I'm about sure about the shape of the earth.
But there is something else I about sure that this world is nothing but a simulation, like how Zuckerberg says.
I believe God too. But at this respect, the important thing that what is God?
If we are a simulation so there must be some upper worlds. Think us in a bit in a computer. There may be numereous like our world and they can be create an universe like a computer. There may be a man using this computer. The problem is; is the man using this computer an ordinary creature or a God?
Can not we create a virtual simulation have some creatures and giving them consciousness. I think we can do this. Then the creatures in that world think we are their God. And they will be not wrong on this, because it is something like this according to their situation.
In this respect, did God create this world? Or there are many, countless upper civilisations created themselves.
Yes, I believe God too. But I think we have not directly connected to God. But it does not refute the reality of there are countless upper civilisations through arrive the God.
Wellcome. Fight for reality.