It was the first spacewalk, so, yeah, it was famous. As I recall it wasn't particularly easy to accomplish,There was no Leonov spacewalk, that was the entire point of the links I provided so that you can update your erroneous beliefs.
How the Leonov flights were faked...'Four months of solid research interviewing experts in the fields of photo-optics, photo-chemistry and electro-optics, all of whom carefully studied the motion picture film and still photographs officially released by the Soviet Government ... (indicate them to be) double-printed .. The foreground (Leonov) was superimposed on the background (Earth below). The Russian film showed reflections from the glass plate under which a double plate is made ... Leonov was suspended from wire or cables ... In several episodes of the Russian film, light was reflected from a small portion of wire (or cable) attached to Leonov's space suit ... One camera angle was impossible of achievement. This showed Leonov crawling out of his hatch into space. It was a head on shot, so the camera would have had to have been located out in space beyond the space ship.'
Each and every other '"space mission", including of all the Apollo flights, was faked just as well.
but there is nothing about a flat Earth that precludes its being in motion. It could be rotating around a central axis. Not my quote.
This is the third time you ascribe someone else's thoughts to me.
Rotation is commonly detected using this effect whether you want to believe it or not. What the Michelson-Gale experiment/ring laser interferometer detected is the CORIOLIS EFFECT and not the rotational SAGNAC EFFECT, two very different formulas.
In the RE version, the Coriolis force is fictitious.
However, in the FE description, the Coriolis force is very real: it is caused by the rotation of the ether drift above the surface of the Earth.
In fact, Michelson and Gale measured the effect of the Coriolis force upon the light beams in 1925.
Here is the formula:
The figures for the area of the path, latitude (41deg. 46'), wavelength of the light, speed of light, and the expected fringe shifts are well known.
Expected fringe shift: 0.2364
Measured fringe shift: 0.230 +/- 0.005
Then, the angular velocity of the Earth can be easily computed.
However, what Michelson did is to publish the Coriolis effect formula and state that is was actually the Sagnac formula.
That is why for the past 90 years, the RE have always used with huge success the MGX to put an end to any debate with geocentrists and flat earth believers.
Michelson's interferometer measured ONLY the Coriolis effect (a physical effect, a deflection of the light beams) and NOT the rotational Sagnac effect (an electromagnetic effect, much greater in magnitude than the Coriolis effect).
Modern day ring laser interferometers also use the same Coriolis formula, while physicists running the experiment are claiming that it is the Sagnac formula.
Michelson knew very well that the formula published by him was actually the Coriolis effect formula, since Dr. Silberstein explicitly derived this same formula in 1921 using the most in-depth analysis ever done on the relationship between the Coriolis force effect and the Sagnac interferometer.
This is the correct rotational Sagnac effect formula for an interferometer which is located away from the center of rotation (Michelson-Gale, Michelson-Morley, Hammar, ring laser gyroscopes):
Now, let us compare the two formulas, Coriolis vs. Sagnac, using the latitude, for the Michelson-Gale experiment.
The turning of the MGX area at the hypothetical rotational speed of the Earth takes place a distance of some 4,250 km from the center of the Earth (latitude 41°46').
1 + cos
2Sagnac effect/Coriolis effect ratio:
1 + cos
R = 4,250 km
h = 0.33924 km
The rotational Sagnac effect is much greater than the Coriolis effect for the MGX.
1 = Φ = 41°46' = 41.76667°
2 = 41°45' = 41.75°
1 + cos
2) = 4729.885
hsinΦ = 0.225967
4729.885/0.225967 = 20,931.72
Michelson and Gale recorded ONLY the Coriolis effect, and not the rotational Sagnac effect.
Case closed.
Orbital motion is not detected because these devices aren't sensitive to translation.What exactly is it that precludes you from gaining a correct understanding of the world around you?
Certainly a lack of proper knowledge.
Algebraic approach to time-delay data analysis: orbiting case
K Rajesh Nayak and J-Y Vinet is an IOP article, published by the prestigious journal Classic and Quantum Gravity: this work, we estimate the effects due to the Sagnac phase by taking the realistic model for LISA orbital motion.
This work is organized as follows: in section 2, we make an estimate of Sagnac phase
for individual laser beams of LISA by taking realistic orbital motion. Here we show that, in general, the residual laser noise because of Sagnac phase is much larger than earlier estimates.
For the LISA geometry, R⊙/L is of the order 30 and the orbital contribution to the Sagnac phase is larger by this factor.The computations carried out by Dr. R.K. Nayak (over ten papers published on the subject) and Dr. J.Y. Vinet (Member of the LISA International Science Team), and published by prestigious scientific journals and by ESA, show that the orbital Sagnac is 30 times greater than the rotational Sagnac for LISA. Massimo Tinto, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Principal Scientist
In the SSB frame, the differences between back-forth delay times are very much larger than has been previously recognized. The reason is in the aberration due to motion and changes of orientation in the SSB frame. With a velocity V=30 km/s, the light-transit times of light signals in opposing directions (Li, and L’i) will differ by as much as 2VL (a few thousands km).
SSB = solar system barycenter
Published in the Physical Review D is the U.S. Naval Observatory website this frame, which we can assume to be Solar System Barycentric (SSB), the differences between back-forth delay times that occur are in fact thousands of kilometers, very much larger than has been previously recognized by us or others. The problem is not rotation per se, but rather aberration due to motion and changes of orientation in the SSB frame.
The kinematics of the LISA orbit brings in the effects of motion at several orders of magnitude larger than any previous papers on TDI have addressed. The instantaneous rotation axis of LISA swings about the Sun at 30 km/sec, and on any leg the transit times of light signals in opposing directions can differ by as much as 1000 km.
Aberration due to LISA’s orbit about the Sun dominates its instantaneous rotation.
The ORBITAL SAGNAC calculated at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory amounts to an admitted difference in path lengths of 1,000 kilometers.
The difference in path lengths for the rotational Sagnac is 14.4 kilometers: (Dr. Daniel Shaddock, Jet Propulsion Laboratory) (pg. 63)
Therefore the difference in path lengths for the ORBITAL SAGNAC is some 60 times greater than the difference in path lengths for the rotational Sagnac, according to these calculations.
You simply haven't done your homework on the subject.