Another example: Hypocrisy of forum management.
Whenever someone far to management makes a rule violation, immediately gets punish. But whenever someone close to management makes a rule violation, it either a joke, or a missunderstanding.
If one or more people are "banned" when they say "I have used a clone account", justice can not be said here if others are accepted as "making joke" in the face of the same crime.
If someone's harassment or bullying causing immediately ban, ustice can not be said here if other's harassment or bullying accepted as "making joke" in the face of the same crime.
In short, if you are a member far to management, whenever they want they punish you with a phony reason. but if you a member close to management, whatever you did but it doesn't cause you have get punished.
Managers should behave equally about members. A rule is either exist, or not. If any rule has been applied anybody, so it should be applied to others too.
While a group of privileged members doing whatever they want with doesn't get any punishment for them; if another group of non privileged members getting banned for them; there is a privileged class formation in these.
When it is agreed a privileged class, it destroys the concept of justice among people. When the concept of justice is destroyed among the people, then people start to secure the justice by themselves, like how they did in french revolution.
But if people can't secure the justice by themselves too; in circumstances where justice is lost, and chaos occurs, like Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria.
The matter is; is the forum people/management want to be in a fair place like Swiss or Canada; or they want to be in a place which is corrected by people like French, or a chaos like Afghanistan.
The management has already applied the forum the formation of Afghanistan. We want justice, we want Swiss type of justice.