Ice wall

  • 8 Replies
Ice wall
« on: October 22, 2018, 08:22:21 AM »
how large is the ice wall that surrounds us and is possible to break through it



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Re: Ice wall
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2018, 05:07:05 PM »
how large is the ice wall that surrounds us and is possible to break through it

2677kms; equal to 1663 miles.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


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Re: Ice wall
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2018, 03:08:51 PM »
Why would you want to break through it?  Also, it is likely very thick, so you probably can't break through it. 

Re: Ice wall
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2018, 08:10:57 AM »
Why would you want to break through it?  Also, it is likely very thick, so you probably can't break through it.

What happens when you break through it? and has anyone from the FE community ever gone to the ice wall to see it? and if there is a massive ice wall why does no one travel to go see it? because if that was real I definitely would.


Son of Orospu

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Re: Ice wall
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2018, 07:06:08 AM »
Why would you want to break through it?  Also, it is likely very thick, so you probably can't break through it.

What happens when you break through it? and has anyone from the FE community ever gone to the ice wall to see it? and if there is a massive ice wall why does no one travel to go see it? because if that was real I definitely would.

This seems like a thought experiment.  Perhaps you will find dinosaurs, or maybe a bunch of penguin eggs, or possibly hades.  What is the point of you asking what we could imagine might be there if we break through the wall?

Re: Ice wall
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2018, 07:30:02 PM »
Is the ice wall continuous all-around Antarctica?  If so, how are the penguins able to swim and then get back on the shore?



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Re: Ice wall
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2018, 10:32:09 AM »

Admiral Richard Byrd seems to be a great hero of flat-earthers in their claims about unexplored land larger than the USA past the South Pole.

So in the video that New Earth so kindly found for us, see what he has to say about Antarctica and the South Pole.

From 9:42 we hear,
          "Admiral, may I ask you, 'Is there a great difference between the top of the world and the bottom of the world?' "
To which Admiral Byrd replies,
          "There is. Now the North Pole is the center of an ocean 10,000 feet deep, the South Pole is the centre of a plateau 10,000 feet high.
           The North Pole is sea surrounded by continents, slightly frozen. The Antarctic continent is surrounded by a belt of ice."

Clearly, this hero of flat-earthers, Admiral Byrd believed that there is a single South Pole and Antarctica being an "island continent" - listen to it for yourself.

Hmm, I was under the impression Admiral Byrd was a Flat Earther himself blowing the whistle on a conspiracy.  So you are suggesting the belt of ice he mentions is just the ice on the edge of the island continent we RE supporters describe and not the edge of the flat plane?

Re: Ice wall
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2018, 01:47:44 PM »
The Ice wall theory is only one theory about the ends of the flat earth... also you should really read the FAQ section of the website before you post in the Q&A...
The FAQ says: "The Flat Earth Society, along with previous notable flatists such as Samuel Shenton and S. Rowbotham, believe there is no end to the Earth and that it continues indefinitely. The only edge to the earth is the one you are standing on. Some math describing this can be found in our blog article 'The Mathematics of an Infinite Earth'" on the website.

Re: Ice wall
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2018, 12:41:25 AM »
2 * pi * r
12500 * 3.14 * 2 = 78,500 miles

(pi * r)^2

12500 * 12500 * 3.14 = ~490,000,000 sq miles

According to the Flat Earth map, the earth's best known diameter is 25000 miles so the circumference of the ice wall would be about 78500 miles.  Assuming that is correct the earth is about 490 Million square miles.  The ice wall is about 200 miles thick or about 1.6% of the earth's diameter.  That makes it about 7.84 million square miles.   HTH.