Most of you have probably been brought up believing in the imaginary land called Rancagua in Chile.
Nope, ain't never 'eard of it.
I bet many of you even learned about it in school.
Nope, ain't never larned nuttin' in skool.
I am here to tell you the truth.
This is the flat earth society. No-one cares about the truth. Now if you said "THE TRUTH" that would have been different.
Well, the fact is that Rancagua doesn't really exist. Everything you have ever heard about it was made up, and any pictures of it you have seen were faked by the government. I am sure you have even talked to people on the internet who claim to be from Rancagua. They are really secret government agents who are surfing the internet to enforce these false beliefs.
So wot?
How do we know that you're not really
a secret government agent surfing the internet to hide the reality of this beautiful little spot.We are not entirely sure why the government made up an imaginary land, or why it is trying to convince the world that this land is real, but we can tell you that we know for a fact that Rancagua doesn't really exist.
So, it doesn't exist but neither does the flat earth but people go on believing it.
Why do you imagine that anyone will be convinced by your revelations? It's probably just fake news to hide the real fake news.