so much, yes?

On the first day of the game I assume that the player roles can be determined by the mood of narrator. I did this in previous games too. In other words, if the narrator is good with someone, so it makes him a villager. this may not be the case, but the first day I always did and I said that. junker and jura have good relationship, so i think that is his villager. it's a similar logic to you thinking that it's bad because he is at the top of the list. I think she is a villager because has good relationship with junker. This may be not work but as a opening idea seems fair to me.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I’m I a globalist AI.



  • 25833
Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #72 on: February 18, 2019, 01:21:27 AM »
I think Dave wrote this because he didn't know the rules. and jura said his vote is valid by counting his vote. I think Dave can fix it. I believe both are villagers. also the first day we always lynch the villager. this is almost every game. so I don't intend to vote for the moment. Dave and jura knew themselves in advance and the jura voted him reactive. These are reasonable things I think. I still think none of them are evils.

I think a friend who has doubts about jura's reactive vote has been included in the suspect list.  ::)  ::)  ::)

I just think murder is a bit harsh for someone who thought out loud or made a joke. It wasn't in the square brackets so it didn't count.

This is what Jura is like when he's only served a kiddie drink?

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place



  • Ethical Stash
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Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #73 on: February 18, 2019, 01:22:37 AM »
I'm a little light on the lingo, the game mechanics, as it were. Am I supposed to be doing something? When do I write  [I vote to lynch ___] ?

Dave, I think voted to lynch Jura, Wise got upset, a seeming hysteria. I'm not frightened, bolstered by whiskey, just, well, uneasy, aces back to back and facing the door.

I've tried looking at previous game threads to understand, but they read like Kerouac after a few bottles of mad dog 20/20 and a microdot of mescalin.

Apologies for the noob questions.

Unless dave put his vote in brackets its just rebel rousing.  It doesn't count as a vote.

Jura is the only vote.

Considering how stacked the villagers are compared to team evil, it would be foolish to lynch on day 1.  The risk is high that we would lynch a villager.

Got it. So Dave comes in hot, hand on pistol, talks smack about putting a bullet square into Jura's monobrow. Wise get's upset, almost 'chivalric'. Goes on about his ghost collusion wished prophecy. (no one buys it)

All said and done, Jura flips over a table scattering my fullhouse to the pine floor and throws down an actual bracketed lynching in retaliation?



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Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #74 on: February 18, 2019, 01:23:37 AM »
I'm a little light on the lingo, the game mechanics, as it were. Am I supposed to be doing something? When do I write  [I vote to lynch ___] ?

Dave, I think voted to lynch Jura, Wise got upset, a seeming hysteria. I'm not frightened, bolstered by whiskey, just, well, uneasy, aces back to back and facing the door.

I've tried looking at previous game threads to understand, but they read like Kerouac after a few bottles of mad dog 20/20 and a microdot of mescalin.

Apologies for the noob questions.

Unless dave put his vote in brackets its just rebel rousing.  It doesn't count as a vote.

Jura is the only vote.

Considering how stacked the villagers are compared to team evil, it would be foolish to lynch on day 1.  The risk is high that we would lynch a villager.

Got it. So Dave comes in hot, hand on pistol, talks smack about putting a bullet square into Jura's monobrow. Wise get's upset, almost 'chivalric'. Goes on about his ghost collusion wished prophecy. (no one buys it)

All said and done, Jura flips over a table scattering my fullhouse to the pine floor and throws down an actual bracketed lynching in retaliation?

You two are talking like two teammates. You ask he says, he says then you get.  ::)
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I’m I a globalist AI.


Jura-Glenlivet II

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Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #75 on: February 18, 2019, 01:27:47 AM »
Pretty much, I took Dave's vote as a vote and I think it was meant as such, Dave go back and put it in brackets for clarity.
Life is meaningless and everything dies.

Every man makes a god of his own desire



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Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #76 on: February 18, 2019, 01:46:19 AM »
I think Dave wrote this because he didn't know the rules. and jura said his vote is valid by counting his vote. I think Dave can fix it. I believe both are villagers. also the first day we always lynch the villager. this is almost every game. so I don't intend to vote for the moment. Dave and jura knew themselves in advance and the jura voted him reactive. These are reasonable things I think. I still think none of them are evils.

I think a friend who has doubts about jura's reactive vote has been included in the suspect list.  ::)  ::)  ::)

I just think murder is a bit harsh for someone who thought out loud or made a joke. It wasn't in the square brackets so it didn't count.

This is what Jura is like when he's only served a kiddie drink?

He has not used brackets but renew his decision by write it as typing jura 1. He has already said it yesterday to think to vote the jura because of being top of the player list. I think this is a weak argument. I said dave is not suspect in my mind because of he is new, but interestingly he says he is not new.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

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  • Ethical Stash
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Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #77 on: February 18, 2019, 01:51:36 AM »
I'm a little light on the lingo, the game mechanics, as it were. Am I supposed to be doing something? When do I write  [I vote to lynch ___] ?

Dave, I think voted to lynch Jura, Wise got upset, a seeming hysteria. I'm not frightened, bolstered by whiskey, just, well, uneasy, aces back to back and facing the door.

I've tried looking at previous game threads to understand, but they read like Kerouac after a few bottles of mad dog 20/20 and a microdot of mescalin.

Apologies for the noob questions.

Unless dave put his vote in brackets its just rebel rousing.  It doesn't count as a vote.

Jura is the only vote.

Considering how stacked the villagers are compared to team evil, it would be foolish to lynch on day 1.  The risk is high that we would lynch a villager.

Got it. So Dave comes in hot, hand on pistol, talks smack about putting a bullet square into Jura's monobrow. Wise get's upset, almost 'chivalric'. Goes on about his ghost collusion wished prophecy. (no one buys it)

All said and done, Jura flips over a table scattering my fullhouse to the pine floor and throws down an actual bracketed lynching in retaliation?

You two are talking like two teammates. You ask he says, he says then you get.  ::)

Not teammates...yet. Just trying to figure out if I have to do anything. Seems like de rigueur not lynch anyone day one. Unless overtly provoked. We are seemingly in Dave v Jura standoff. So we wait or act I presume.



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Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #78 on: February 18, 2019, 02:00:22 AM »
I'm a little light on the lingo, the game mechanics, as it were. Am I supposed to be doing something? When do I write  [I vote to lynch ___] ?

Dave, I think voted to lynch Jura, Wise got upset, a seeming hysteria. I'm not frightened, bolstered by whiskey, just, well, uneasy, aces back to back and facing the door.

I've tried looking at previous game threads to understand, but they read like Kerouac after a few bottles of mad dog 20/20 and a microdot of mescalin.

Apologies for the noob questions.

Unless dave put his vote in brackets its just rebel rousing.  It doesn't count as a vote.

Jura is the only vote.

Considering how stacked the villagers are compared to team evil, it would be foolish to lynch on day 1.  The risk is high that we would lynch a villager.

Got it. So Dave comes in hot, hand on pistol, talks smack about putting a bullet square into Jura's monobrow. Wise get's upset, almost 'chivalric'. Goes on about his ghost collusion wished prophecy. (no one buys it)

All said and done, Jura flips over a table scattering my fullhouse to the pine floor and throws down an actual bracketed lynching in retaliation?

You two are talking like two teammates. You ask he says, he says then you get.  ::)

Not teammates...yet. Just trying to figure out if I have to do anything. Seems like de rigueur not lynch anyone day one. Unless overtly provoked. We are seemingly in Dave v Jura standoff. So we wait or act I presume.

The first day I'm not thinking of lynching anyone. almost all the first days so far a villager has to be lynched. so far only the first day in dd has performed the lynch as accurate once. I guess he said he was lucky. A chance to hit a NASA or Penguin statistically 4/16. this is so low. We need data. Only psichic can only do this. The logic used by dave was ridiculous, and I think the jura is reacting to it. obviously I prefer not to vote instead of lynching someone important by mistake . because at least this is the right one.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I’m I a globalist AI.



  • 18592
Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #79 on: February 18, 2019, 03:00:56 AM »
Wise, are you Levee or Shandokhan?  You sound like him.

And I think Jura is a villager too but 25% is pretty good chances.

We gotta start somewhere otherwise we're fodder.
You have been ignored for common interest of mankind.

I am a terrible person and I am a typical Blowhard Liberal for being wrong about Bom.


Colonel Gaydafi

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Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #80 on: February 18, 2019, 03:25:47 AM »
We often don't lynch on the first day and tend to get suspicious of those who do, as it's rather a penguiny/nasa-y thing to do to get a head start on killing villagers
Quote from: WardoggKC130FE
If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
Quote from: Raa
there is a difference between touching a muff and putting your hand into it isn't there?



  • Professor
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Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #81 on: February 18, 2019, 03:32:34 AM »
Wise, are you Levee or Shandokhan?  You sound like him.

And I think Jura is a villager too but 25% is pretty good chances.

We gotta start somewhere otherwise we're fodder.

I do not know the Levee and no, I am not sandokhan. Maybe being analytic thinking persons makes us similar in your mind.

25% is not a good enough chance. We villagers have to win this with more surely methods. Because villagers have lost past two games and we need a good victory now.

If you look at the chart of the roles, then you'll see that there are two psichic roles for villagers. We have 25% chance to kill an evil and 12,5% chance to kill an empath or psichic that those our only chances. In my opinion, waiting with not kill anybody today is the best move then we'll have at least 4 trusty persons after night.

You may be one of them, and she may be any other of them. In my opinion both you are, actually everybody is risky to be lynched in first day. Waiting is better than everything. I hope nobody, including you two not die today.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I’m I a globalist AI.



  • 25833
Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #82 on: February 18, 2019, 03:33:02 AM »
We often don't lynch on the first day and tend to get suspicious of those who do, as it's rather a penguiny/nasa-y thing to do to get a head start on killing villagers

I can't remember a time we have ever bagged a bad guy on the first night because someone wanted to lynch so we lynched them instead. Too often a villager was lost instead and sometimes a valuable one.

Still, if the vote is tied perhaps just leave it unless more information comes to light. The chance of either of them being bang on bad guy is slim and only a guess at this point.

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place


Bom Tishop

  • 11198
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Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #83 on: February 18, 2019, 03:42:30 AM »
We often don't lynch on the first day and tend to get suspicious of those who do, as it's rather a penguiny/nasa-y thing to do to get a head start on killing villagers

It's not suspicious, he is just used to the normal games where it certainly is good to lynch the first day...he isn't used to this style.

Though I may vote to Lynch jura just because he is always yelling at me....we will see.

However, a game this big, it certainly isn't a large percentage to get a random hit the first day...add that to the fact we have alot of new players that we don't know how they act when guilty or not.
Quote from: Bom Tishop
LordDave is quite alright even for a bleeding heart liberal. Godspeed good sir


Jura-Glenlivet II

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Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #84 on: February 18, 2019, 03:44:32 AM »

Circumspect probably meant looking at round things in Dave’s mind, one of those cowboys for whom patience was indecision, so he’d zeroed in on her because she was top of the guest list, brilliant, his addition had upped the IQ of this gathering possibly as much as Gayers parrot and that was stuffed, but he was still talking the talk, so she was going to have to deal with him, oh joy, so much for the jukebox peace song.
Life is meaningless and everything dies.

Every man makes a god of his own desire



  • 18592
Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #85 on: February 18, 2019, 03:59:34 AM »
Well, if lynching on the first day is not normal then I retract my vote.

[I  vote to lynch noone.]
Lorddave -1
You have been ignored for common interest of mankind.

I am a terrible person and I am a typical Blowhard Liberal for being wrong about Bom.



  • 18592
Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #86 on: February 18, 2019, 04:01:00 AM »
Wise, are you Levee or Shandokhan?  You sound like him.

And I think Jura is a villager too but 25% is pretty good chances.

We gotta start somewhere otherwise we're fodder.

I do not know the Levee and no, I am not sandokhan. Maybe being analytic thinking persons makes us similar in your mind.
Actually its the speech patterns.  The workable but unnatural English.
You have been ignored for common interest of mankind.

I am a terrible person and I am a typical Blowhard Liberal for being wrong about Bom.


Bom Tishop

  • 11198
  • Official friend boy of the FES!!
Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #87 on: February 18, 2019, 04:07:32 AM »
Well, if lynching on the first day is not normal then I retract my vote.

[I  vote to lynch noone.]
Lorddave -1

Alright...Then so it shall be...

[I vote to cancel jura's vote]

Now there are no votes for anyone to be lynched.
Quote from: Bom Tishop
LordDave is quite alright even for a bleeding heart liberal. Godspeed good sir



  • Assistant to the Regional Manager
  • 17774
Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #88 on: February 18, 2019, 04:08:36 AM »
We often don't lynch on the first day and tend to get suspicious of those who do, as it's rather a penguiny/nasa-y thing to do to get a head start on killing villagers

I can't remember a time we have ever bagged a bad guy on the first night because someone wanted to lynch so we lynched them instead. Too often a villager was lost instead and sometimes a valuable one.

Still, if the vote is tied perhaps just leave it unless more information comes to light. The chance of either of them being bang on bad guy is slim and only a guess at this point.

We never get a bad guy because we never lynch on the first day. How have times have we tried? Twice? By that logic, we should never lynch. I think we should take fate into our own hands. We get to either pick our own ghost leader, or we bag a bad guy. That's a win-win.



  • Flat Earth Researcher
  • 12330
Re: WP XI - Hotel California - Game Thread
« Reply #89 on: February 18, 2019, 04:09:19 AM »
If there is a spirit magician, so please read the define of your role, agree to be lynched in first day, and ensure a villager victory.
That's risky. If any evil team has some vote-interfering power, you've just told them who to save and who not to kill tonight. There's already been two votes cast so the politician, for example, has plenty to work with to redirect.

Dave's tricky. On one hand he's new and used to the old werewolf games, so he likely has a different playstyle. On the other hand he's smart enough to use that as cover. Equally Wise wanting a role to out themselves is... weird, but he's also Wise so doesn't have to be suspicious.
CFC hasn't incriminated himself blatantly so far this game, so he's probably guilty.
Franklin is quiet... too quiet.
I'm down with lynching on the first day, just usually better to wait until closer to dusk so you're a little more informed about how everyone else acts. I'm pretty sure we go back and forth on this all the time; last I remember not lynching on the first day was a sure sign that evil's going to have an easier time of it.

I'm going to instead spend my time chilling by the bar. I like nibbles. There had better be nibbles, you hear?  >:(
We all know deep in our hearts that Jane is the last face we'll see before we're choked to death!