The Atmosphere in the tavern was beyond tense, the assembled had bundled the unresponsive Bully into the corner, it seemed the previous two days of slaughter had tipped him into catatonia, some thought it a cover, he had been found outside naked the night Boydster and the Colonel had been killed and there was a growing consensus to string him up.
Wise had just finished a speech to that end when there was a flurry of activity, as the lights of the Land-rover flooded through the entrance window, the Lieutenant and three of the Sisters swept in, the fire door to the smoking patio near the bar sprang open too, Sisters Grace and Serenity entered, carbines sweeping the room. Shifter who was sitting next to the door froze,Sister Grace put the muzzle of her gun into his ear.
“Hi corpse fucker” she said brightly “Could you move your sorry ass to the middle table please?
Sister Una appeared on the mezzanine, weapon trained on those below. “Clear”
Sister Aeval vacated the archway, hand resting purposefully on the shotgun hanging from the strap from her shoulder, Her hair momentarily competing with the fire for colour and winning.
She spoke “A little bird tells me that you were about to kill the poor Bulwinckle” she paused, opening her other hand to reveal a crumpled bit of paper “However I also received this, a message from two members of The Council, telling us to execute Mr Wise”
The colour drained from Wises face and there was a muttering and a swift swapping of puzzled looks, Wise seemed to come to a decision his body tensing, as one the girls snapped their weapons up and levelled them at him, he stopped dead as the lieutenant carried on.
“But” she screwed the paper up and flicked it behind her into the fire which briefly flared as if hoping for a rematch, “That isn't going to happen”
Wise started to breath again, the Chicken man seemed about to say something, then didn't, the lieutenant cocked her head.
“Some thing you want to say Mr Clucker?” Wise shot him a look of pure hatred.
“Er, no”
“Just as well, as I don't want to fucking hear it, having to listen to your voice the last few days through the listening devices, whilst edifying, has I am afraid put you top of the list headed, if he as much as moves, shoot him in the face.”
“This is how it goes,” she pointed the gun at Shifter and Crouton, “You two, pick up your sleeping buddy and take him out to the Land-rover, If you manage this task without him coming to harm, you will be taken to the old light for the night, and come morning you will be picked up and you can go home, you may thank me by letter later for saving your life, Sister Grace if you would escort them please?”
Under the smiling but watchful ministration of the Sister the two clearly bemused villager's picked up the unresponsive Bully and bundled him out. When they heard the door shut she continued.
“Mr Wise, my sergeant here,” she pointed to the stern faced woman staring at him down the iron sites of her combat shotgun “Has one order tonight, that is, to watch that you comply with everything I ask of you, if you decide not to, she will kill you. The other ladies here have other considerations but they too are of the same mind. Do you understand?” Wise nodded, eyes locked on the sister.
“Good, lets test that understanding, please sit yourself in the corner” nodding to the seat furthest from her, wise backed up and did as he was told, half of the guns including Sister Gabrielle followed him.
She turned her attention to CFC, “Virgil, I hope you don't mind me using your real name?” the NASA agent reddened but said nothing. “Seriously? Well anyway, I have been told you are to live as long as you do not try to escape as you have a message to deliver to your space mates, personally I hope you try and we can write it out and pin it to your corpse for them to find. When the land-rover returns you will go with the four Sisters to the castle and in the morning you too can go, okay?”
He stared stonily back at her, she sniffed, Sister Serenity put her gun against his cheek.
“Not answering the Lieutenants questions is considered trying to escape” she hissed.
“You do realise we are on the same side here” He spluttered, gesturing at the silent wise “kill this thing and I will forget this ever happened”
The red heads face darkened “The Colonel, the one you left to choke to death, he was on my side and I liked him, now do you realise the situation you are in and the rules you need to abide by, for me to let you live? And Serenity if he answers anything but Yes and yes alone, blow his fucking head off.”
“Good, Serenity, take him out of here to wait for the transport, give him plenty of opportunity to run for it, Jena has new night sites she wishes to try out”
When he had gone she turned to the remaining captive, who was looking quizzically at her.
“Sister, why am I still alive?”
“ For the simple reason that my priestesses wish to understand more of what hold NASA has over you and offer, if they are able, to help you break those binds”
“And then?”
“And then, If they feel that you have been straight, and they will know if you lie, then you will be released”
Wise leant forward, all guns including the lieutenants pointed at him, she spoke.
“Do not make the mistake, Waldo/Wise, that their wish for information overrides in anyway my mission, that all the Sisters under my command return alive.”
He smiled, “I except your terms”
“Well let me just add a few before you fully agree, you will go out that door,” she pointed to the fire door. “There is a cage on the tennis court that you will enter and close the door behind you, that cage has certain embellishments that will suppress your ability to change shape, only then will they meet you, that is the full terms of our agreement here”
Waldo the penguin agreed, and so Clan Glenlivet captured for a while their first penguin.
As for the game, there was a time today when CFC had put his stolen power to use (scam-artists two extra votes) that it looked like Wise would die, If that happened then the power of Bully (spirit magician)could have won it for the villagers, or CFC might have won, but Wise mindful of Croutons politician's power and worry about a potential scam artist invoked his, which would have killed Bully, the two humans would have died in the night or at least one, who would suicide thus making a draw inevitable.
So in reality the evil side get a draw and Ducky gets a win as he will claim this, only you know how much he influenced things.
I hope this is acceptable and you had a good game, please don't unsticky it yet I have just one more thing to finish.