Hey, what is your problem? Are you forcing me to deny the Jesus? What kind of a christian does this? Bad guy! 
I am not, just saying the Muslim Yehoshua is different that the Christian version.
Christian= Son of Yahweh
Muslim= Teacher and profit
That is a big difference.
I know one Joshua, Saint Joshua. Not muslim's Yehoshua, nor "according to you" christian's Son of Yahweh.
I know only one Joshua was a saint and mentioned in bible as Joshua. I don't know which religion you talk about but I worry if its depend on bible or is there another religional text for christians.
Joshua the son of Nun
as Yahweh commanded by Moses (Yawyeh is not father of Joshua)
And here again, Joshua is the son of Nun, not son of Yawyeh:
1 Now it happened after the death of Moses the servant of Yahweh, that Yahweh spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' servant, saying,
2 "Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you, and all this people, to the land which I give to them, even to the children of Israel.
Please mention a source where claim Joshua's being son of Yawyeh. Or you have to prove Yawyeh's being actually Nun. 
Man, I'm sorry but I know more than you about christianity. You have became a "yasoo version two" in my opinion. You Have no idea about bible but talking like a man knows everything about it. As a sinful Christian, you must repent and apologize to God for your sins.
Yahweh is God, Yehoshua is the son of God.
Yahweh, exact translation in Hebrew "I am what I am let me show you", it's rough to translate, that is about as accurate as it can be. Basically let me show you what I am by my actions, as Yahweh has always shown by actions more than words.
Then Yehoshua translates to "Yahweh saves", that translation is much easier because we have the full name compared to Yahweh, since that is our most accurate representation, but Pharisees pulled characters out of the name from fear of being destroyed.
Now, as for the Son of Yahweh...I can point too many verses. Let me ask though, we are talking about Joshua/Jesus correct? Or another Joshua, as there are multiple in the old and new testament.
Do not talk about your own source. Show me a source Joshua's (please stop constantly say Yehoshua, it is Joshua as everybody know), being son of Yahweh, but not son of Nun.
Stop to talk waste in vain and show source.
So you deny the bible says "Joshua is the son of Nun" and claim him being son of God, right? Inother say you claim God is Nun. Show sources man, show resources. You may do mistake. And stop constantly what Turks or Turkish sources say. I'm discussing you on bible, not Turkish resources.
Show me a christian source claims "Joshua's being son of God", or not being son of Nun (that bible writes it clearly but you claim opposite)
So are you denying the bible?Just tell me, you are an atheist and just kidding the bible, right?
Joshua is short hand, not a direct translation from Hebrew, Yehoshua is. He has many names, it's ok. Plus don't say everyone knows about Joshua, most western society knows Him as Jesus.
Here is just some things to start..
Mark says it at the outset of his gospel (1:1).
The angel told Mary her child would be the Son of God (Luke 1:35).
John the Baptist said the same thing (John 1:34).
Nathanael said it (John 1:49).
Martha believed it (John 11:27).
The centurion said so (Matthew 27:54).
Jesus claimed that He said so (John 10:36).
Jesus clearly implies it in John 11:4.
The demons called Jesus the Son of God (Matthew 8:29; Luke 4:41; Mark 3:11).
The charge against Jesus was that He claimed to be the Son of God (Matthew 27:43; John 19:7), a claim He never denied, and virtually admitted (Luke 22:70).
The Gospel of John was written to convince the reader that Jesus was the Son of God (John 20:31).
Why, you might ask, does Jesus not say so plainly. I think the answer is found in Matthew 16:15-17:
15 He said to them, “And who do you say that I am?” 16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 17 And Jesus answered him, “You are blessed, Simon son of Jonah, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my Father in heaven!” (Matthew 16:15-17).
I can keep going if needed.