I know their is a a whole system of ideas worked out that all fit together, but i just don't believe that our science, or rather the science of the professionals is as limited as we're told.
What "inside information" do you have to come to that opinion?
Do you actually read any of this "science of the professionals" or do you base you opinions on all the anti-science videos out there.
For example there is idea out there expressed in videos like these:
Passenger Airplanes Don't Carry Fuel, technological achievement being hidden from public eyes Enslaved By No Media | | Jet Fuel Hoax - Wings and Wheels - part 2 Koop Stoop |
I think the people who steer this thing could be so smart, they make it look like it works one way, when really it doesn't, evidenced by all the anomalous info out there.
What "inside information" do you have to come to that opinion?
It's all could be but what do you mean "by all the anomalous info out there"? Is it stuff posted by
conspiracy theorists (conspiritards)?
If we live in an "energy economy" then there would be certain images to keep up as well.
Sure, it could be said that we live in an "energy economy" but there are no magic sources.
Maybe there are some as yet unknown sources but what evidence have you got that there are hidden sources.
There are posted on the Internet many people trying to profit by selling the designs for "free energy", "over unity" and "vacuum energy" machines.
My question to all of these is simply, "If these machines work why haven't YOU made a fortune selling energy?"