Maybe someone should volunteer to be leader of the ghost council and we lynch them? Or then lynch no one because we haven't got a clue yet.
If there is a spirit magician in game, the problem is solved. Spirit magician has to be volunteer to be lynched. He has a right to brought back the important roles. So that, a spirit magician when dead is stronger than its alive. And then he becomes the leader of ghost counsil.
My plan is spirit magician volunteers to be lynched. If there is an empath, so checks him, whether wim already dead. Since he has an extra life, it gives us an opportunity spend empath's one right to verify him. Because we have to trust the leader of counsil. After that, there is two possiblity:
a) Nobody talks about spirit magician. It means he is sure spirit magician and dead. So everybody can trust him. This way goes to about an ensure villager victory.
b) If anybody talks about him not being spirit magician, so one of them has to be an evil. We can learn it by an easy way. because only psichic or empath can say this. So who has blamed him has to be either a psichic empath, or an evil try to deceive us. Even so I believe evils can not try this way because it is easy to control its being empath or psichic.
I believe this deserves to try.
If there is a spirit magician, so please read the define of your role, agree to be lynched in first day, and ensure a villager victory.