2019, year of help Australian homeless people

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2019, year of help Australian homeless people
« on: January 01, 2019, 07:07:28 AM »
Australia is known as a rich country. But 1 in 200 Australians are homeless. This makes them leader in the homeless statistics. We have to do something about it, less or more.

I've decided this year, 2019 has to be help homelesses in Australia.

Homeless people in Australia is more than 100.000. This number 300 in New Zealand. This was for you understand the issue.

1 of 200 in Australia is homeless, make them the leader in this statistics. But this is not a good leadership.

I invite everybody do something for homelesses in Asutralia, big or small. And publish it here by hiding the faces of humans. I'm not in Australia, and not rich, so that I'm helping them with bring them on to my agenda. This all I can, yet.

Lets start the goodness movement for Australian homeless people!

I'm neither rich, nor an Australian close them; but even so I'll search a way at least to help one of them; with the help of Saint Joshua's soul.

Give them a cup of coffee, or buy them either a lunch, or a breakfast, or just a toast, it is not important what you gave. But do something for them.

If possible, build a home for them but this maybe impossible for almost all of us. We can do something together for encourage Australian government to do something. Is the government only the government of those with the house? I swear we can do this.

God bless homelesses in Australia.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2019, 07:15:16 AM by wise »
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Jackblack (Until 01.28.2025)
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Corruption in Australian government is causing the homelessness !
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2019, 03:34:33 AM »
After I've researched, I've found that actually Australian government has considered the fight againsty homelessness with a good budget.


With a bit search, I found the budget of this department is not so bad.

The department supported the commencement of the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement on 1 July 2018. It provides ongoing funding to states and
territories totalling $1.5 billion each year to improve housing outcomes and reduce the incidence of homelessness.

As we see that the department supported reduce the incidence of homelessness with $1.5 billion each year. This is actually a good number.

I have estimated a cost of build a house it find its residents a job and rehability them cost with $200.000.

Then 1.500.000.000/200.000= 7.500 This is number of house you can build in a year and find a job of its owners.

There is 110.000 total homelesses. So, 110.000 homelesses / 7.500 decrease number per year= 15 years the solving the problem. It maybe better but not so bad for now.

But the problem is; corruption!

Lets examine the bugdet details:

As we clearly see that, although total budget is $1.5 billion,  but only 1,6 million of them were separated from the budget to homelesnesses. It is about 1 in 1.000 of all budget.

So what will happened the remained $1.499 billion? Affordable Housing, Support for Outcome,  Totals by appropriation type,  Disability Mental Health and Carer,  National Disability Insurance, so and so, so and so. All these are just word salad for just hiding the corruption.

With $1,6 million you can build only number of home: 5 or 10. With this speed, you can finish the homelessness in 11.000 year, estimated the year of 13.019.

Inother say, homelessness in Australia will be end in year of 13.019 estimated because of Corruption in Australian government. If we consider the population growth rate is more than that, we can clearly say that homelessness in Australia will be continue forever till infinity.

Source: Australian government: https://www.dss.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/10_2018/dss_annual_report.pdf
« Last Edit: January 02, 2019, 03:42:39 AM by wise »
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Jackblack (Until 01.28.2025)
Bulma (Until 2030)
JimmyTheLobster (Jura's alt)

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Re: 2019, year of help Australian homeless people
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2019, 07:31:00 AM »
Any new idea? I'm still sad for them.  :'(
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Jackblack (Until 01.28.2025)
Bulma (Until 2030)
JimmyTheLobster (Jura's alt)

I’m I a globalist AI.