I'm telling again. Nobody has won and everybody have dead. If you want to read, I can prove.
This is not a technical slatemate, but this is a contracted slatemate. Because of I did not win the game so I can force any team to agree it.
The nearest player to won is DD, so I'll prove how DD lose so that he has to agree the slatemate.
Since Bullwinkle is dead as Spirit magician, he can revive somebody tomorrow. DD's only chance cfc's killing the crouton. I'll not kill anybody, opposite of Jane's thought; I'll let cfc kills the crouton.
Tomorrow, bullwinkle or someone instead of bullwinkle sends a PM in the name of bullwinkle. Because of it is a secret message, it has not to be an open post, so that someone else can do this, like how we offered it Shifter. Tomorrow someone revives the crouton.
I mark cfc, crouton lynches cfc in the name of God. 1 villager and 1 penguin remains. Villager explodes himself.
Game ends slatemate between penguins and villagers, so that slatemate. No winner, even DD.
Jura, if you get me, please send Flat Earth Society airforce and lets start the operation carpet.