Night 1
As the moon rose, the ability to reason left the inhabitants of Ruapuke. A massive bonfire was created and set ablaze. Space Cowgirl roasted marshmallows, a long time staple of those looking to combat penguins, faded mike roasted hot dogs, a food once used by the great and powerful DuckDodgers. Boydster was scrounging around trying to find where Babyhighspeed hide the graham crackers in order to make smores. Wise began to tell stories of penguins hiding amongst them.
As the moon approached it's zenith, the liberal use of alcohol had started to take its toll and Squad B lost all inhabitions. Though no one knew it, they had 2 powerful members amongst them who could protect them from penguin attacks, yet they drank to excess and had passed out.
Everyone knew they had been given an Oracle, yet were not told who this person was for fear of penguin infiltration. The Oracle saw a vision of Rowbotham, though heavily clouded. Where normally they were certain of the meaning, this time they could only be certain their vision could have been about one of three members of the squadron.
As the fire began to die down, and everyone felt the tiring effects of the alcohol coming on, one person decided they must escape to use the latrine. Little did they know they were being followed. With a swift action, Sir Honksalot leapt from the bushes and easily overtook the unsuspecting person. As quickly as the attack began, Sir Honksalot retreated back into the brush, leaving it's victim wondering if it had been a drunken hallucination. With natural business tended to, the victim began walking back to the camp with a strange pang in their neck, as if they had been bitten by something, "oh well, must have just been a mosquito or something."
When the squad woke up, they were greeted by a terrible sight. The boat they had rode ashore on had been cast into the bonfire, leaving them stranded for the time being. They also noticed a giant pile of half eaten fish, which appeared to have been consumed raw. The tracks in the sand left no denying what caused either. A penguin, apparently human sized at that, was on the island and threatened their existence. They only have one course of action to take now.
The sun has risen and day has started. You have 24 hours.