Are AstraZeneca and GSK doing chemtrails?

  • 4 Replies


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Are AstraZeneca and GSK doing chemtrails?
« on: March 30, 2017, 11:13:47 PM »
Without using pulmicort or ventolin; or together, almost none of The breath problem can not be solved which relevant with Asthma allergic connection. Is it a coincidence that it is only in two  English firms to solve it?

As you know that I'm not believing to chance.

Prosecutors should investigate the activities of these two firms.

This title is subject to social responsibility.

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Re: Are AstraZeneca and GSK doing chemtrails?
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2017, 01:55:19 AM »
Go to the police! Perhaps they are not too busy arresting erdogan opposition...
How dumb can you be?
I think MH370 was hijacked and the persons who did the hijacking were indeed out to prove a flat earth.



  • Professor
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Re: Are AstraZeneca and GSK doing chemtrails?
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2020, 07:37:48 PM »
And now:

Astrazeneca prepared 100 million vaccines, before Oxford Unversity verified it working.

The first human trial in Europe for a vaccine began in Oxford last week.

They have started just a week ago tu human trial and then woohoo they are going to manufactoring immediately!

How many of you have dare to accept this vaccine? I am one not accepting.
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Jura II (until 2031)
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Re: Are AstraZeneca and GSK doing chemtrails?
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2020, 07:58:00 PM »
And now:

Astrazeneca prepared 100 million vaccines, before Oxford Unversity verified it working.

The first human trial in Europe for a vaccine began in Oxford last week.

They have started just a week ago tu human trial and then woohoo they are going to manufactoring immediately!

How many of you have dare to accept this vaccine? I am one not accepting.

That's bullshit they could have confidence in a vaccine so soon. And there has never been a vaccine created against a corona style virus in the history of vaccines. Not just a record

I'd easy pass on this 'vaccine'. Darwinism can take care of the fools that rush for it though.

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place



  • Professor
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Re: Are AstraZeneca and GSK doing chemtrails?
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2020, 08:11:04 PM »
And now:

Astrazeneca prepared 100 million vaccines, before Oxford Unversity verified it working.

The first human trial in Europe for a vaccine began in Oxford last week.

They have started just a week ago tu human trial and then woohoo they are going to manufactoring immediately!

How many of you have dare to accept this vaccine? I am one not accepting.

That's bullshit they could have confidence in a vaccine so soon. And there has never been a vaccine created against a corona style virus in the history of vaccines. Not just a record

I'd easy pass on this 'vaccine'. Darwinism can take care of the fools that rush for it though.
Ahahaha, they are AstraZeneca, like astral voyage, they can pass over side of your dreaming. Ahahaha. Do you believe miracles? In this world, not really. But evil miracles are possible.

There are billions of fools can believe their lie, like they have believe every astral stories. We went to mars, I went to jupiter on the return way and bought 2 kilos of tomatoes. I was just coming, I got a coronavirus vaccine from the alien pharmaceutical company in the moon. (A NASA astronot talks).

Billions of evolutionist, Nasaist People: "Yeayyyyy!"
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