Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre

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Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #60 on: July 28, 2018, 11:38:32 AM »
5 votes remain. Those 5 votes could make all the difference. Will the remaining villagers band together to lynch Roundy or Pez, in a shocking turn of events? Will they band together, but vote for someone who has not yet had a vote cast against them, thereby ensuring a lynch does not take place at all? Or will Shifter be exiting the game on Day 1?


A little under 4 and a half hours until sunset.



  • 15542
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Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #61 on: July 28, 2018, 12:04:35 PM »
Honestly I think it could be Roundy. I'll wait a bit before I decide. Then again Shifter is probably going down now...
Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)


Roundy the Truthinessist

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Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #62 on: July 28, 2018, 12:22:36 PM »
Will the remaining villagers band together to lynch Roundy or Pez, in a shocking turn of events?

You don't have to give them ideas!  >:(
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?



  • 25833
Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #63 on: July 28, 2018, 12:31:21 PM »
A vote for me will only prove a first round is stupid idea on reality. Just like the last game. But go on.... Doom yourselves.... Just like the last game. I think it would be just as funny to see the look on your faces from hell when you take me out and realise, you are all NEXT. With no chance to prevent what's coming

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place



  • Flat Earth Researcher
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Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #64 on: July 28, 2018, 12:48:47 PM »
5 votes remain. Those 5 votes could make all the difference. Will the remaining villagers band together to lynch Roundy or Pez, in a shocking turn of events?
We all know deep in our hearts that Jane is the last face we'll see before we're choked to death!


Roundy the Truthinessist

  • Flat Earth TheFLAMETHROWER!
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Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #65 on: July 28, 2018, 12:58:26 PM »
Yes, Boydster!
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?



  • Assistant to the Regional Manager
  • 17774
Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #66 on: July 28, 2018, 01:18:42 PM »
All of boydster's posts have been spoken in the voice of Morgan Freeman. You didn't realize it until right now, because this fact had not been explicitly stated. But now, knowing what you know, and knowing that you will be going back to read all of his posts again in the proper manner, you realize: you cannot vote to eliminate the narrator. The impact on the game would be far too great.



  • 15542
  • Militant aporfyrodrakonist
Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #67 on: July 28, 2018, 01:29:43 PM »
A vote for me will only prove a first round is stupid idea on reality. Just like the last game. But go on.... Doom yourselves.... Just like the last game. I think it would be just as funny to see the look on your faces from hell when you take me out and realise, you are all NEXT. With no chance to prevent what's coming
You know what? I'll vote for you just to get rid of your nagging.

[I vote to lynch Shifter]

You brought this to yourself.
Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)



  • Assistant to the Regional Manager
  • 17774
Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #68 on: July 28, 2018, 01:36:47 PM »
And so, the deciding vote was cast



  • 25833
Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #69 on: July 28, 2018, 01:41:57 PM »
You have sacrificed an important chess piece dumbarse.

First off, I was not into voting first round. Pez wanted it more than anyone, showing his blood thirsty hand. Wasn't sure if I'd be awake by the time voting closed so I did what you all wanted and voted based on little information. Just like you all want. Then you accuse me of being a penguin for it.

Hate to say it but Jane is the only smart one here. Doesn't say much for the rest of you....

I'm a black belt in karate! Touch me and I'll rip your God damned throats out! To hell with your mob mentality bullshit. You want a penguin? Look no further than Pez and Roundy. You're welcome. Not that you losers deserve it. Voting on personalities AGAIN. You like throwing away the game it seems

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place



  • Flat Earth Inspector General of High Fashion Crimes and Misdemeanors
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Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #70 on: July 28, 2018, 01:45:05 PM »
All of boydster's posts have been spoken in the voice of Morgan Freeman. You didn't realize it until right now, because this fact had not been explicitly stated. But now, knowing what you know, and knowing that you will be going back to read all of his posts again in the proper manner, you realize: you cannot vote to eliminate the narrator. The impact on the game would be far too great.

Well that changes thing entirely. I previously thought we were acting out a horror movie. Now I think we're about to receive a life lesson. Or maybe we're in the shawshank redemption which is a little of both.
Intelligentia et magnanimitas vincvnt violentiam et desperationem.
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Son of Orospu

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Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #71 on: July 28, 2018, 01:45:51 PM »
[I vote to lynch Shifter] for no good reason.

Shifter has not given me a reason to be suspicious, but I will go with the crowd since we need to lynch someone.

[I vote to lynch Shifter]



  • Assistant to the Regional Manager
  • 17774
Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #72 on: July 28, 2018, 01:47:48 PM »
After much deliberation, the villagers had decided they suspected the werepenguins had, in fact, infiltrated their group and now walked among them. However, they were not about to simply carry on with their lives and allow the werepenguins to grow comfortable. No, not these villagers.

They pulled together in a meeting by the river. Accusations flew across the group like poo in a monkey fight. Who should hang? Who are the penguins? IS IT JANE AGAIN? No! Roundy! Wait - it's that Shifter character, isn't it?

Finally, after all had made their case for whom they suspected and why, a vote was held. Shifter would hang this night. A message must be sent to the penguins. The villagers were going to destroy them, starting with their suspected mole-werepenguin. Shifter.

Not about to allow his life to simply be snuffed out like a candle at the end of its wick, Shifter began shrieking in a pitch and volume he had not exercised before. It was like an incredibly loud fossa's mating cry, paired with the sound of an infant on a plane - you know the one; the infant that doesn't yet know how to pop its ears and is in excruciating pain. Nearby glass windows shook, one or two even broke.

As he was being dragged by his hair to the gallows, he began accusing the other villagers of conspiring against him. Even those that had not voted to lynch him. Through tears and strangely high-pitched shrieks, he yelled, "THIS IS NOT THE END. YOU FUCKERS! THIS IS NOT TH....."

His words were cut off as the rope around his neck came to its end and pulled tight. Shifter twitched. He peed in his pants one last time. His life force was gone.

Shifter, the village Exorcist, hanged to death just before sunset on the eve of the first night of what would be later known as the Perth Massacre.


Little did the villagers know, but those shrieks were actually at a frequency that was resonant with the skulls of werepenguins. 3 werepenguins also died with Shifter, their heads exploding like tiny pimples being squeezed, and a slurry of blood and brains staining the walls of the lookout tower they had claimed the previous night. However, Pebbles McWaddlebottom and Fishcakes von Peckington were not among the dead, and they were now eager to avenge their fallen brothers.


The villagers set up camp at Greyfriar's Bar. Night would be upon them soon. This was a somber day, to say the least, and they all needed a drink to calm their nerves.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2018, 02:09:35 PM by boydster »



  • Assistant to the Regional Manager
  • 17774
Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #73 on: July 28, 2018, 01:53:17 PM »
Night falls early on this sad day. Pebbles, please send me the name of your first victim. TruthTerra, let me know who you would like to do a reading on so you can learn whether they are a normal villager or a deadly werepenguin. And Exorcist, if you would like to protect someone on this night, please let me know the name of the person under your care.

Daybreak is at 7pm US Eastern Time tomorrow. Be vigilant. Be safe.



  • One Duck to Rule Them All
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Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #74 on: July 28, 2018, 01:55:52 PM »
Welp, didn't get my chance to vote, but I probably would have gone for The Almighty Cruton. Just have a hunch. Did we have anyone not participate at all in the discussions?
markjo, what force can not pass through a solid or liquid?
Magnetism for one and electric is the other.


Jura-Glenlivet II

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Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #75 on: July 28, 2018, 01:57:13 PM »
Jura had slept late, really late, a fondness for the water of life had always been a downfall.
Now stumbling into the group, with the remains of a drinking companion I don't remember scattered amongst the heather and the survivors baying for blood, I feel like I need another drink.
But suspicious eyes are on me and at least two of the owners are were-penguins, most here have some link to those unfortunates that never made it from whatever Ben it was that the last lot died at, what was learned?
Mostly that penguins are canny and that personal dislike is folly, luckily there isn't a relation of the Boydster character here, who was to detective work what Charlie Chaplin with a plank would have been to a glass factory.
Shifter seems to have been selected whilst I slept, if he's a penguin I may be dammed for not voting
Life is meaningless and everything dies.

Every man makes a god of his own desire


Jura-Glenlivet II

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Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #76 on: July 28, 2018, 01:59:28 PM »

Ooops he wasn't, here we go again.
Life is meaningless and everything dies.

Every man makes a god of his own desire



  • Assistant to the Regional Manager
  • 17774
Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #77 on: July 28, 2018, 02:09:00 PM »
It seems the narrator made a bit of an oversight. Shifter was not the normal villager that he seemed to be. He was, in fact, the Exorcist. Truly, this is a dark night.



  • Flat Earth Researcher
  • 12330
Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #78 on: July 28, 2018, 02:18:38 PM »
You can listen to me, I caused some of them.

We already know Shifter and Pez act absurdly guilty even if they're innocent. We've lost one villager. It doesn't mean Pez is off the table, but get something a bit more than him acting the same way he did when he was guilty.

Ichi, deadsirius, Bullwinkle and jura were the least active on the first day, not really contributing anything. Bullwinkle did post, and Bullwinkle and Ichi still voted, take that as you will.

It seems the narrator made a bit of an oversight. Shifter was not the normal villager that he seemed to be. He was, in fact, the Exorcist. Truly, this is a dark night.
So that's two separate games where a useful person ends up being the first to get lynched. Great. I don't think he did anything stupid like tell everyone who he was but correct me if I'm wrong.

Ghost of Shifter! Did you sneakily PM anyone your identity or are we just cursed?
We all know deep in our hearts that Jane is the last face we'll see before we're choked to death!



  • Flat Earth Inspector General of High Fashion Crimes and Misdemeanors
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Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #79 on: July 28, 2018, 02:24:06 PM »
Aaaaaaaand we're fucked!
Intelligentia et magnanimitas vincvnt violentiam et desperationem.
The truth behind NASA's budget


Son of Orospu

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Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #80 on: July 28, 2018, 02:28:23 PM »
You said 7:00 PM EDT.  It is barely 5:30 EDT.  What the F?
« Last Edit: July 28, 2018, 02:31:19 PM by jroa »


Son of Orospu

  • Jura's b*tch and proud of it!
  • 37834
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Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #81 on: July 28, 2018, 02:33:05 PM »
Oops, I don't think I was supposed to edit my post.  I only edited punctuation.  Sorry. 



  • Assistant to the Regional Manager
  • 17774
Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #82 on: July 28, 2018, 02:34:26 PM »
Enough votes for the lynch were already cast so that the outcome had been determined. Plus, it's Scotland. There was a storm rolling in, so it got dark very quickly after you guys decided to kill the Exorcist. Which, by the way, I'm pissed about. That was a great character that I didn't even get to do a single coin-flip-attempted-save for. But I'm going to let that go and move on.

OK back in character.

Night fell quickly, as the storm clouds consumed the sky. The rain hitting the windows seemed especially harsh on this night. What would become of our villagers?



  • 25833
Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #83 on: July 28, 2018, 02:42:23 PM »
Ghost of Shifter! Did you sneakily PM anyone your identity or are we just cursed?

Nope. No PMs from me. You guys are cursed. In both games you managed to strike off the one important piece which theoretically you should have less chance of hitting than the 2 penguins. And you didn't hit a single penguin at all last game. Cursed.

As a ghost I have even more clarity.

jroa is one to watch. He is only playing dumb blaming the poor performance on the other game. You notice on this one he will blindly follow the majority. His posts are neutral in nature. He is overly careful not to piss anyone off. He will go along with mob mentality to remain inconspicuous which means he will bring nothing to the table as far as 'who dun it'. You gain nothing keeping him and bag yourself a werepenguin by killing him

As for pez, I'd hang him just for fun really but more because it's deserved. Just like BHS it was HIS vote that sealed the deal and screwed you all. Intentional or not, he is the curse. You would have been much better off following my lead and lynching him.

Your fate is in your hands. So I guess that means you're all fucked.

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place


Jura-Glenlivet II

  • Flat Earth Inquisitor
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Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #84 on: July 28, 2018, 02:43:19 PM »

Jura took a last look at the swinging body of Shifter as the sun set, ugly fucker, but he didn't deserve that.
Better catch up with the others lest they mistake morbid fascination for gloating, quite a few keeping their heads down, others muttering about the vocal ones who led the lynching, got a feeling who might get it tonight, better keep that to myself, fine line between prophecy and prior knowledge, getting pissed seems a good option.
Why does that Jroa character remind me of a skull?
Life is meaningless and everything dies.

Every man makes a god of his own desire



  • Flat Earth Inspector General of High Fashion Crimes and Misdemeanors
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Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #85 on: July 28, 2018, 02:48:48 PM »
Welp, didn't get my chance to vote, but I probably would have gone for The Almighty Cruton. Just have a hunch. Did we have anyone not participate at all in the discussions?

And I would have been happy to be a sacrifice for the greater good.

Intelligentia et magnanimitas vincvnt violentiam et desperationem.
The truth behind NASA's budget



  • 25833
Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #86 on: July 28, 2018, 02:52:04 PM »

Jura took a last look at the swinging body of Shifter as the sun set, ugly fucker, but he didn't deserve that.

Can someone get me down now? The birds are starting to pick at my necrotic flesh. It's undignified.

Given that I was innocent you guys owe me one

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place



  • Flat Earth Inspector General of High Fashion Crimes and Misdemeanors
  • 17037
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Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #87 on: July 28, 2018, 02:53:55 PM »
Enough handwringing. Our lives are in danger. We need to focus. We're down an important player and that sucks but what we need to do now is analyze how we got here and use the information we've obtained so far.
Intelligentia et magnanimitas vincvnt violentiam et desperationem.
The truth behind NASA's budget



  • 15542
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Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #88 on: July 28, 2018, 02:54:03 PM »
Ghost of Shifter! Did you sneakily PM anyone your identity or are we just cursed?

Nope. No PMs from me. You guys are cursed. In both games you managed to strike off the one important piece which theoretically you should have less chance of hitting than the 2 penguins. And you didn't hit a single penguin at all last game. Cursed.

As a ghost I have even more clarity.

jroa is one to watch. He is only playing dumb blaming the poor performance on the other game. You notice on this one he will blindly follow the majority. His posts are neutral in nature. He is overly careful not to piss anyone off. He will go along with mob mentality to remain inconspicuous which means he will bring nothing to the table as far as 'who dun it'. You gain nothing keeping him and bag yourself a werepenguin by killing him

As for pez, I'd hang him just for fun really but more because it's deserved. Just like BHS it was HIS vote that sealed the deal and screwed you all. Intentional or not, he is the curse. You would have been much better off following my lead and lynching him.

Your fate is in your hands. So I guess that means you're all fucked.
::) It was my vote again that sealed the deal? You know you can say that for any vote, right? Either ways, I don't really regret my vote. Sure, we may all die now, but at least we won't have to put up with your constant nagging!
Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)



  • 25833
Re: Werepenguins - The Perth Massacre
« Reply #89 on: July 28, 2018, 02:56:43 PM »
Ghost of Shifter! Did you sneakily PM anyone your identity or are we just cursed?

Nope. No PMs from me. You guys are cursed. In both games you managed to strike off the one important piece which theoretically you should have less chance of hitting than the 2 penguins. And you didn't hit a single penguin at all last game. Cursed.

As a ghost I have even more clarity.

jroa is one to watch. He is only playing dumb blaming the poor performance on the other game. You notice on this one he will blindly follow the majority. His posts are neutral in nature. He is overly careful not to piss anyone off. He will go along with mob mentality to remain inconspicuous which means he will bring nothing to the table as far as 'who dun it'. You gain nothing keeping him and bag yourself a werepenguin by killing him

As for pez, I'd hang him just for fun really but more because it's deserved. Just like BHS it was HIS vote that sealed the deal and screwed you all. Intentional or not, he is the curse. You would have been much better off following my lead and lynching him.

Your fate is in your hands. So I guess that means you're all fucked.
::) It was my vote again that sealed the deal? You know you can say that for any vote, right? Either ways, I don't really regret my vote. Sure, we may all die now, but at least we won't have to put up with your constant nagging!

As a ghost I can nag you even more. You won't be rid of me. You will join me soon enough if these simple townsfolk have even a single brain cell between them

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place