Well, I have been keeping quiet about the whole "we should not kill each other because we may lynch an innocent" thing because I wanted to see where this was going. But, now that we only have a couple of hours left, we are running out of time. The only ones who benefit from us not eliminating people, and therefore increasing our chances of finding a werepenguin are the werepenguins. We cannot possibly win by not lynching people. Therefore, I vote that we lynch the biggest proponent of not lynching people: boydster.
I cast my vote to lynch boydster.
If you agree with boydster that we should not lynch each other randomly in order to narrow down who is actually the were-penguins, then I ask that you vote to lynch me at least, because this is going to be a dumb game if nobody gets lynched. We can not gather evidence and we have no other means of finding out who the guilty ones are without lynching people, so I would rather sit it out than to not vote for lynching people and actually play the game.
I suppose it would be churlish to point out that you cast a vote based on evidence, followed by saying that we cannot gather evidence.
Though interestingly you have just made it a tie so that no one's getting lynched. If we are to take you at your word that only the werepenguins are trying to prevent lynchings, that would mean you're a penguin, as is Wesker, and you're acting to protect him.
I will say that no one's saying to sit out indefinitely, just the first night given that all we have is guesswork. It means less of us die. Even just by randomness we have a better chance tomorrow of finding the penguin, but if on top of that we know who they killed...
But in the spirit of the game, current suspects:
Pezevenk, for trying to cut down our numbers, then quickly backing down when people started talking caution.
Boydster, as jroa said, for starting and inspiring lynch-free talks.
Jroa and Wesker together, for the reasons said above.
Shifter and BHS, for not posting and thus keeping out of the limelight and not incriminating themselves. (I don't think Ichimaru's been online so can't say for sure with him).