
Who will be the next president of The Flat Earth Society?


Narrator suggestions and discussings here

  • 435 Replies


  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
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  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
Narrator suggestions and discussings here
« on: January 20, 2019, 10:41:10 PM »
NSS may be. DD is another strong alternative. boydster and crouton secondery alternatives. Shifter has not made it at all, maybe he is. scg is busy but maybe wants to do it. Since cfc and barst are two low content persons I don't think them. Bullwinkle is already a passive uncle has some biologic problems. Colonel may be a good alternative. Junker is new, but even so can be considered. Jura and Jane made it perfect and one of them can do it again. These are my thoughts, you can add your thoughts and votes below.

« Last Edit: February 22, 2019, 05:23:06 AM by wise »
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

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  • 25833
If I was a narrator, I'd take us to the mythical land of Australia. I'd make sure rab is in there somewhere and if he doesn't want to play he'd suffer a most gruesome death. However from February, my job site will be different and it will be night work. So we'll have to see how that plays out and what time I can dedicate to this most crucial and important task or narrating. So I definitely cant do the next one.

I'd be interested in what NSS could come up with if he is interested.

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26236
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
If I was a narrator, I'd take us to the mythical land of Australia. I'd make sure rab is in there somewhere and if he doesn't want to play he'd suffer a most gruesome death. However from February, my job site will be different and it will be night work. So we'll have to see how that plays out and what time I can dedicate to this most crucial and important task or narrating. So I definitely cant do the next one.

I'd be interested in what NSS could come up with if he is interested.

If number of players increase so maybe two narrators can be appropriate. In this regard, if you interested and worried about your free time so I or someone else can help you.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I知 I a globalist AI.



  • 265
  • Earth is flat.
Can I be a proposed candidate? I am willing to work hard for the leadership of the penguins, nasa and flat earthers. As the saying goes, what you look for is on the other side of our greatest faer.



  • Flat Earth Researcher
  • 12330
Can I be a proposed candidate?

Also, just generally, would recommend playing a game before narrating one.
We all know deep in our hearts that Jane is the last face we'll see before we're choked to death!



  • 1163
  • The Perfumed Seneschal
Also, just generally, would recommend playing a game before narrating one.
Hey, I've played two games! Who wants to go to the magical land of Canada?



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26236
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
Also, just generally, would recommend playing a game before narrating one.
Hey, I've played two games! Who wants to go to the magical land of Canada?

1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I知 I a globalist AI.



  • Assistant to the Regional Manager
  • 17774
Also, just generally, would recommend playing a game before narrating one.
Hey, I've played two games! Who wants to go to the magical land of Canada?

I'm up for this adventure.



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26236
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
These candidates are more than enough. But if there is another candidate, so I can add it too.

Good luck to candidates.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I知 I a globalist AI.



  • 8547
  • Flat like a droplet of water.
Also, just generally, would recommend playing a game before narrating one.
Hey, I've played two games! Who wants to go to the magical land of Canada?

There is nothing magical about Canada.
Rabinoz RIP

That would put you in the same category as pedophile perverts like John Davis, NSS, robots like Stash, Shifter, and victimized kids like Alexey.



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26236
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
May I learn your offers? I'm asking to members who marked "your offer here" options.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I知 I a globalist AI.


Bom Tishop

  • 11198
  • Official friend boy of the FES!!
Since cfc and barst are two low content persons I don't think them.

What the hell?? I beat you last game, I just didn't take it because I didn't want to win that way.. I have beaten you other games as well, you even had to rig the game you narrated to screw me out of a win.

Not to mention, I started this new style game play for werepenguin...

Fuck out!!

(Wise is ignored for lying on my name, may his butt itch till infinity...unless he apologizes, then I might remove the curse)

Quote from: Bom Tishop
LordDave is quite alright even for a bleeding heart liberal. Godspeed good sir


Bom Tishop

  • 11198
  • Official friend boy of the FES!!
On a real note, I don't mind narrating another...I would like to fix the one glitch my last game had, I think it will be fair.

I like the NASA/penguin/villager set up, I just think it is damn near impossible as an evil team to win. I have thought this for a while, however, I think last game confirmed it.

Both evil sides played smart and efficient...the villagers played well also... however, they hit about every source of bad luck you could get AND had a dead player.

The only reason I could have claimed a victory was from a rule technicality, and even then, if bullwinkle was playing I would have lost with the power he had.

So we have a point where both evil sides played smart games, and the villagers got every bad break you could think of and they should have still won, think they are a bit over powered.

I think two over powered penguins vs the villagers with their special roles should be fair...either that or changes the rules for the lovers a bit, that might equal it out keeping with the NASA/penguin style...I like both, just need to even it up
Quote from: Bom Tishop
LordDave is quite alright even for a bleeding heart liberal. Godspeed good sir



  • Flat Earth Researcher
  • 12330
I think two over powered penguins vs the villagers with their special roles should be fair...either that or changes the rules for the lovers a bit, that might equal it out keeping with the NASA/penguin style...I like both, just need to even it up
I'm definitely interested in narrating the structure again, with a few shake-ups to aid playability and hopefully give the evil teams more power. I think the last game wasn't quite as one-sided as you painted it, the villagers got good luck with getting a solid ghost council which was what let the empath/psychics be so useful, but my concern is that while certain situations do benefit one side over the other, there seem to be much more that can happen to benefit the villagers. And even the potential victory situations came down to the wire.
My thoughts are:
Plus ranking the roles so that no evil team gets too over or underpowered.

But I'm definitely not narrating the next game. Way too soon for me to do that again.

Also are we going for a typical werepenguin game, a CFC multi-role werepenguin game, or Penguins vs NASA next?
My vote's for one of the first two for a break.
We all know deep in our hearts that Jane is the last face we'll see before we're choked to death!



  • Flat Earth Inspector General of High Fashion Crimes and Misdemeanors
  • 17037
  • Djinn
I like the idea of shifter doing a game.

Intelligentia et magnanimitas vincvnt violentiam et desperationem.
The truth behind NASA's budget


Bom Tishop

  • 11198
  • Official friend boy of the FES!!
I like the idea of shifter doing a game.

The question is, does shifter what to narrate lol.

I wouldn't mind doing the next one...would just need to decide what style we would want to do.

One like I did last time with glitch fixed or one like Jane's with team evil given a bit more pep. I wouldn't mind either one.

I have been kicking around how to do a game where the narrator can play to an extent....something like the last game where the villagers sway the narrator with something/s.

Also recently kicked around an idea of having two dueling narrators
Quote from: Bom Tishop
LordDave is quite alright even for a bleeding heart liberal. Godspeed good sir



  • 25833
I like the idea of shifter doing a game.

The question is, does shifter what to narrate lol.

I wouldn't mind doing the next one...would just need to decide what style we would want to do.

One like I did last time with glitch fixed or one like Jane's with team evil given a bit more pep. I wouldn't mind either one.

I have been kicking around how to do a game where the narrator can play to an extent....something like the last game where the villagers sway the narrator with something/s.

Also recently kicked around an idea of having two dueling narrators

I have no idea what my time structure will be from February because work will be very different but after I settle in and find a groove I should be able to give it a go. Just dont expect a masterpiece of a story  :P

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place


Bom Tishop

  • 11198
  • Official friend boy of the FES!!
I have no idea what my time structure will be from February because work will be very different but after I settle in and find a groove I should be able to give it a go. Just dont expect a masterpiece of a story  :P

If you don't have time it's ok... I can always find evil Dave, I am sure he is fairly blood thirsty by now.
Quote from: Bom Tishop
LordDave is quite alright even for a bleeding heart liberal. Godspeed good sir



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26236
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
I have no idea what my time structure will be from February because work will be very different but after I settle in and find a groove I should be able to give it a go. Just dont expect a masterpiece of a story  :P

You can start it in 26th and finish it before 31th January. Considering every day average 2 player die, seems fair. If you are not sure, we can agree you've been retreated. Because there is already another candidate.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I知 I a globalist AI.



  • 25833
I have no idea what my time structure will be from February because work will be very different but after I settle in and find a groove I should be able to give it a go. Just dont expect a masterpiece of a story  :P

You can start it in 26th and finish it before 31th January. Considering every day average 2 player die, seems fair. If you are not sure, we can agree you've been retreated. Because there is already another candidate.

I'll be out that weekend. Long weekend as public holiday on 28th as 26th is 'Australia day'. Plus I'd also want time to prepare and write up some kind of narrative/backstory. Depending on how I go next month I am keen to do one

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place


Bom Tishop

  • 11198
  • Official friend boy of the FES!!
I have no idea what my time structure will be from February because work will be very different but after I settle in and find a groove I should be able to give it a go. Just dont expect a masterpiece of a story  :P

You can start it in 26th and finish it before 31th January. Considering every day average 2 player die, seems fair. If you are not sure, we can agree you've been retreated. Because there is already another candidate.

I'll be out that weekend. Long weekend as public holiday on 28th as 26th is 'Australia day'. Plus I'd also want time to prepare and write up some kind of narrative/backstory. Depending on how I go next month I am keen to do one

No worries, would not want you to rush or not have fun. There are others including myself to do it. Plus need a cool down period for a bit anyways. Plus no need for a huge story, least in my eyes...I like the more simple narration myself. That's just me though
Quote from: Bom Tishop
LordDave is quite alright even for a bleeding heart liberal. Godspeed good sir



  • Flat Earth Inspector General of High Fashion Crimes and Misdemeanors
  • 17037
  • Djinn
I like the idea of shifter doing a game.

The question is, does shifter what to narrate lol.

I wouldn't mind doing the next one...would just need to decide what style we would want to do.

One like I did last time with glitch fixed or one like Jane's with team evil given a bit more pep. I wouldn't mind either one.

I have been kicking around how to do a game where the narrator can play to an extent....something like the last game where the villagers sway the narrator with something/s.

Also recently kicked around an idea of having two dueling narrators

That's funny. I was trying to think of some way that that the narrator is sort of another side in the game. Don't quite know how to make that happen. Was thinking of some kind of system where the players try to break the game and every time the narrator has to cheat to fix it then the players get closer to victory.
Intelligentia et magnanimitas vincvnt violentiam et desperationem.
The truth behind NASA's budget



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26236
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
I've locked the whole while votes are 3 to 3. It can not changes a lot. Goes 3 to 5 or 6 to 5, one or two votes mean nothing after now. Both can lead a game according to general tendency.

It is appeared that we have two candidates, and shifter has a time problem. After this stage, a vote can change the result but this does not change both players deserv to be the narrator.

After now These two has to talk and as a decision between these two players, any of them can start the game at any time.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I知 I a globalist AI.


Bom Tishop

  • 11198
  • Official friend boy of the FES!!
I like the idea of shifter doing a game.

The question is, does shifter what to narrate lol.

I wouldn't mind doing the next one...would just need to decide what style we would want to do.

One like I did last time with glitch fixed or one like Jane's with team evil given a bit more pep. I wouldn't mind either one.

I have been kicking around how to do a game where the narrator can play to an extent....something like the last game where the villagers sway the narrator with something/s.

Also recently kicked around an idea of having two dueling narrators

That's funny. I was trying to think of some way that that the narrator is sort of another side in the game. Don't quite know how to make that happen. Was thinking of some kind of system where the players try to break the game and every time the narrator has to cheat to fix it then the players get closer to victory.

Let's discuss your idea, it might have promise.

One idea I was working with when I redesigned the original game was dueling narrators...two narrators, both choose their team, each team has one penguin and rest villagers. Each narrator wants to win, basically two teams.

I was kicking around the idea of either the teams know who are on the other side or maybe just the narrators.

There was alot of bugs, but it could possibly be turned to a game.
Quote from: Bom Tishop
LordDave is quite alright even for a bleeding heart liberal. Godspeed good sir



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26236
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
I like the idea of shifter doing a game.

The question is, does shifter what to narrate lol.

I wouldn't mind doing the next one...would just need to decide what style we would want to do.

One like I did last time with glitch fixed or one like Jane's with team evil given a bit more pep. I wouldn't mind either one.

I have been kicking around how to do a game where the narrator can play to an extent....something like the last game where the villagers sway the narrator with something/s.

Also recently kicked around an idea of having two dueling narrators

That's funny. I was trying to think of some way that that the narrator is sort of another side in the game. Don't quite know how to make that happen. Was thinking of some kind of system where the players try to break the game and every time the narrator has to cheat to fix it then the players get closer to victory.

Let's discuss your idea, it might have promise.

One idea I was working with when I redesigned the original game was dueling narrators...two narrators, both choose their team, each team has one penguin and rest villagers. Each narrator wants to win, basically two teams.

I was kicking around the idea of either the teams know who are on the other side or maybe just the narrators.

There was alot of bugs, but it could possibly be turned to a game.

I think a similar thought had already been put forward earlier. I mean, I think your thought is equal to the basic logic of to make it a fight between two equal teams. where the main aim this game is to create a proportion between the disproportionate forces I think. When you lose the main aim, then you can lose everything. We have to not do this, in my opinion.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I知 I a globalist AI.



  • Flat Earth Inspector General of High Fashion Crimes and Misdemeanors
  • 17037
  • Djinn
I like the idea of shifter doing a game.

The question is, does shifter what to narrate lol.

I wouldn't mind doing the next one...would just need to decide what style we would want to do.

One like I did last time with glitch fixed or one like Jane's with team evil given a bit more pep. I wouldn't mind either one.

I have been kicking around how to do a game where the narrator can play to an extent....something like the last game where the villagers sway the narrator with something/s.

Also recently kicked around an idea of having two dueling narrators

That's funny. I was trying to think of some way that that the narrator is sort of another side in the game. Don't quite know how to make that happen. Was thinking of some kind of system where the players try to break the game and every time the narrator has to cheat to fix it then the players get closer to victory.

Let's discuss your idea, it might have promise.

One idea I was working with when I redesigned the original game was dueling narrators...two narrators, both choose their team, each team has one penguin and rest villagers. Each narrator wants to win, basically two teams.

I was kicking around the idea of either the teams know who are on the other side or maybe just the narrators.

There was alot of bugs, but it could possibly be turned to a game.

Not alot to it right now.  I was thinking of the game you had where about in the middle it seems you mixed things up a bit to keep it going longer.  That would be an instance where the players win a point.  But a point towards what?  And what happens?

Like I said, a lot to work on.
Intelligentia et magnanimitas vincvnt violentiam et desperationem.
The truth behind NASA's budget



  • Flat Earth Researcher
  • 12330
You could have some situation where the narrator isn't allowed to interfere normally, but has three specific actions they can do to shake things up.

Might be better for a penguins vs villagers normal game, where everyone has powers and because of that the penguins are a bit outclassed, but the narrator wants them to win so they can do each of the following once:
  • Switch the roles of two players (eg, replace the penguin and psychic the moment before a lynching)
  • Redirect someone like a bodyguard or psychic to another target
  • Lie about the role of someone who was killed
And when they've done all that they're powerless. No PMing roles out etc, only doing their normal job plus those three. Only three one-off occurences, but could be enough to make the villagers less sure of their ground.

Could also introduce an ability to scan the narrator, to find out how many of their tricks they've got left. Not which tricks have been used, just if they've done one or two or all three. Once per every two nights, say.
We all know deep in our hearts that Jane is the last face we'll see before we're choked to death!



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26236
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe

The point

...because of that the penguins are a bit outclassed, but the narrator wants them to win...

is important.

So, Jane wants penguins win in her games according to this standpoint.

So; If Jane narrates a game next a day, so I want to be penguin in her games please.  8)
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I知 I a globalist AI.



  • Flat Earth Researcher
  • 12330
So, Jane wants penguins win in her games according to this standpoint.
Just for that game structure  :P
We all know deep in our hearts that Jane is the last face we'll see before we're choked to death!



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26236
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
So, Jane wants penguins win in her games according to this standpoint.
Just for that game structure  :P

Yeah right  ;)
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I知 I a globalist AI.