"South Pole test"

  • 2 Replies
"South Pole test"
« on: November 28, 2018, 07:19:02 AM »
Hi everyone,

I've just few simple questions.
I want to know why I can't go over the 60° meridian? If they have nothing to hide why they doesn't let us visit this spot? They could break down the flat theories, if they let us "cross" the "south pole" and verify with our eyes that it is a simple Antarctic polar circle; for me this is the real test to make us know the true, other tests are really more difficult to make.

From Italy.

Re: "South Pole test"
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2018, 11:00:47 AM »
Who is prohibiting you from traveling over the 60o meridian? Who is "they"? Feel free to travel there, I don't believe there's anyone stopping you.
If "they" is the government, their apparent (according to you) refusal to let people see the South Pole should say something... if such easy proof to disclaim a flat earth is that available, why hide it? Maybe they're hiding it because it would expose their propagated Round Earth lies...

Re: "South Pole test"
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2018, 12:55:07 AM »
the main reason that no one goes there is because it is a dangerous place.  People also rarely visit death valley in July and that is a lot more habitable and smaller than the south pole.  Saying that though, if you want to visit the south pole, it probably would require some documentation just like it would if you were to visit anywhere outside of your own country.