WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)

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Bom Tishop

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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #840 on: January 20, 2019, 04:33:24 AM »
W is important.  ::)

Do you play for the L wise?

No. I've heard it  right now as a first time.

Lol, wise, you are so much fun!

L= loss
W= win
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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #841 on: January 20, 2019, 04:40:52 AM »
W is important.  ::)

Do you play for the L wise?

No. I've heard it  right now as a first time.

Lol, wise, you are so much fun!

L= loss
W= win

L may be means many things. I have said it for you get why you can not win.

I was playing wining but after awared you'were  almost defeating me by cooperation with DD then I've changed my mind. I got him made it while he sent a PM to Jane and me together. He did it only for be sure of me. He is a clear traitor. If DD would not acted like a traitor I was wining the game. Then sure, he was wining too. But he preferred the harder way. So that he could not succeeded.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2019, 04:42:30 AM by wise »
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Bom Tishop

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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #842 on: January 20, 2019, 05:48:35 AM »
W is important.  ::)

Do you play for the L wise?

No. I've heard it  right now as a first time.

Lol, wise, you are so much fun!

L= loss
W= win

L may be means many things. I have said it for you get why you can not win.

I was playing wining but after awared you'were  almost defeating me by cooperation with DD then I've changed my mind. I got him made it while he sent a PM to Jane and me together. He did it only for be sure of me. He is a clear traitor. If DD would not acted like a traitor I was wining the game. Then sure, he was wining too. But he preferred the harder way. So that he could not succeeded.

DD didn't give me that much info fyi, he did his job, give me enough and give y'all enough to cause massive chaos with all sides.

That is why I said, he is the most Savage wildcard to date...he played a great game.

I also realized that with these game rules, it is damn near impossible for a bad team to win...it is fun to try, but the reality is slim.
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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #843 on: January 20, 2019, 05:56:57 AM »
Great game Jura, this was a lot of fun, and so much carnage!

I said it in PMs, and I'll say it here. The wildcard role is a great addition, and one I need to remind myself to account for in future games because it does change the dynamic. And for the better, I think.



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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #844 on: January 20, 2019, 06:09:27 AM »
I'm terribly sorry to the villagers for deceiving you so. Not a smart move to have dead people and 1 living person in a chat and claim "the are the confirmed innocents". Always hide your most valuable asset.
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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #845 on: January 20, 2019, 06:22:43 AM »
I'm terribly sorry to the villagers for deceiving you so. Not a smart move to have dead people and 1 living person in a chat and claim "the are the confirmed innocents". Always hide your most valuable asset.

You played well but as a result nobody has won the game, including you are. But you have made a hidden agreement with cfc, right. Do you want to say anything about this one too?
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Bom Tishop

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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #846 on: January 20, 2019, 06:26:32 AM »
I'm terribly sorry to the villagers for deceiving you so. Not a smart move to have dead people and 1 living person in a chat and claim "the are the confirmed innocents". Always hide your most valuable asset.

You played well but as a result nobody has won the game, including you are. But you have made a hidden agreement with cfc, right. Do you want to say anything about this one too?

There is no hidden agreement...his actual words "I don't care who wins, I just want the villagers to lose".

He was tight lipped with many things.
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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #847 on: January 20, 2019, 06:33:49 AM »
You're saying lie, cfc. Sorry but so. Because DD sent me a PM as "let bullwinkle die". But he knew you were killing me then the possiblity of his wining was decreasing. He did it only for you win the game.

I promised him a win working with him...

I think I'm a few weak on English. It is clear, DD has betrayed us and only worked for you win. If I do not win so why I care who win?
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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #848 on: January 20, 2019, 06:38:13 AM »
DD if you agree, write here you agreed nobody has won but slatemate happened. Everybody lost, including you.

Otherwise I'll offer bullwinkle's ability to give any of random villagers, "villagers agree (your vote is null around villagers), penguins agree, nasa denies but. then he'll revive crouton when cfc kills him and tomorrow villagers will kick first cfc and then me out. Then villagers win. Agree the losing, mister DD.  8) Yes, this is a type of revenge but you may chose to try your chance then villagers perhaps win. Then you'll exactly lose.
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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #849 on: January 20, 2019, 07:18:14 AM »
The problem with that, crouton would have turned around in redirected to wise and I would have been golden.
Maybe. Who knows?
Whatever the case you were the bigger threat.

DD won. A stalemate is a victory for the wildcard, they don't care about anything except the villagers losing. Wise, he didn't betray us, he did his job.
Is fun to have a game where you can force a loss if your opponents aren't careful, when you're doomed. Duck really played this one well though.
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Space Cowgirl

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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #850 on: January 20, 2019, 07:45:45 AM »
Who saved CFC a few days ago? WE HAD HIM DEAD.

Great game Jura!
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.



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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #851 on: January 20, 2019, 07:57:11 AM »
Who saved CFC a few days ago? WE HAD HIM DEAD.
Got to wonder how NASA felt about that. They're not lynching CFC any more! ...They're lynching Barst. Oh.
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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #852 on: January 20, 2019, 08:34:32 AM »
Who saved CFC a few days ago? WE HAD HIM DEAD.
Got to wonder how NASA felt about that. They're not lynching CFC any more! ...They're lynching Barst. Oh.

Lynching cfc was worse for NASA. So that perhaps they have sacrificed barts. You said he has confessed his crime but I saw there is a problem there. If I would not voted the cfc by forced by NSS definitely I would leaded votes through CFC again.
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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #853 on: January 20, 2019, 08:41:07 AM »
So that perhaps they have sacrificed barts.
Maybe I was a sacrifice.
I wasn't a willing sacrifice, though.
Crouton just pulled a fast one on me.



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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #854 on: January 20, 2019, 08:44:22 AM »
Who saved CFC a few days ago? WE HAD HIM DEAD.
Crouton did. CFC was going to die until Crouton gave a rousing speech that made me commit divide by zero.
It was actually a move that benefited us NASA scum, since CFC was able to get the scam artist power.
Crouton was a second wildcard confirmed.


Jura-Glenlivet II

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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #855 on: January 20, 2019, 08:47:13 AM »
There were a couple of times things could have gone very differently, when NSS was thinking he may get lynched he said his target would be wise, then Junker came in, last second, and tipped the balance (making me scrap what I had just written and do a rewrite, bastard), I asked NSS if I should go ahead and I think he thought I was giving him a clue, or at least he rethought so killed DD, that put the wild card in the best position and kept the penguins in it.
A very different outcome if I had just done it.
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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #856 on: January 20, 2019, 08:59:10 AM »
Who saved CFC a few days ago? WE HAD HIM DEAD.
Crouton did. CFC was going to die until Crouton gave a rousing speech that made me commit divide by zero.
It was actually a move that benefited us NASA scum, since CFC was able to get the scam artist power.
Crouton was a second wildcard confirmed.

No. You did. You have delibaretely revealed yourself for let others kill you to save the cfc. Jane said me you confessed your crime but even so I did not do it because I felt a problem there.
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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #857 on: January 20, 2019, 09:13:31 AM »
I probably deserve some of the blame for CFC surviving, depends on how much influence my PMs had. I was doing all I could to throw suspicion towards the people that seemed almost definitely guilty because we needed NASA gone, and CFC hadn't implicated himself fully by that point. Him getting the scam artist role was just bad luck. Well, for everyone else.

Though thanks to CFC for telling Wise he was the vigilante, and then apparently completely forgetting the fact he did so judging by how no one eyed Wise for that.
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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #858 on: January 20, 2019, 09:42:28 AM »
Who saved CFC a few days ago? WE HAD HIM DEAD.
Crouton did. CFC was going to die until Crouton gave a rousing speech that made me commit divide by zero.
It was actually a move that benefited us NASA scum, since CFC was able to get the scam artist power.
Crouton was a second wildcard confirmed.

I was no wildcard. I merely eschewed rationality and embraced intuition this game. I stand by the results.
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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #859 on: January 20, 2019, 10:10:49 AM »
I'm telling again. Nobody has won and everybody have dead. If you want to read, I can prove.

This is not a technical slatemate, but this is a contracted slatemate. Because of I did not win the game so I can force any team to agree it.

The nearest player to won is DD, so I'll prove how DD lose so that he has to agree the slatemate.

Since Bullwinkle is dead as Spirit magician, he can revive somebody tomorrow. DD's only chance cfc's killing the crouton. I'll not kill anybody, opposite of Jane's thought; I'll let cfc kills the crouton.

Tomorrow, bullwinkle or someone instead of bullwinkle sends a PM in the name of bullwinkle. Because of it is a secret message, it has not to be an open post, so that someone else can do this, like how we offered it Shifter. Tomorrow someone revives the crouton.

I mark cfc, crouton lynches cfc in the name of God. 1 villager and 1 penguin remains. Villager explodes himself.

Game ends slatemate between penguins and villagers, so that slatemate. No winner, even DD.

Jura, if you get me, please send Flat Earth Society airforce and lets start the operation carpet.   8)
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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #860 on: January 20, 2019, 10:53:45 AM »
The literal definition of the wildcard is 'wins if the villagers don't.' The villagers did not win. Case closed. This really isn't worth kicking up a fuss over.

Duck achieved his goal.

On a meta note, no idea who wants to narrate next. I'd support going back to the classic formula, but after a second runthrough of this formula if anyone wants to use it I'd suggest the following:
  • Each penguin/NASA agent gets two roles rather than just one, or they get something species appropriate (Like, penguins being bloodthirsty monsters can scan one person the same time they kill, while NASA being conspiracy masterminds learn a player's role rather than just alignment when they scan). Or both. I'm leaning towards the former, or both at once if you want the villagers to really struggle, which might be worth it.
  • Plus to avoid making a role overpowered, if a Team Evil identifies the werewolf when they're PMing the narrator, they don't get killed, but if they identify incorrectly they fail to kill because they spend too long preparing; that way it isn't an automatic stalemate if you get to one werewolf/one evil. (I like the idea of stalemates being from number, not role, otherwise it's unsatisfying and luck based. Like, who'll pay attention to the votes of a scam artist if no one's left alive?)
  • At some point the Wildcard has to commit to a goal. I'd say by the second night at the latest. They PM the narrator to say they'll be siding with NASA, or the penguins, or going for a stalemate. The wildcard's identity is then revealed to the team they chose, or to both if they picked stalemate.
  • Empath tweaks: if the person they scanned dies, they lose their power rather than dying. In the same vein the role is open to team evil for an extra scan.
  • Vengeful spirit is open to team evil, to give them more scanning options when they're low. (Only if the two-roles-for-evil is enabled).
  • LET VILLAGERS LOVE PENGUINS. Neither lover knows the alignment of the other. (If you want to get elaborate, could be fun if the villager has an option when they find out; if the evil's partner is dead they can choose to take their place, but the same rules apply; one evil is killed, the other dies as they're lovers, but they can still win and an extra body/vote might help. Or the villager can kill themselves to take out a team evil).
  • Which I think makes wildcard, psychic and werewolf the sole villager-only roles, and I'd propose making them mandatory just for the extra level of thought they add.
  • The channeler's role becomes automatic. Anyone trying to read them is redirected to a random player, living or dead; because it's now automatic it activates every time that person is scanned, not just the first.

A little more power to team evil given there were two slanted games in a row; I definitely think we had a chance even with the bad luck of NSS being the werewolf, but it would have come down to the wire. Equally the wildcard is made better and worse; it's harder for them to win, but there's less dancing around and distrust.
After that just gameplay tweaks. With how much scanning ends up going on, some reason to distrust it does add to the fun. With powers, the villagers do have an advantage, so a tiny flaw in those powers helps spice it up.

And then there's a balancing note when it comes to roles and yeesh, now I'm just rambling for something that probably won't happen.
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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #861 on: January 20, 2019, 10:54:43 AM »
You're wrong. Villagers can win by I help them. And I'm telling they can. 1v1 I will not kill anybody. Next day villager votes me and I watch. Villagers win. Which rule prevent I let villagers win?
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Colonel Gaydafi

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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #862 on: January 20, 2019, 10:55:55 AM »
Interesting ideas Jane

Anyway I won this game because I solved the clues so nyah to you all
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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #863 on: January 20, 2019, 10:56:47 AM »
Villagers have won this game and DD has lost. If I do everything in benefit of villagers so they win. Game over.

Villager won. What about this, Jane?
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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #864 on: January 20, 2019, 10:59:12 AM »
If DD has agrees the slatemate and he has lost like everybody, then I play normal. But if he denies then I prefer villagers win instead of DD's win the game by himself. So, by helping villagers, inother say penguins and villagers help themselves to villagers victory and it is possible. I have not to do everything true. There is not a rule about it.
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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #865 on: January 20, 2019, 11:00:45 AM »
Nope. Game's over. I don't need to explain the concept of rules to you any more.
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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #866 on: January 20, 2019, 11:01:55 AM »
I have not to get everything in your mind.

Villagers won and DD has lost. Poor DD, thought himself as winner.
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Space Cowgirl

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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #867 on: January 20, 2019, 11:17:57 AM »
I don't think giving team evil more power is necessary, even though it is fun to be a powerful evil player. 
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.


Space Cowgirl

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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #868 on: January 20, 2019, 11:18:34 AM »
Also, I'm fine with the narrator deciding to do such evil things. The narrator is the boss.
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.



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Re: WP IX The Templars Map (Game ON)
« Reply #869 on: January 20, 2019, 11:22:59 AM »
I don't think giving team evil more power is necessary, even though it is fun to be a powerful evil player.
Says the villager  :P
Just thinking on it. The only reason we did as well as we did was because I died; it gave us access to the wildcard, the knowledge of who the psychic etc was, and helped us contact NASA so we didn't tread on one another's toes in the night. And even with all that, the game would have come down to the last man standing. I'd just like a game to have more tactical options than "Hi, I'm evil, lynch me so I can talk to the wildcard."
Proportionally, villagers get more roles than penguins. It doesn't balance the way a normal game would. Only really noticed it playing from this side. Villagers can get everything over with pretty quickly, like last game, but the evil team has to take it down to the brink.

Plus they were weaker here than in my game. For me, when the evil team PMed to scan, I gave them role and alignment; Jura just gave alignment. That's definitely a good switch, keeps some uncertainty, but it also opens some fun doors.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2019, 11:25:03 AM by Jane »
We all know deep in our hearts that Jane is the last face we'll see before we're choked to death!