In 1957; a group of researcher have decided to move Agartha where mentioned on many old texts by using an U-Boat. Pezevenk, BatteryStaple and boydster have departed from Port Glasgow, through North. After stopping at some cities on the route, new names joined the team; Jura, NSS, Junker, SCG, Crouton, Colonel Gaydafi, shifter and CFC. Duckdodgers has joined the group in Fareo Islands.
Their main goal is to confirm the existence of the Agartha, and if possible, so finding a path out of this earth.
Some agents were joined into the team to prevent team to find the Agartha and their way out of there. Two penguins whose are defender of Agartha; and two UNF (United National Forces) agents whose have goal to prevent anybody going out of this earth. and they also have a friend who has successfully infiltrated the researchers. His code name is Deron Rabinozes.
During the day, the villagers can vote to lynch any of their number. Whoever ends the day with the most votes dies. Someone can also vote to cancel another痴 vote. If there is a tie, no one dies. Simply write [I vote to lynch ___]
When voting, please keep a running tally of current votes for the ease of everyone reading. Anyone attempting to manipulate the system by obfuscating the running tally shall be met with a swift death. The running tally should read like this:
Player A - 3
Player B - 2
Player C - 1
If a character wishes to commit suicide, they do not require a vote, they can do it to themselves instantly. Any votes for them to be lynched are immediately cancelled, and those that did so are free to vote again. This option is only open to villagers, and is only available should there be fewer villagers remaining than the total sum of penguins and NASA agents.
Any command for the narrator in the thread should be in brackets [__] to make sure it doesn't get overlooked.
During the night, the Psychic can ask the alignment of a specific character. The Psychic is on the side of the villagers.
The penguins will alternate nights, and can also choose between two options. They might decide to ask after the alignment of two players (it was one), or they could decide to kill. If they target a villager, the villager dies. If they target a UNF agent however they will be unable to kill them, and instead their identity will be outed to that agent. (To encouragement the evil teams to scan and inner fight, and giving them to win the game without slatemate, number of scan right has increased. It was already two at the beginning.)
The UNF agents perform the same as the penguins, with the roles reversed. Should a penguin and UNF agent target the same individual, the individual survives and once more the identity of the penguin is revealed to the UNF agent, and the identity of the UNF agent revealed to the penguin. The target learns both.
The only way for a penguin or UNF agent to die is by lynching, or by ability of a role (such as Amateur Vigilante).
The penguins win when the UNF agents and villagers are wiped out, or such a thing is unavoidable.
UNF wins when penguins and villagers are wiped out, or such a thing is unavoidable.
The villagers win when both UNF and the penguins are defeated.
Alternatively, no one wins should all villagers be dead, and the UNF agents or penguins both have one or both have two survivors. In this case, only Deron Rabinozes wins.
If anyone wants to reveal their role in PM or the main thread they are free to do so, however it is still a bit of a stupid thing to do so you are advised against it. It is entirely possible for someone to lie. However, as the villagers are required for UNF agents to defeat the penguins, or vice versa, there may be cause for an uneasy alliance.
Dead players may post only at night, but living players may commune with them even during the day via PM. This includes talking with dead penguins/UNF agents should anyone wish to pull a 奏he enemy of my enemy.
When someone dies, it is revealed whether they were a penguin, UNF agent or human; any special roles are the ghost痴 to reveal. Any knowledge on the alignments of other characters remains secret, and will be dispensed by their ghost as and when they wish it.
The two werepenguins have human names during the day, but their true penguin names are Sunglow Bobcat and Teal-Eyed Zebra. The two UNF agents are Aboo Rabdos and Hadgee Qaspiel. each team member uses his / her vote alternately. if one of the members dies, the authority to use his right shall be transferred to the other team member.
There are two werepenguins, two UNF spies, and one psychic among the villagers.
Villager only roles:
Vengeful Spirit - Has all the powers of a psychic, but only when they have been killed by either a penguin or UNF agent. If they were lynched, they can only ask after a name once, and only the name of one of those that voted for them.
Deron Rabinozes (maximum 1 per game) - (Older name wildcard) It's sole purpose is to make the villagers lose. It does not matter who wins. Even in death they are indistinguishable from a villager. The Deron Rabinozes will be PM'd the identity and role of one penguin and one UNF agent to allow an alliance if desired. They will also be notified of the active villager roles (no identities) and their frequency (since duplicate roles are likely).
Psychic (maximum 1 per game) - A player with mystical powers. Each night, the psychic can ask for the alignment of another character.
Spirit Magician (switched the alignment) - When this person is killed, they may choose another person to resurrect with all their abilities intact. Penguins and UNF agents cannot be brought back.
Shared villager, penguin, and UNF roles:
Empath (switched to its old alignment) - Attunes themselves to a target each night and learns that target's role, much like a psychic. If their target is killed, however, they die too. If they locate a penguin or UNF agent they are too traumatised to ever use their power again. (in my opinion both psychic and empath are making a team irresistable. For balance it a few, empath has became a shared role like older games)
Bodyguard - At the end of each day, PMs the narrator a name and the person they choose will not be killed by any penguin or UNF agent during that night. They cannot protect themselves. Their power only works once, after that they will be too injured. If by some staggering coincidence the UNF agent, penguin and bodyguard all select the same person, it's the bodyguard who will become aware of their identities in addition to the one they protected. If the bodyguard protects a penguin from a UNF agent, or vice versa, they will still lose their power and the victim will not learn of their attacker's identity.
Werewolf -(switched its alignment) This player has werewolf blood boiling in its veins. If this player is killed by a penguin/UNF agent, it will morph into a werewolf and kill the penguin/UNF agent that killed it. However, if this player is lynched, it will morph into a werewolf and kill a villager. The werewolf can choose only from those villagers that elected to lynch it.
Thief - At any time, this player may steal another character's role. The person they targeted will be informed and given a new ability at random. The thief no longer steals alignment, just ability. That way a team evil can be a thief as well. The only way alignment changes is if they end up the wildcard. Then the wildcard ends up normal.
Hypnotist - May choose any player and remove any abilities they possess for the next block of the day. For example, they would PM me a name at the end of the night, and someone would then not be able to use their power during the next day. If they PM me a name during the day, the target would have no power during the night. This also prevents a selected penguin/UNF agent from killing or scanning an individual, but cannot be done constantly. A day or a night must pass before they can act again. The affected will be told their powers have been taken for the 24 hour (real time) period.
Scam Artist - During the day, may PM the narrator two votes counted towards the lynching total. There is a 25% chance of being caught and losing their power, but cast votes still go through. Their identity however is not revealed to the world at large.
Politician - May act to prevent a lynching by outing themselves in the thread. The person to be lynched is then changed to anyone else that has at least one vote not cast by the Politician; it is the Politician's choice. If they do not kill a penguin/UNF agent, they lose their power. If they do kill one they maintain the ability to overrule in future.
Amateur Vigilante - May kill one person, day or night, simply by PMing the narrator. There is a 50% chance of being caught and killed. Only works once.
There will be some puzzles in the game. there will be some details of some places in the route in order to make these puzzles suitable for the scenario. The answers to these questions will usually be accessible via google or yandex map. you will not be notified if a photo or a place on the map is asked whether in google or yandax map. It's up to your luck. however, knowing or not knowing a problem may pause or advance the entire team's traveling. The prizes will feature a daily role property. On same day or on that night, the unused role will lose the ability to be used the next day. Inother say, the validation time of a prize is 24 hours. But you can PM to guard somebody after 23 hours passed and it can protect somebody during next 12 hours. The point, you had to use it before 24 hours ended.
Estimated prizes of puzzles (can be changed next):
- bodyguard ability: has to be used within 24 hours, then it is valid for next 12 hours. All roles can gain and use for all roles.
- one extra bullet for amateur vigilante: valid 24 hours, only vigilantes can gain or use. untransferable.
- one extra vote right, valid 24 hours. All roles can gain and use.
These prizes can make you the next target at night, since you have a role and an extra ability, so that using them instantly is better.
Instead, a more secure method you can chose to send your answers by "PM". It protects your privacy. Then I'll reply you only if you found the answer and if you were the first.
Update lightning storm
In anywhere, in any time, a flasf of lightning storm can be happened on any player and kill it. this is actually a case where some narrators are practiced under different names. it has been legalized in this game. it never hits players whose, have a presence in the game either with their votes on game, secret votes to narrator or talks in table. This is for really passive players. the chance of lighningstorm hitting a passive player on any day is 50% in first day (48 hours), 100% in second day (48 hours). After second day it does not work anymore because numerical conditions become important.
I, the wise; a human immortal; treats everyone equally, Who is the teller of this story; has good relations with all parties , penguins, people and UNF agents, as well as entities in the external world. Therefore, all events will be conveyed to you in a neutral manner.
PS: Changed rules are marked blue.
PS2: Anticheater mode activated: Werepenguins and UNF agents will got an extra PM show their same roles but villager alignment. Deron Rabinozes will got an extra PM shows him being a role randomly chosed and villager.
Good luck and have fun.