Somewhere over the Ice Wall penguins hide...
Excerpts from the journal of Tom Bishop
The Flat Earth Society has been dealing with a spate of attacks by evil and unusual creatures over the last several months. In countries as far-flung as Scotland, Australia, Greece, and if the rumors are true, now Turkey, gatherings of Flat Earthers have been menaced by a most unnatural beast: the werepenguin!
I have convened a committee to decide what to do about this menace, including myself, The Engineer, Bullhorn, and Cinlef. We meet in two days.
In the midst of discussing what to do about the dread werepenguin menace, it was Bullhorn who had the greatest insight, and the one that decided our course of action. He pointed out that for some reason these monsters seem to have an issue with The Flat Earth Society, as all of the attacks thus far have involved us, and why would penguins have a problem with the Flat Earth Society? It seemed so obvious when he pointed it out that I was shocked to have not thought of it myself. We've been getting ever closer to an excursion beyond the Ice Wall to finally explore what lies there, a trip we've been planning for years but have only started to really make concrete plans about. Might it be that this is where the werepenguins originated, they somehow discovered our plans, and are now worried that we will discover their home base?
So it was decided: we would push up the planned excursion, originally meant to be two years from now, to next week. The Engineer would lead a crew of the brightest minds the Society has to offer and together they would seek out the home of the werepenguins! It was just a matter of deciding who would go with him...
Together The Engineer and I have put together a crack team of the finest and most adventurous Flat Earth minds of our generation, to travel beyond the Ice Wall and find out exactly where the insidious werepenguins are coming from. Dogplatter! Dead Kangaroo! Enraged Penguin! Dysfunction! Rick James! Erasmus! Ski! Ichimaru Gin! Pongo! Excelsior John! People that are virtually worshipped in modern Flat Earth Society meetings!Together with The Engineer these brave souls will travel south of the Ice Wall with the specific purpose of discovering the location of the werepenguin home base! They leave in four days.
Dear God, the humanity! Eleven went, only one returned, The Engineer, with a story so dreadful it would be difficult to believe if not for the gruesome photographic evidence he provided! Not that photographs really count as evidence but still! My God, Excelsior John... how did they fit his head up there? How?
Time to assemble the B squad...
Sign up if you dare!
Doobie doobie doo...
Space Cowgirl