David Paulides

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faded mike

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David Paulides
« on: February 08, 2019, 07:29:23 PM »
David Paulides has a series of video's and books about "missing 411". They are about mysteriuos dissappearances often in national parks and the strange similarities and inexplicable mystery surrounding these events. I am one who loves the out doors and camping and walking around in the forest, so although i found the mystery fascinating i tried not to watch too much to spook myself.

There is a bunch of Paulides videos available, I watched one of a Nexus conference i think just a few years back, but it was in australia... so..yeah, but anyway it was quite interesting and it's on youtube. Anyone else seen it? Apparently he wrote several books on the matter of these strange seemingly connected disappearances, and alothough he explicitely didn;t draw ant conclusions in his books, he also wrote a book on Bigfoot. Yikes!
« Last Edit: February 08, 2019, 07:52:33 PM by faded mike »
"Using our vast surveillance system, we've uncovered revolutionary new information..."

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faded mike

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Re: David Paulides
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2019, 07:33:39 PM »
Although i think this is a very dark topic, i feel some real respect for David Paulides for talking about this seemingly tabboo topic.(seemingly taboo according to the reports and actions of official investigators and park rangers - almost MIB like) But who knows, maybe their disappearance was a good thing!
« Last Edit: February 08, 2019, 07:53:16 PM by faded mike »
"Using our vast surveillance system, we've uncovered revolutionary new information..."

theoretical formula for Earths curvature = 8 inches multiplied by (miles squared) = inches drop from straight forward

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Re: David Paulides
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2019, 11:30:46 PM »
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faded mike

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Re: David Paulides
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2019, 08:50:10 PM »
They started using big foot images on signs for parks, and notices on the highway between Edmonton and Vancouver - in the mountains. Like a big sign with bigfoot leaning against something saying keep my home clean or respect the forest or something. Looked like a decent guy, but I thought it was in bad taste.

Edit: i meant bigfoot lookded reasonable and kind as portrayed.

*ALSO* :
 DAVID PAULIDES States clearly that He draws no conclusions and DOES NOT CONNECT THIS ISSUE TO BIGFFOT or any criptid phenomenon, my mistake.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2019, 06:46:57 PM by faded mike »
"Using our vast surveillance system, we've uncovered revolutionary new information..."

theoretical formula for Earths curvature = 8 inches multiplied by (miles squared) = inches drop from straight forward

kids: say no to drugs