The commander Werepenguin screamed angrily: killer humans! they killed our brothers!
The remained Werepenguins all together swear an oath for a revenge!
It had not been more than 24 hours since their last loss. the commanders decided to ask for help from the upper world, is known as WerAgartha. Protective Werepenguins of the upper world.
the commander sent a message containing the secret code to the upper world: "Send us two brutal and superior brothers". The Werepenguins all gave back to the back. and began to rub their backs together. theis body heat has gone up into the air. it became a small cloud. The cloud has gone up, has gone up and has reached the Weragartha. The leader of the Werepenguins, JamaaL read the message.
"Damn you the humankind !". "You are still killing our brothers!"
He has yelled: Mardeiym! Beldroth! get your ass down there!
Marheiym, ie Mardeiym Herpeiros, is known as "flash light" and has great powers. when he touches a man, he could turn it into a fire and burn it in a few seconds.
Beldroth, ie Beldroth Triszorwyn; is known as "voice of the shadow". When he was in the dark with someone, he says a single word and the victim joins with the darkness.
JamaaL the legendary leader of the werepenguins has continued its speech: "You two! Go the down world and take the revenge of your brothers!". Humans whose killed your brothers have moved to Troy. pass through the sea without being caught by the Ispartanians, meet your brothers in the aegean sea. they will give you a boat. Get to troy town with it. and kill them one by one. then you will cut off their heads and bring them to us. we will make a human cake with it.
I'll send Hoccar Umesalor with you two. But he will not embark your boat. If the enemy crowded than 15, send him a message with werepenguin method, then he'll come to help you. But if the enemy less than 15, do not call him. Because If you are crowded, it will be easier you to noticed.
Change your clothes. and plunge between them. hunt in nights. Destroy them all one by one. show them what you're made of! unique oil layer!
They said: "aye aye sir!".
And the legendary fight begins...
Mardeiym, Beldroth and Hoccar had go on board the space ship which carry them to the down world. they did not know how long the travel would last. The duration of the travel could vary according to the weather conditions, from a day to 5 days.
Hoccar's special power is to estimate. He can determine the true result between various choices. He says "in my opinion, we'll arrive the Troy at Friday night". Beldroth says "stfu! You'll not come with us.". Hoccar replies: "What is the difference between 12,13 or 14 and 15?". Mardeym talks: "You had heard the Jamaal. You got it!". Hoccar has got it. He closed his eyes and saw Mardeym will burn him in next two minutes, if he continue to talk. He had not talked anymore.
On board, Troy
Jura-Glenlivet II
Space Cowgirl
Son of Orospu
Roundy the Truthinessist
Colonel Gaydafi