Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !

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  • Professor
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boydster (innocent) has been converted to the darkness by Beldroth Triszorwyn.
NotSoSkeptical (innocent) refuged to 300 Ispartanians navy
Crouton(innocent) has been converted to the darkness by Beldroth Triszorwyn.
Bullwinkle (village idiot) has been executed by werepenguin Mardeiym Herpeiros
Jura-Glenlivet II (the chosen one) killed in challenge
Pezevenk (innocent) has been lynched by a bunch of bummer.
Space Cowgirl (werepenguin Beldroth Triszorwyn) escaped to sea.
Babyhighspeed (oracle) is burned by Mardeiym Herpeiros
Son of Orospu (werepenguin Maydeiym Herpeiros)
Shifter (innocent) (lynched by vote but chosen one has challenged with werepenguin for his and rest of the village's life)
Roundy the Truthinessist (innocent) Lynched by a bunch of angry crowd those don't aware what they angry for.
Colonel Gaydafi (innocent) lefts because has no chance one to one against a werepenguin.
DuckDodgers (exorcist), is burned by Mardeiym Herpeiros


Shortly, characters in the game

Werepenguins side

Mardeiym Herpeiros: Special ability burning somebody in seconds, when catch someone alone in the night.
Beldroth Triszorwyn: Special ability converting somebody to darkness in a second.


An oracle, an exorcist, a chosen one, a village idiot and remains are innocent villagers. You may find out their abilities in the link most above.

Short Story

Mardeiym Herpeiros and Beldroth Triszorwyn, as two Agarthanian werepenguins have moved down from upper world, Agartha. by the call of leaders of the werepenguins in down world. When they started travel, another werepenguin Hoccar Umesalor was together them. But some events have happened in travel and they have lost Hoccar Umesalor in an island. As last, our two werepenguin was in a deserted island and have decided to wait the morning.

But then Mardeiym has remembered the Hoccar.

Mardeiym Herpeiros and Beldroth Triszorwyn have lost Hoccar Umesalor, their wise friend; but they still have their special abilities. They have sent message to Hoccar, and Hoccar has sent them back the message with the map shows the way through the Troy.

They had to make a plan first. It is still night. If day turns, then villagers see them. So that, they have to move night. They move to Troy this night. Mardeiym Herpeiros has talked: "We have to kill two villagers and take their places". Beldroth Triszorwyn asks "come one, are you silly? we are werepenguins, they are human. They can know us at first  sight. How can we deceive them?"

Mardeiym: "By this way"
Beldroth: "What the hell is this?"
M: "oil bottle"
B: "what?"
M: "oil bottle. Jamal gave. This converts you someone's sight who you want. But you can use this only for one time".
B: "Oh nice. Can we divide this two?".
M: "I have already prepared another one for you".
Beldroth: Ok. Lets do it. Kill them all.

They have jumped the sea, swimming through Troy.

Meanwhile, Troy

Chosen one, the leader of troy collected his people on main square of Troy and talks them:

"Dear my people!. We have a took message from Spartanian navy leader. They have warn us about werepenguins. They say they have submerged a werepenguin spaceship in aegean sea and gathered secret messages between them. According to this intelligence, they are two or three werepenguins have special abilities. Their aim to kill all of us".

People have started to grumble: "were what?". "kill us?". "omg". "who are they?"...

Chosen one continued:

"They can change their sight and convert themselves two of us. We have to prevent them. I have ordered our scientists a few work for us. Our oracle will help us with his power of meditation. He will meditate every night to see someone is being one of us or one of them. Our exorcist has digged a shelter to save us. But the worse thing, he can only save one of us in a night. If they target me, I'll do my best to defend myself, with the help of God. I want you only defend yourself, be awake and take care the idiot in our village and prevent him to do a nonsence. we will change our clothes so they can not find us, me, oracle and exorcist. Defend yourself!."


Mardeiym Herpeiros and Beldroth Triszorwyn has entered the city and killed two of innocent villagers. They have placed the villagers by using their magic oil bottle.

Now it is night according to game scenario. When sun shines, game starts and villagers try to find out penguins whose have killed their friends and took placed them.

Day period and night period in game seperetaly continue during 24 hours. Day turns to night, and night turns to day everyday when GMT at 19:00 o'clock.

GMT time now: https://time.is/GMT

Day one

Bullwinkle votes to lynch Crouton
Colonel Gaydafi votes to cancel Bullwinkle's vote
Pezevenk votes to lynch Colonel Gaydafi
DuckDodgers votes to lynch Crouton
Crouton votes to lynch DuckDodgers
boydster votes to lynch Babyhighspeed
Babyhighspeed votes to lynch Crouton
Roundy the Truthinessist votes to Babyhighspeed

Nobody has been killed in day. crouton escaped from bhs's arms , bhs has gone to hospital with ambulance.
DuckDodgers, the exorcist has been burned by werepenguin Mardeiym Herpeiros.

Day two

Bullwinkle votes to lynch NotSoSkeptical
boydster votes to lynch NotSoSkeptical
Babyhighspeed votes to lynch NotSoSkeptical
Shifter votes to lynch NotSoSkeptical
Colonel Gaydafi votes to lynch NotSoSkeptical
Space Cowgirl votes to lynch NotSoSkeptical
NotSoSkeptical votes to son of orospu
Crouton votes to lynch boydster
Roundy the Truthinessist  votes to lynch NotSoSkeptical
Jura votes to lynch Boydster

NotSoSkeptical, one of the innocent villager has been lynched. (refuged to 300 Ispartanians navy)
boydster, the innocent has been converted to the darkness by werepenguin Beldroth Triszorwyn.

Day three

Jura votes to lynch Roundy the Truthinessist
Roundy the Truthinessist votes to cancel Jura's vote
Son of orospu votes to lynch Roundy the Truthinessist
Babyhighspeed votes to lynch Roundy the Truthinessist
Bullwinkle votes to lynch Roundy the Truthinessist
Space Cowgirl votes to lynch Roundy the Truthinessist
Pezevenk votes to lynch Roundy the Truthinessist
Colonel Gaydafi votes to lynch Roundy the Truthinessist

Roundy the Truthinessist, the innocent has been lynched.
Mardeiym Herpeiros has executed the Bullwinkle, village idiot.

Day Four

Jura votes to Lynch Space Cowgirl
Colonel Gaydafi votes to Lynch Space Cowgirl
Shifter votes to Lynch Space Cowgirl

Space Cowgirl, ie werepenguin Beldroth Triszorwyn has been lynched.
Crouton the innocent has been converted to the darkness by werepenguin Beldroth Triszorwyn.

Day Five

Jura votes to lynch pezevenk
Shifter votes to lynch pezevenk
Babyhighspeed votes to lynch pezevenk

pezevenk, the innocent has been lynched a bunch of bummer.
babyhighspeed ie oracle is burned by Mardeiym Herpeiros.

Day six

shifter votes to lynch son of orospu
son of orospu votes to lynch shifter
jura votes to lynch shifter

shifter has not been lynched. challenge between chosen one and maydeiym Herpeiros  is in progress. The winner of the challenge is the winner of the game.

Challenge in progress...

werepenguins have won after challenge between mardeiym and chosen one
« Last Edit: September 17, 2018, 08:30:00 AM by wise »
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I’m I a globalist AI.



  • The Elder Ones
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Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2018, 01:17:40 PM »
[I vote to lynch Pez]   ;D



  • Flat Earth Inspector General of High Fashion Crimes and Misdemeanors
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Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2018, 01:42:47 PM »
I'm a little unclear.

Is it the night cycle now? Are we starting off with the penguins killing a player?
Intelligentia et magnanimitas vincvnt violentiam et desperationem.
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  • Professor
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Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2018, 02:02:01 PM »
I'm a little unclear.

Is it the night cycle now? Are we starting off with the penguins killing a player?

This is earlier night. ie night before game start. Another say, game starts with night, but this night werepenguins kill nobody. Inother say, we called the standby time as night before first day.

Actually werepenguins have killed two of villagers in this night, depend on scenario. But it was just a scenario required so they have placed two villagers. During next 24 hours it is night and nobody will be killed. Game will start after 24 hours, with day.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

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  • One Duck to Rule Them All
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Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2018, 02:12:09 PM »
So player participation starts tomorrow with sunrise and all 13 players will be alive?
markjo, what force can not pass through a solid or liquid?
Magnetism for one and electric is the other.


Roundy the Truthinessist

  • Flat Earth TheFLAMETHROWER!
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Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2018, 02:14:23 PM »
Yes, how is that not perfectly clear?
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26236
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2018, 02:21:18 PM »
Yes, how is that not perfectly clear?

A good question. I'll solve it.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I’m I a globalist AI.



  • One Duck to Rule Them All
  • 5479
  • What's supposed to go here?
Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2018, 02:22:41 PM »
Yes, how is that not perfectly clear?
My mistake, I forgot to turn on my browser's "wise" filter. After turning it on its perfectly clear.
markjo, what force can not pass through a solid or liquid?
Magnetism for one and electric is the other.



  • The Elder Ones
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Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2018, 02:23:26 PM »
Is the third penguin part of the game?



  • Professor
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  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2018, 02:24:04 PM »
Is the third penguin part of the game?

Nope. Number of villagers were insufficient, so I have decided to lost the 3rd werepenguin (Hoccar) in an island.  ;D

In other say, we have only two werepenguins.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I’m I a globalist AI.



  • Flat Earth Inspector General of High Fashion Crimes and Misdemeanors
  • 17037
  • Djinn
Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2018, 02:25:58 PM »
So player participation starts tomorrow with sunrise and all 13 players will be alive?

If I'm understanding wise I think we're going through a cinematic sequence before the day cycle.

If that's true then yes, we're all alive.
Intelligentia et magnanimitas vincvnt violentiam et desperationem.
The truth behind NASA's budget



  • 15542
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Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2018, 02:36:28 PM »
[I vote to lynch Pez]   ;D
I'm not going to let this pass, Intikam is the narrator, I WILL PARTICIPATE IN THIS GAME FOR MORE THAN A ROUND, DAMMIT!
Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)


Jura-Glenlivet II

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Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2018, 03:04:36 PM »

Grimm news had met Jura as she landed in the boundary marches she called home, a summons from the Marcher lords counsel had been issued as she hung her axe in the hall of whispers.
Conceived on Beltane, born on the stroke of midnight, she was always aware of the cracks in the world, when Jane's spirit had sought access to her weapon she had placated the wards spun by the smiths and granted her sanctuary, ever conscious that hers was not, as her predecessor's had been, the path of Badhbh, the war-crow, that her strength was in the shape of things, of words, sensing power in the twist of a bough, reading the dance of light on flowing water, her patron was Ogmios and the quick witted and shrewd Jane would please him.

The conclave in the Barrow caverns, set around a round table of black bog oak, was one part feast to the returned and another a dissection and discussion on the war they had become embroiled in.
Much was revealed that was hitherto unknown to her, it was believed by the former Jura that NASA had dabbled in forces they were ill equipped to deal with and had awoken one or more of the ancient supernaturals she knew as the Fomorians “the undersea ones”, all races had legends of them, to the Norse they were jötnar, in all they lived in the cold wastes and were inimical to humanity, that NASA thought they could bind or control these beings was a folly.

Word had followed her from the Levant, from the Hospitalers of Malta through the Pearly royal house of London that this danger had spread and seemed to be heading for Troy.

Jura's heart turned to stone as the Landgrave of her clan asked for her help again, she had hoped she would be able to return to her role as priestess to the glens, that they would send another warrior now they knew that they faced one or more Formori, but he argued that her softer magic and power of persuasion were more important, that these flat-earthers, whoever they were, were allies and they needed her help.

As she retrieved her Axe from the necromancer that had blessed it, she felt Jane's presence.
“Well girl,” She said “let's go fuck some penguins”   
Life is meaningless and everything dies.

Every man makes a god of his own desire



  • Assistant to the Regional Manager
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Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2018, 03:06:03 PM »
Ah, the prelude to the impending doom and danger that lies ahead. Our narrator is setting the stage and the tone.

We are but players, simple actors who do not yet know our part in the grander scheme of things. We must be patient, before going forth to be excellent.

Soon, the game will be afoot.



  • The Elder Ones
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Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2018, 03:12:20 PM »
Are there any statues with anger management problems on the island?



  • Assistant to the Regional Manager
  • 17774
Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2018, 03:15:50 PM »
What delicious animals live on this island? Are there chickens?


Roundy the Truthinessist

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Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2018, 03:22:13 PM »
What delicious animals live on this island? Are there chickens?

I hear there are penguins!
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?



  • 8547
  • Flat like a droplet of water.
Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2018, 03:24:23 PM »
Rabinoz RIP

That would put you in the same category as pedophile perverts like John Davis, NSS, robots like Stash, Shifter, and victimized kids like Alexey.



  • Assistant to the Regional Manager
  • 17774
Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2018, 03:27:07 PM »
What delicious animals live on this island? Are there chickens?

I hear there are penguins!

Vile, disgusting creatures. They are not fit for friendship or food.


Space Cowgirl

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Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2018, 03:31:56 PM »
They already have Halloween candy on sale! I HAVE STOCKED UP ON CANDY CORN AND GHOST PEEPS.
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.



  • The Elder Ones
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Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2018, 04:47:42 PM »
Mmmmmm, crayons and foam rubber.   ;)


Space Cowgirl

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Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2018, 04:48:57 PM »
Get used to it, it's all we've got to eat.
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.



  • The Elder Ones
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Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #22 on: September 04, 2018, 04:52:09 PM »
As soon as I clicked post I thought,
great, now SCG is going to let me starve.



  • Assistant to the Regional Manager
  • 17774
Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #23 on: September 04, 2018, 04:53:34 PM »
As soon as I clicked post I thought,
great, now SCG is going to let me starve.

Like a good mom, she will make sure you eat, whether you like it or not. And when you're hungry enough, you'll quit yer bitchin'.


Space Cowgirl

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Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #24 on: September 04, 2018, 05:05:38 PM »
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.



  • The Elder Ones
  • 21053
  • Standard Idiot
Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #25 on: September 04, 2018, 05:10:01 PM »



  • 8547
  • Flat like a droplet of water.
Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #26 on: September 04, 2018, 06:12:15 PM »
Candy Corn is nasty.  I'd rather eat a crayon.
Rabinoz RIP

That would put you in the same category as pedophile perverts like John Davis, NSS, robots like Stash, Shifter, and victimized kids like Alexey.


Colonel Gaydafi

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Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #27 on: September 04, 2018, 10:17:18 PM »
I need a wise filter on my browser
Quote from: WardoggKC130FE
If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
Quote from: Raa
there is a difference between touching a muff and putting your hand into it isn't there?



  • Flat Earth Inspector General of High Fashion Crimes and Misdemeanors
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Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #28 on: September 04, 2018, 10:22:50 PM »
We are closer to Turkey.  I expect falafel, baklava and of course turkey.
Intelligentia et magnanimitas vincvnt violentiam et desperationem.
The truth behind NASA's budget



  • 25833
Re: Werepenguins 5: Agarthanian werepenguins invasion to Troy GAME ON !
« Reply #29 on: September 04, 2018, 11:35:00 PM »
We are closer to Turkey.  I expect falafel, baklava and of course turkey.

I'm trying to watch what I eat currently and you mention baklava??? The most delicious thing in existence??!?!??

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place