Werepenguin Round 3
The ship comes in to dock, the passengers disembarking onto one of the Orkney Islands.
"I'll be back in a week," the captain says, waving over the side. "You peeps have fun doing... whatever you're doing."
And just like that, the ship leaves. The currents around the island are treacherous, but less so at this time of the day, and the captain is a practised sailor. Anyone else would likely have been dashed against the rocks.
But no, no time to think about that. The centre has already been set up, and a larger-than-life statue of Rowbotham greets you all. He stands in the middle of the temporary dwellings put up for you all, smiling benignly down on you.
Two of you nurse peck-wounds, victims to a zombie werepenguin that had managed to sneak aboard the boat. Perhaps they know the fate that is to befall them, perhaps they are oblivious, but when the sun sets and the moon rises they will have no doubt. The curse of the werepenguin is upon them. Under the cold, cruel light of the moon they will transform, and they will be filled by a vicious, unceasing hunger, a need to devour those minds that are aware of the truth.
One other saw the werepenguin on the boat; though they did not see who was bitten, they were able to repel it, to force back its corrupted flesh until, with a last honking cry, it fell into the ocean. They were exhausted afterwards. yes, but successful. With sufficient preparation they might have the strength to do it again, but only once a night. The exorcist, slayer of all things penguin, has awoken.
Most of you knew nothing of that. At least, not at first. You went forwards together to see the conference-
And were greeted by a grisly scene. There has been bloodshed here. You were not the first flat earthers to come, but you may be the last. Those that were here before lay on the floor, or slumped over the exhibits, or hanging from lamps and ceiling fans. And between their bodies are small birds, black and white and red all over.
The werepenguins had come here, and they had done battle with the populace. It had been fierce, it had been bloody, but these had been an enlightened people, wise to the ways of the penguin. It is over now, leaving you as the latecomers, the arrivals after the war, left only to clear up the bodies and feel a foreboding chill. You are alone.
The penguins cannot afford all out war, not again, but they are wily creatures. They have other ways to win.
The rest of you are left to wonder: was that all the penguins? Or are there more left alive?
Could there be werepenguins among you?
The Flat Earth Conference has begun!
The two penguins, oracle and village idiot, and exorcist have been PMed.
Boydster - Oracle. Devoured by a penguin defying the laws of geometry.
Space Cowgirl - Village Idiot. Died and became a marshmallow
Crouton - beaten to death with a fish
Roundy the Truthinessist - Penguin's dinner
DuckDodgers - Werepenguin Edward, slain by Rowbotham himself
Jura-Glenlivet II - killed with her own axe
Pezevenk - lynched by those he wanted to help
Deadsirius - Werepenguin Bruce, garroted by Wise and Shifter
Bullwinkle - A mousse
Son of Orospu - the Chosen One, beheaded to Rowbotham's annoyance
Colonel Gaydafi - was turned into a newt. She got better. Then died.
How Werepenguin Works
(shamelessly lifted from Boydster & Crouton & Lord Wilmore)
Okay, first off, anyone who doesn't understand the game or any part of it, feel free to send me a PM and I will clear it up for you. I know most of you haven't played this before, so here's a general outline:
There are 2 Penguins (chosen at random) and 11 Villagers (including one Exorcist, one oracle, one Chosen One, and one idiot, also chosen at random) in the game. The penguins will be identified as follows:
Edward Flipperhands
Bruce Forsice
The game is based on 'rounds': each round lasts 48 hours. This is made up of a 24 hour 'day' period (i.e. when it is daytime in the game) and a 24 hour night period (when it is nightime in the game). Why does a Werepenguin day last two days in real time? Well, we have lots of people from lots of countries and hence lots of timezones at FES, and I want to give everyone a fair chance to vote/talk/play, and a 48 hour round is the only way to do this.
For the Villagers, the aim is to kill all the Werepenguins. At the outset of the game, the Villagers do not know who the Werepenguins are; it is up to them to figure it out.
The Villagers can vote to 'lynch' someone they suspect of being a Werepenguin during the day cycle of the game. To do so, they must secure a certain number of votes (the number is decided by yours truly). Of course, the Werepenguins can also vote as no-one knows who they are! People who have already died in the course of the game are not allowed to talk during the day, and hence cannot vote.
The Oracle is on the side of the Villagers; he/she gets one chance each night to make a guess and find out whether or not someone is a Werepenguin. They send me a PM, and I tell him/her whether or not that player is a Werepenguin. Like everyone else in the game, they can vote in the lynch.
The Idiot believes firmly that they are the psychic. However, when they PM me, the information I send back will be randomly generated.
There is also an Exorcist among you. The Exorcist may choose one player to keep safe each night. During the night, if the player they are protecting is attacked, they will perform a ceremony that will drive the Werepenguin-demon away - thus, saving the Villager.
The Chosen One's powers will only be discovered should they be lynched or targetted by a penguin. Then, there is a 50% chance of them surviving each time.
For the Werepenguins, they need to kill all of the Villagers.
Unlike the Villagers, each Werepenguin knows who all the other Werepenguins are. Every night, a designated Werepenguin can send me a PM telling me who they want to kill, and then that person will be killed. The Penguins take it in turns: Edward the first night, Bruce the second. On the third night, it is Edward' turn again. If a Werepenguin dies, the Werepenguins do not lose a turn; instead the turns alternate between the remaining Werepenguins. The following morning, I will reveal who was killed, and how.
Game Rules
1. The first rule of Werepenguin is that you do not break the game.
2. The second rule of Werepenguin is THAT YOU DO NOT BREAK THE GAME. A not uncommon event in WW games is that having been betrayed by his/her fellow Penguins, a dead Penguin reveals their identities. This is a dickish thing to do. Seriously, Penguins are bastards, and they will do anything to save their own hides. Remember, even if you die as a Penguin, if the Penguins eventually win, you also win.
Long story short: Penguins turn on Penguins. Deal with it.
3. Don't edit your posts! Just make another one. This is no big deal, but if you edit your post, you lose your vote that round, so it's in your interest not to do so.
4. Make it clear who you are voting to lynch. I want to see the words ['vote to lynch *insert name here*'] to count a post as a vote. You can say '[I vote to lynch]' or just '[vote to lynch]', but I want to see the words '[VOTE TO LYNCH (name)]' in that order. Don't say 'vote billy' or 'lynch John', because in a certain context these could look like suggestions rather than votes. If it's unclear, I just won't count it. It isn't that hard to put three words in front of someone's name in the correct order.
4a. Brackets, that's the ticket. example, [vote to lynch so and so]
5. Don't post during the day-cycle of the game if you have been killed. Dead players can only talk at night. Just to be clear, lynches happen during the day and Werepenguins/Oracle/Idiot/Exorcist PM at night. Check my last update; if a lynch is on, it's daytime. If I've asked the Penguins/Oracle/Idiot/Exorcist to PM, it's night.
6. The Oracles and Exorcist cannot tell people they are Oracles or the Exorcist (at least not within this topic). Obviously, I cannot control what you do elsewhere (PM, IM, IRC etc.), but beware; especially with the Oracle, not all may be as it seems...
7. As per the title, if you're not playing, you're not playing. You can't join late due to the mechanics of the game, and I don't want you posting if you're not involved. I'll just delete any posts you make. If anyone gets trollish though, I will hand out suspensions.
8. New rule: As discussed before, you can PM among yourselves, but if you do so you must post in this thread 'I have PMed so-and so,' or for a more roleplay bent, 'I try to engage in surreptitious discussion with whoever.' Something along those lines. Say who you have PMed when you do so, so long as that's clear you can say whatever you want. The werepenguins do not have to do this when PMing one another, their dark magic grants them telepathy. However they can still PM conventionally and post a message if they wish to throw others off the scent.
Most of all, have fun, and POST. It's way more fun if you get involved, instead of just showing up and voting every now and again. Plus, inactivity can really kill a game based on votes, so try and stay active if you can.
The day begins...
Day One
Boydster votes to lynch Shifter
Pezevenk cancels Boydster's vote
Wise votes to lynch Pezevenk
Crouton cancels Wise's vote for Pezevenk
Deadsirius votes to lynch Son of Orospu
Space Cowgirl cancels Deadsirius's vote
Bullwinkle votes to lynch Boydster
Son of Orospu votes to cancel Bullwinkle's vote
No one is lynched.
Crouton is beaten to death with a fish.
Day Two
Wise votes to lynch Pezevenk
Pezevenk votes to cancel Wise's vote
Boydster votes to lynch Pezevenk
Bullwinkle votes to lynch Pezevenk
Jura Glenlivet III votes to cancel Boydster's vote
Space Cowgirl votes to lynch Pezevenk
Pezevenk would have been lynched if he hadn't choked to death on marshmallows first.
Boydster is eaten by a one-penguin army.
Day Three
DuckDodgers votes to lynch Space Cowgirl
Space Cowgirl votes to lynch DuckDodgers
Jura Glenlivet II votes to lynch Space Cowgirl
Wise votes to lynch Space Cowgirl
Shifter votes to lynch Space Cowgirl
Colonel Gaydafi votes to lynch Space Cowgirl
Deadsirius votes to lynch Space Cowgirl
Son of Orospu votes to lynch DuckDodgers
Space Cowgirl is shot into space.
Roundy is eaten and drowned simultaneously
Day four
Wise votes to lynch DuckDodgers
Jura-Glenlivet II votes to lynch DuckDodgers
Shifter votes to lynch DuckDodgers
Son of Orospu votes to lynch DuckDodgers
Colonel Gaydafi votes to lynch DuckDodgers
Duckdodgers, Werepenguin Edward, is crushed by a statue
Son of Orospu, the Chosen One, is killed in retaliation.
Day Five
Wise votes to lynch deadsirius
deadsirius votes to lynch Colonel Gaydafi
Shifter votes to lynch Colonel Gaydafi
Jura-Glenlivet II votes to lynch Colonel Gaydafi
Bullwinkle votes to lynch Colonel Gaydafi
Colonel Gaydafi, an innocent, is dead.
Bullwinkle, an innocent moose, was blended.
Day Six
Jura-Glenlivet II votes to cancel Shifter's vote
Wise votes to cancel deadsirius's vote
No one is lynched.
Jura-Glenlivet II fought a battle of axe vs beak.
Day Seven
Wise votes to lynch deadsirius
Deadsirius votes to lynch Wise
Shifter votes to lynch deadsirius
deadsirius, werepenguin Bruce, dies, and with him the werepenguin threat.