This day was one that would be looked back upon as the first day of a new world. For better or worse, the villagers were forced to pick one more suspected Werepenguin to lynch. Should they fail, one of their own would die, and the Werepenguin Pebbles would claim another victim the following night. The game would be over, and the Werepenguins would have laid waste to yet another fine Scottish town. However, if the villagers should choose correctly, they would stop this senseless killing here and now.
They began to vote. Slowly, at first, then picking up their pace as time drew near to a close. It was decided in a 3-1 split. Pezevenk would hang.
The villagers, exhausted from several restless nights and deep emotional scars, wasted no time. Jura grabbed Pezevenk by the hair and pulled him to the gallows while Jane and jroa chanted the chorus to Queen's "We Will Rock You," replacing the work "rock" with "hang." Pez was powerless to resist the mob, though that didn't stop him from trying. He dug his feet into the ground and left a trail of exposed dirt in the grass. He grasped at the grass with his hands, tearing clump after clump.
Jura realized he wasn't going to be able to get a rope around Pezevenk's neck, even with the help of everyone else. Quickly considering all of the options, and considering the rumbling in his own belly, he came to a decision. Pezevenk would be tossed on top of the body pit, that they may feast on s'mores once more while they cross their fingers in hope that fate smiles upon them and it is Pebbles that burns.
Pezevenk is led by his hair to the fire pit, dragging his feet and hands the entire way. jroa grabs his feet, while Jura maintains a tight grasp on his hair. They left him and start swinging - "One, two, three!" they say in unison, and on the third count, they release Pezevenk onto the pile of embers. His body erupts in flames. The flames change colors, from an orange-yellow to a blue-green, almost like the Northern Lights. Or, perhaps the Southern Lights, they would come to see. Because suddenly, Pezevenk's skin was no longer his own. He had blackened, yes, but he had also whitened on his belly. There were feathers mixed in with the ashes floating in the air. He let out one loud final "COAAAA!" and fell silent.
The three remaining villagers looked at each other, stunned. This was it. This was really it. They had rid the town of Perth of the last of the Werepenguins. Pebbles McWaddlebottom was s'more fuel.
With that, they all pulled up a seat around the fire and roasted a victory s'more.
Well done, villagers. You have won this round, and saved the town of Perth from certain doom.